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The 10th house corresponds to the 2nd part of the legs, the knees. They can meet their spouse in foreign land. The fortune of the native can be affected. This happens especially after the birth of their first child. Required fields are marked *. He should not marry at the age of 22 or 25. They love to look pleasing ,well dressed and seek attention. One can be interested in economics or international business. They are romantic or sometimes romantically impulsive. They can come across tantras in life. If 10th lord, Venus, is placed in the 12th house then their status in life could come even from a foreign country or foreign place. Career will remain strong from the age of 25. Romantic life in early part of life can go for toss. They can overcome any obstacles especially after marriage and joint assets can increase with this conjunction. Mercury & Ketu conjunction in 11th house may give attractive personality. In eighth house, it can help one to get rid of obstacles and give interest in occult mysticism. Surya signifies ones essential attributes the sense of self, ego, self-esteem, a sense of purpose, and so on. A person born in the Leo ascendant is happy in the initial stage, unhappy in middle age, and fully happy in the last scene. This also shows that the person may stay away from mother either physically or emotionally that depends on the degrees of sun and moon. They can turn diplomatic whenever needed. It also shows separation from father either mentally or physically and the cause of death of the native or father of the native can also be due to some mysterious diseases like cancer. After the birth of their firstborn child, fame comes into their lives and they are put into an authoritative position. If Saturn holds the lowest degree, the person will be humble and grounded. Competition and sports develop their ego and confidence . Partnership in business may not sustain. There can also be a cut or bruise in stomach part of the individual. This conjunction makes a person very optimistic and confident. He may be head of any organisations. The person can be creative, artistic in later part of life. The native gets respect and honour in government and society. If Venus is less than one degree behind the Sun, their career will magnify itself through a female boss. The native also has anger issues, excessive pride, ego and low self esteem. This conjunction can also gives inherited assets. They can work in government section and can find peace in homeland. The sixth house the original debilitated position of Venus. After birth of first child, one can get recognition, achievements and wealth. Spouse can try to manipulate situation to attain wealth of family. The native with Venus in 10th House for Leo Ascendant enjoys his father's love, blessings and cooperation. Rights Reserved by Vidhya Mitra Astrology Foundation. They may become lustful. Venus is stronger in Libra, Capricorn, Taurus, Pisces, and Aquarius. Birth of first child can give recognition and fame. They may be very pleasant and very agreeable (even at the cost of being honest) and very lazy in some situations. They may not have younger sibling or relationship with younger sibling can be restricted. This is one of the most stressful conjunction as Sun and Saturn are extreme enemies. He would have a strong foundation of education, good in numbers but success may be late. In upachya house the native improves with time. hindu astrology Whenever Rahu sits with other planet it takes the qualities of those planets. Saturn These programs are to educate everyone on the importance and accuracy of astrology why it still matters. Their boss plays a major role in charting out their career. Due to a major problem in marital life the person should especially take care when dealing with this. This astrology channel is like a encyclopedia of astrology. mercury Generally, the spouse is extravagant. At the same time, they can have phobia related to darkness or water. If moon holds the lowest degree, the person may be introvert, pessimistic and he may lack decision making skills because moon is a small planet compared to sun and this shows the foundation is weak. They can have hidden wealth or this conjunction can also give tendency towards earning wealth through illegal ways. The natives of Sun conjunct Venus in 1st house have their qualities aligned to their egos. This is a very interesting position. The native is spiritual and loves to preach about religion and philosophy. Relationship with elder siblings may suffer. So when the placement takes place, the native becomes egoistic and loves to be respected. He will be a vivid traveler and might have a drinking problem. As Sun and Saturn are enemies of each other but still there are positive aspects in this conjunction . He might feel difficult in concentrating on a single task due to his multitasking skills. Sun and Ketu Conjunction in 10th house 1)Before knowing the effect of Sun and Ketu conjunction in 10th house we have to know about Sun in 10th house, Ketu in 10th house and Sun and Ketu Conjunction. He will be of sound health and will live a long life. If the planetary placement is such that moon is weak, then relationship with parent especially mother will suffer. Marriage is important for the individual with this conjunction. They want to eat all the good food in their life. Father plays a great role in the life of the individual. Native may be powerful person and he is also power hungry person. It also shows that the native has real estates but aggressiveness of mother can lack peace at home. The person can be charming and can easily attract the crowds. The native with Venus in 10th House for Leo Ascendant is sage, ambitious and hard-working. Our Kundli software can help you predict the future for yourself by reading the birth chart. Get accurate Life Predictions through a Detailed Life Interpretation Astrology Report : Click Here. Elder siblings can deal with lots of up and downs in life. The sun represents a persons soul, ego, heart, self-esteem, father, and creator. Natives family life may be disturb. He may has lack of satisfaction in his profession. He has good knowledge of spirituality and religions.He may be criticizer of religious believes. At the same time, they love to serve people and they are less focused on home. After marriage, this conjunction in the ninth house raises the luck of an individual. Native, Your email address will not be published. They have a very charming and elegant character. They tend to have a strong career. Besides, women who have this placement will have a very strong and unfailing feminine characteristic. They may lack childhood friends in their life. If conjunction is within 5 degrees then sun being a hot planet will burn the qualities of Saturn. As moon represents mind and sun is your ego shows that this person has a clarity of mind and can take the right decisions in life, They dont have to struggle much and the decisions just flow by their own. 5) Native may has issues with his authority or boss at his work places. He will give a connection with royal families and will be very decent in his behavior. Rahu amplifies the qualities of Sun. His ability to gain followers easily can also be put in best use through this field. For waning moon in this conjunction, they can have hidden ambition while they do something for society. They can be in hospitality. He will be elated towards society and politics. They can also be spendthrift in nature. Their life is about love and relationship. This house gives huge success in the stock market and indicated a very successful financial career. Vedic Numerology The native owns vehicles and enjoys love and support from his brothers and sisters. The natives know how to grab someones attention and know-how to entice others. They can be stylist or can be very lustful. When the Sun and Venus conjunct in the tenth house, a person receives money and wealth after marriage. Criticizing the nature of the person will make him a good politician. They are very fond of being a leader where they can enjoy their life. This conjunction creates a courageous and bold personality. Early or timely marriage can be expected with this conjunction. Buy the Remedial Solutions for Love Report. Energies and conditions that arise from the Suns placement in a horoscope, along with the influences that the Sun receives, will be experienced in life as deep, long-term trends and processes that impact ones life as a whole. The person tends to stand out among the group. Hindu numerology Moles On Different Parts Of Body And Their Meaning As Per Astrology. One can do very well in dramatic arts. They can be easily identified in crowd because they are outgoing and confident. It can also give unusual relationship with father or loss of father. Sun and Venus are enemy. This house gives a person a royal background with good communicating skills. They have the capability to easily connect with people. They can meet their spouse in professional life. The native is business oriented with good skills and would be known for his/her skills. Person can have responsibility, struggle in foreign land. The person will be highly knowledgeable. This entire channel is hosted by me alone, Kapiel Raaj. 6) Native may be active in politics. If Sun holds the lowest degree and if Sun overpowers Venus then the person may sacrifice their relationship for goals. This person loves taking care of their home. 8) Natives father may be famous person. There can be separation from mother and grandmother in early life. When Sun is stronger than Venus it makes a person self-centered person. The natives father might cause issues within the marriage. Relationship can give some sufferings. It is always better to delay the marriage. His behavior will have a royal touch and he will be respected highly among his relatives. He may be full with self proudness and self respect. He will be blessed with parental property and will enjoy the comfort of servants in his life. Father of the individual will be very charming with great personality. He suffers from bile and wind disorders, meat-eating, succulents, krishodar, meager, small-minded, extremely powerful, arrogant, indulgent, sharp-witted, petulant, heroic, wandering, rajoguni, indignant, big-handed. The person will be religious and his beliefs will be strong. They have an amazing relationship with them. It means the native would work for the king/ government. He may be in government jobs or authority jobs or having jobs in M.N.C. planet in 4th house The native has unnecessary pride for no reason. Sun in 10th House for Leo Ascendant in Vedic Astrology. In short, when buddha aditya yoga is formed the native can grasp things faster than others. \r\rThese videos are based on the ancient science of Vedic Astrology known as Jyotish in India. On the other hand, the life path of the native can be hard. Spouse can have honey colored eyes. These people usually have a charming personality and they are usually easy-going. Female spouses will be ego-centered in nature that can cause some problems in marriage. The ninth house represents a higher devotion. The Sun-Venus conjunct natives may face some difficulties in progeny matters as well. He will have a strong and healthy relationship with his father that will eventually help him succeed. He may facing tax related issues related to his work place. Father can dominate over mother in decision making skills. The word soul is used for the deepest and truest nature, the ultimate sense of identity, inspiration, and aspiration. Lets study sun Saturn conjunction in all houses: The person may need to face a lot of struggle in choosing the right life path. However, there is more to their equation than just this one aspect. But he has a harsh attitude on his face. People with this conjunction can be power hungry and may not be ready to give up their power. It can also show a person in banking and financial sector. The mark acts as a sign of prosperity. The person will be more inclined towards comfort and a luxurious lifestyle. They have constant thought about what others think of them and they care a lot about their image and personality in the eyes of others. Get best future predictions related to Marriage, love life, Career or Health over call, chat, query or report. Now lets study Rahu sun conjunction in all houses: The relationship with father and health of the native suffers. This positioning leads to objections by the family in the case of love marriage. This is a very good position for any kind of administrative work. He has this charming personality that attracts the attention of people around. If sun is exalted or on its own sign then sun will infuse its qualities in Saturn and vice versa. The native has harsh speech, anger issues and gets separated from family. But Sun gets directional strength in 10th house. If Saturn (default ruler of 10th house) is placed in the 11th house then they could also work over the internet as a digital designer as 11th house represents the world of internet. As it is a upachya house, the result improves with time. On the contrary, sleep disturbance can be there. Native may be facing many sorts of hurdles in his profession. Saturn, its ruler, signifies routine work, and the movable property adds to the active nature of the 10th. He will have perfect dark hair even when inching towards old age. The native with Venus in 2nd House for Scorpio Ascendant is healthy and enjoys the benefit of the longevity of life but loses the benefit of inheritance. If Venus is combust, their spouse spends mindlessly. Native with the conjunction of Mercury & Ketu in the 7th house will be prime Karak for disturbed marriage life. It could also signify a very unusual relationship with father. The person may not get teachings of father. Venus and Rahu in the tenth house. The native can earn wealth but may be a spendthrift. In first house it can make the native wise with good decision making skills. Spouse and father can fight with each other. The person can be a lawyer, government official or working in higher position. He has good knowledge. It is really beneficial for the natives to work in the government. The natives of this conjunction in the eleventh house are greatly romantic individuals. The presence of Venus makes them crave luxury. Person may be unable to save money. The conjunction works best in pisces as Venus is exalted and Sun in friendly sign. The person will be born with an inbuilt quality of religious belief. The natives spouse and father will get into fights and disputes often. Venus is a peace-loving planet that believes in harmony. His basic education is good. if Sun is not well placed it can lead to defamation by higher authority and government. On the contrary, spouse can be spendthrift. There can be difference in opinions in marriage. The native is dominating and may have eye problem. If the sun is not well placed then the person can face eyesight and speech defection issues. This person secretly desires to be the most powerful person. The native can also be separated from family in early part of life. It can also show conflicts in romantic life. Numerology They have a strong willpower to achieve their goal. Excessive drinking is also possible with this conjunction. Sun holding the lower degree would give much better result in the conjunction. In enemy sign it gives poor result. With feet and broad chest, fiery temperament, knowledgeable in Vedanta, one who loves horse riding, skilful in armaments, sharp-tempered, generous, and serving saints and saints. The person gain confidence through love and relationship. The conjunction can bring stage phobia as well as a great deal of responsibility on the houses related to the particular house. The native with Sun in 10th House for Leo Ascendant earns massive wealth. At the same time, woman loves to collect gems and jewelry. The person will be blessed with more girl children and will have to do remedies in order to beget a boy child. 2)Native may be brave and courageous. One is very creative and can also be a diplomat. These individuals are generally subservient in the marriage. Sun sitting in the 1st house denotes that the native will be extensively involved with his career and work in his life. The native is greedy about joint assets or others people wealth. The second house represents family, money, wealth, culture, beauty, and things that one values. The native can face problem with siblings. He will be a scholar and will have good knowledge of mantras. Mercury and Venus in the 10th House. Learn how your comment data is processed. Their sexual appetite is generally extremely strong. They can be very diplomatic and their hairline can recede after marriage. The fifth house represents intelligence, education, children, past life deeds, and creativity. When mars hold the lowest degree, the person will be egoistic. If sun or mercury are functional malefic, then poor result can be expected, This conjunction in dustana house like 6,8, 12, the conjunction can give less result, This conjunction when afflicted by malefics like Rahu, ketu, saturn, poor result can be expected, If the lord of the house where the conjunction took place is weakly placed then less result can be expected, In navamsa, when the conjunction splits or in poor state then less result can be expected. Spouse can be lucky after marriage and at the same time, s/he can be very strategic in personal and professional life. With the sun giving light to Venus, a person becomes diplomatic in nature to be able to maintain relationships well. Which Smartphone You Should Buy According To Your Zodiac Sign? Especially if this conjunction takes place in 10th house Sun may brighten the qualities of moon and it will give a good career in politics. The conjunction also means serving the government and it can help the person in legal and government field . Sun ketu conjunction in 7th and 8th house is detrimental for marriage. The native is intelligent and analytical in his speech and approaches towards family members. He may has issues in his parental property. Ketu represents spirituality, isolation, separation, abandonment of material things, moksha, salvation, liberation, philosophy, allergy, fever, wound, surgery, insects, spotted dogs, mysterious diseases. They may always try to gain from other people. One can be egoistic as well as romantic in marriage. They try to dominate his siblings or relationship with siblings suffers. Success, Name & Fame In Astrology: Everything You Need To Know, On Chaitra Navratri 2023 Day 9 Pray To Maa Siddhidatri For Better Health. Sun in the 10th House in Scorpio - In the sign of Scorpio, the sun in the 10th house is a placement that can indicate an attraction to careers in psychology, forensics and investigation and research. Because of this they always want comfort in their relationship and they are never willing to sacrifice with their comfort. The native may have anger issues. One will love to work for NGO, social welfare etc. Their investment rises after marriage. Native has an unstable, Mercury & Ketu conjunction in 9th house makes him religious from mind. So the success of the person may delay when moon is combust or weak. This person can also has a tendency to incline towards fashion industry. it also show soldiers or high profile in government jobs. At the same time check if the conjunction is in the house of badhakesh then less result from this conjunction. The native lacks peace of mind and health of family may suffer. Capricorn corresponds to the 10th house. After marriage, one can build connection with politicians, government etc. The native can be in an authoritative position and has good qualities of leadership.