"U.S. It was recently argued that Beshear would be an vs. [169] In December 2018, in the wake of court filings implicating President Trump's involvement in campaign finance violations, including an attempt to buy a woman's silence, Paul played down the alleged violations and said that they should not be "over-criminalized. 03-26-2022, 03:19 PM SWFL_Native 8,307 posts, read 5,417,061 times Reputation: 13727 The elder Paul defeated incumbent Democrat-turned-Republican Greg Laughlin in the Republican primary, despite Laughlin's support from the NRCC and Republican leaders such as Newt Gingrich and George W. Under Paul's proposal, defense spending would be reduced by 6.5percent and international aid would be eliminated. [326][327] He also filed a class action lawsuit against the Obama administration seeking to end the program. [260] In 2011, shortly after being elected, Paul proposed a budget which specified $542 billion in defense spending. *: These candidates were constitutionally ineligible to serve as President or Vice President. [31] By Paul's estimate, about 50 or 60 doctors were certified by the NBO. Glenn Youngkin and South Dakota Gov. [120] Also in March 2013, Paul endorsed fellow Kentucky Republican Senator Mitch McConnell's 2014 re-election campaign. Paul, who is deaf in one ear,[365] was wearing noise-canceling headphones while mowing his lawn, reportedly enabling Boucher to tackle Paul without his own approach being noticed. He is done. Referencing the movie Gattaca, Paul quoted almost verbatim from the Wikipedia article about the film without citing the source. previous next Pages: [1] Poll Question: Do you think Rand Paul will run in 2024? "[170] Paul said that the campaign finance violations were "an error in filing paperwork or not categorizing" and that going after such violations would turn the U.S. into a "banana republic, where every president gets prosecuted and every president gets thrown in jail when they're done with office. There was really nothing involved. Both bills failed to pass the Senate. Rand Paul has been consistent about the debacle of our foreign policy and endless wars for years. [252] Following the Court's decision, Paul said in 2015, "While I disagree with Supreme Court's redefinition of marriage, I believe that all Americans have the right to contract. [312][313] Paul introduced the Marijuana Businesses Access to Banking Act in 2015 to allow cannabis businesses increased access to banks. re: Rand Paul should run for President in 2024 Posted on 1/21/21 at 2:54 pm to cajunangelle You could get Christ himself to run for POTUS as a Republican and he would still lose. Sen. Rand Paul on Monday called for the Biden administration to declassify documents reportedly showing the Energy Department assessing COVID-19 likely originated from a Chinese lab leak. [368][370] According to a memorandum filed by Baker the dispute was over Paul repeatedly leaving tree yard debris near his property line with his neighbor. GET THE INSIDE SCOOP FIRST WITH WASHINGTON SECRETS. The bill was opposed only by Rand Paul and Bernie Sanders. [367][368] In August 2019, part of Paul's lung required removal as a result of the injuries he suffered during the attack. [322][323] In 2015 Paul spoke for ten and a half hours on the Senate floor against renewing provisions of the PATRIOT Act that he said were unconstitutional. [155][156] On March 16, Senator John McCain (Rep) accused Paul of being an agent of Vladimir Putin after Paul objected to adding Montenegro to NATO. [369], Boucher's attorney, Matthew Baker, described it as "a very regrettable dispute between two neighbors over a matter that most people would regard as trivial". "[253], During Rachel Levine's confirmation hearing with the Senate HELP Committee to be Assistant Secretary of Health and Human Services under President Biden, Paul compared transgender medicine to "genital mutilation" and accused her of supporting "surgical destruction of a minor's genitalia." They claim that Boucher had threatened Donald Trump earlier and that he was "a vocal hater" of Trump and the GOP. [78][79], On June 28, 2010, Paul supporters held their first post-primary online fundraising drive, this time promoted as a "money blast". The protestors' main contention point with Paul was the shooting of Breonna Taylor and their demands for Paul to "say her name". [302], Paul was one of six Republican senators to vote no on expanding the COVID-19 Hate Crimes Act, which would allow the U.S. Justice Department to review hate crimes related to COVID-19 and establish an online database. [337] On February 2, 2015, he told conservative radio host Laura Ingraham regarding vaccinations, that "most of them ought be voluntary". [109] However, he was later vocal about his disagreements with Romney on a number of policies. [261], Referring to ISIS, Paul stated: "I personally believe that this group would not be in Iraq and would not be as powerful had we not been supplying their allies in the war [against Syrian Bashar al-Assad's government]. He later voted against stopgap measures on March 17 and April 8, both of which passed the senate. Sign up now to get the Washington Examiners breaking news and timely commentary delivered right to your inbox. [347] Fauci replied, "You've misconstrued that Senator, and you've done that repetitively in the past", saying that New York had succeeded in getting the virus under control by adhering to the CDC's clinical guidelines. WebRand Paul introduced the Life at Conception Act on January 21, 2016, which would implement equal protection under the 14th Amendment for the right to life of each born and unborn human. [2] Dr. Rand Paul on the Sanctity of Life Video released by Paul discussing abortion rights in April 2015. [376] At his resentencing, Boucher received a prison term of eight months, plus another six months of home confinement, and was given credit for the 30 days he had previously served. Ultimately, nine people infected with Ebola returned to the United States, two nurses contracted the disease within the US, and two of the returning travelers died. With 45 Republican senators supporting him, Paul stated the impeachment was 'dead on arrival'. [104], On September 7, Paul called for a vote of no confidence in United States Secretary of the Treasury Timothy Geithner. [35], Paul maintained his own ABO certification from 1995 to 2005. Paul also said that conservatives must present a message of justice and concern for the unemployed and be against government surveillance to attract new people to the movement, including the young, Hispanics, and black voters. [18], Although Grayson was considered the frontrunner in July 2009,[71] Paul found success characterizing Grayson as a "career politician" and challenging Grayson's conservatism. "[59] On April 15, 2009, Paul gave his first political speech as a potential candidate at a Tea Party rally held in his town of Bowling Green, Kentucky, where more than 700 people had gathered in support of the Tea Party movement..mw-parser-output cite.citation{font-style:inherit;word-wrap:break-word}.mw-parser-output .citation q{quotes:"\"""\"""'""'"}.mw-parser-output .citation:target{background-color:rgba(0,127,255,0.133)}.mw-parser-output .id-lock-free a,.mw-parser-output .citation .cs1-lock-free a{background:url("//upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/6/65/Lock-green.svg")right 0.1em center/9px no-repeat}.mw-parser-output .id-lock-limited a,.mw-parser-output .id-lock-registration a,.mw-parser-output .citation .cs1-lock-limited a,.mw-parser-output .citation .cs1-lock-registration a{background:url("//upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/d/d6/Lock-gray-alt-2.svg")right 0.1em center/9px no-repeat}.mw-parser-output .id-lock-subscription a,.mw-parser-output .citation .cs1-lock-subscription a{background:url("//upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/a/aa/Lock-red-alt-2.svg")right 0.1em center/9px no-repeat}.mw-parser-output .cs1-ws-icon a{background:url("//upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/4/4c/Wikisource-logo.svg")right 0.1em center/12px no-repeat}.mw-parser-output .cs1-code{color:inherit;background:inherit;border:none;padding:inherit}.mw-parser-output .cs1-hidden-error{display:none;color:#d33}.mw-parser-output .cs1-visible-error{color:#d33}.mw-parser-output .cs1-maint{display:none;color:#3a3;margin-left:0.3em}.mw-parser-output .cs1-format{font-size:95%}.mw-parser-output .cs1-kern-left{padding-left:0.2em}.mw-parser-output .cs1-kern-right{padding-right:0.2em}.mw-parser-output .citation .mw-selflink{font-weight:inherit}The Tea Party Goes to Washington. [318][319], In 2022, Paul introduced the Right to Try Clarification Act to clarify that the Right to Try Act allows terminally ill patients to use Schedule I drugs for which a Phase I clinical trial has been completed. [157][158] Paul responded the following day by saying McCain "makes a really, really strong case for term limits", suggesting McCain had become "a little unhinged" as a result of his seniority. Government Bullies: How Everyday Americans Are Being Harassed, Abused, and Imprisoned by the Feds, 2010 United States Senate election in Kentucky, statements made by Obama Administration officials, United States Department of Homeland Security, Department of Housing and Urban Development, Director of the Central Intelligence Agency, defensive anti-missile installations in Poland and the Czech Republic, 2021 United States Electoral College vote count, Subcommittee on Near East, South Asia, Central Asia and Counterterrorism, Subcommittee on Europe and Regional Security Cooperation, Subcommittee on Multilateral International Development, Multilateral Institutions, and International Economic, Energy and Environmental Policy, Subcommittee on State Department and USAID Management, International Operations and Bilateral International Development, Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions, Subcommittee on Employment and Workplace Safety, Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs, Subcommittee on Emergency Management, Intergovernmental Relations, and the District of Columbia, Committee on Small Business and Entrepreneurship, Small Business and Entrepreneurship Committee, 2016 Republican Party presidential primaries, 2016 United States Senate election in Kentucky, American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property, Federation for American Immigration Reform, National Federation of Independent Business, U.S. airstrike on Baghdad International Airport, Russian interference in the 2016 election, withdrawal of all U.S. forces from Afghanistan, health and safety of pregnant women in prison, the scientific consensus on climate change, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, United States Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit, 2022 United States Senate election in Kentucky, Taking a Stand: Moving Beyond Partisan Politics to Unite America, List of politicians affiliated with the Tea Party movement, List of United States Congress members killed or wounded in office, Republican Party presidential candidates, 2016, "Sen. Rand Paul announces he has filed for re-election", "How Rand Paul went from calling Donald Trump an 'orange windbag' to being a devout disciple", "For Paul Family, Libertarian Ethos Began at Home", "Rand Paul rides tide of anti-Washington sentiment", "10 Things You Didn't Know About Rand Paul", "Texas congressman brings presidential campaign to hometown", "Running for Senate, Rand Paul lights a fire under Kentucky GOP", "Rand Paul's claim twice in one day that he has a biology degree", "Paul: GQ allegations 'absolutely untrue', "Contrary to some media reports, Rand Paul has no bachelor's degree", "Fact check: Rand Paul is still licensed to practice ophthalmology", "PolitiFact - No, Rand Paul's medical license wasn't revoked", "Rand Paul's political rise surprises even those in Bowling Green", "Rand Paul's Practice Merges with Downing-McPeak", "Rand Paul says he has recovered from COVID-19 and is volunteering at a hospital", "Son of long-shot presidential hopeful to visit Montana", "How Rand Paul tried to lead an eye doctors' rebellion", "Rand Paul: I passed my ophthalmology certification, but took a stand against the way the board operates", "Rand Paul's Addresses Ophthalmology Certification Questions", "Rand Paul's Doctor Credentials Questioned for Lacking Top Board's Certification", "Kentucky: GenSearch Board of Medical Licensure", "Rand Paul's Antitax Group Has Been Inactive for Years", "Legislators Honored as Anti-Tax 'Heroes' But Several Honorees Recently Voted for Tax", "8 Legislators Named Friends of Taxpayers", "Bowling Green ophthalmologist says father, Rep. Ron Paul, R-Texas, stands a good chance in N.H. primary election", "Rand Paul files class-action suit vs NSA", "Rand Paul files suit against Obama, NSA Wednesday", "Rand Paul files lawsuit against NSA, President Obama over phone surveillance", "Rand Paul pandering to GOP with NSA lawsuit, former Dem governor says", "Rand Paul files class action lawsuit over NSA surveillance", "E-mails back claim that Sen. Rand Paul 'stole' NSA lawsuit", "Every Congress member to get Rand Paul's book", "Paul, Gillibrand Represent the Senate on Time's '100 Most Influential', "Ron Paul defends earmarks, says anti-pork McCain is just grandstanding", "Bunning Retirement Might Not Save GOP in Kentucky", "Dr. Rand Paul Ready To Enter Primary For Bunning's Seat", "Rand Paul To Form Exploratory Committee For U.S. Senate Bid", "Politics Nation KY Sen: Potential Bunning Challenger Passes On Race", "Rand Paul Declares Candidacy For Kentucky Senate Seat", "Ron Paul's son following in father's footsteps", "Web site promotes 'fight' to raise money for Paul", "Rand Paul flips, seeks money from bailout senators", "James Dobson endorses Rand Paul, apologizes for having previously backed his opponent", "Official 2010 Kentucky Election Results", "Conway Wins Democratic Primary for U.S. Senate Seat", "Outside groups spend big in U.S. Senate race", "Rand Paul comments about civil rights stir controversy", "Rand Paul Says He Has A Tea Party 'Mandate', "More raw video: Rand Paul sits down with Joe Arnold to address recent controversial statements", "Rand Paul: Obama Sounds 'Un-American' For Criticizing BP Over Gulf Oil Spill", "Father watches with pride as Rand Paul becomes U.S. senator", "Four committee assignments for Rand Paul", "Rand Paul announces Senate Tea Party Caucus", "Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul rolls out budget ax", "Senator Rand Paul seeks $500 billion in federal spending cuts", "A detailed look at the Rand Paul spending bill", "Sen. Paul Unveils 5-Year Budget Plan: Eliminates Four Federal Agencies", "Senate passes short-term extension of Patriot Act provisions", "Patriot Act Extension Passes Senate, Rand Paul Amendments Fail", "Yarmuth and Paul vote no on stopgap spending bill", "Kickin' the Can: Senate Passes Stop-Gap Spending Plan, Buys Lawmakers Three More Weeks To Solve Funding Mess", "House, Senate Pass Bipartisan Budget Deal to Fund Government", "Kentucky Senator Paul berates Obama for 'cavalierly taking us to war, "Rand Paul opposes U.S. military involvement in Libya", "Sen. Rand Paul: No Debt Ceiling Increase Without Balanced Budget Amendment", "Rand Paul reacts to passage of debt ceiling bill", "Rand Paul Calls for No Confidence on Geithner", "Rand Paul blocks pipeline-safety bill, frustrating Californians", "Rand Paul: Romney's wrong on Middle East, defense spending", "Rand Paul on the Foreign Relations Committee and What It Means", "Rand Paul Ends Epic Mr. Smith-Style Filibuster After More Than 12 Hours", "Sen. Paul holds floor for hours in filibuster of CIA nominee, over drone concerns", "Rand Paul pulls plug on nearly 13-hour filibuster on drones", "Rand Paul ends epic filibuster over Brennan", "Press Briefing by Press Secretary Jay Carney, 3/7/2013", "Rand Paul and Ted Cruz threaten filibuster on guns", "Gun bill clears Senate hurdle as filibuster falls short", "McConnell eyes Trump, Paul and reelection when it comes to emergency fight", "Rand Paul: No government bailout for Detroit", "Rand Paul: U.S. involvement in Syria a 'mistake, "Rand Paul: Opposition to military action led to Syria diplomacy", "Sen. Rand Paul warns science could be used to alter gene pool", "Rachel Maddow says Rand Paul's 'Gattaca' speech 'was totally ripped off of Wikipedia, "Critics pounce on Rand Paul's borrowed language", "Senator Rand Paul faces new charges of plagiarism", "Three pages of Rand Paul's book were plagiarized from think tanks", "More instances of plagiarism in Rand Paul's book", "Sections of Rand Paul's op-ed on drug sentencing plagiarized from article week earlier", "After plagiarism allegations, Rand Paul's Washington Times column nixed", "After Plagiarism Charges, Paul Announces Office Restructuring", "Rand Paul: GOP shouldn't 'tweak' Russia over Ukraine", "Russian parliament approves use of troops in Ukraine", "Putin orders drills in Crimea, clash shows region's divide", "U.S. must take strong action against Putin's aggression", "Rand Paul in cross hairs of tax evasion war", "2014 Distinguished Service Award Dinner Honoring Senator Rand Paul", "Rand Paul: The Case for Conservative Realism", "Rand Paul Battles Marco Rubio Over Cuba Policy", "Sen. Paul Proposes an Audit of the Federal Reserve", "Rand Paul calls it a night after 10 1/2 hours", "Rand Paul seizes political moment with NSA protest", "NSA reform advances as Senate moves to vote on USA Freedom Act as it happened", "Rand Paul: It's A 'Conflict Of Interest' For Obama To Nominate A Supreme Court Justice", "Obama Calls on Congress to Reform U.S. Tax Code", "Rand Paul's tribute to Muhammad Ali: Trying to end Selective Service", "All Information (Except Text) for H.R.608 - Stop Arming Terrorists Act", "John McCain: Rand Paul 'Now Working for Vladimir Putin', "John McCain accuses Rand Paul of working for Vladimir Putin", "Rand Paul and John McCain trade jabs, as Paul calls McCain 'past his prime,' 'unhinged', "John McCain Slams Rand Paul Over Syria: 'He Doesn't Have Any Real Influence', "Rand Paul: Syria strikes 'not in the national interest', "Lawmakers slam Trump for bypassing Congress on Syria strike", "Letter to the Honorable Donald J. Trump", "The Republicans who urged Trump to pull out of Paris deal are big oil darlings", "Meet the 5 Lawmakers Who Voted Against the Russia Sanctions Bill", "GOP senators introduce Trump immigration framework", "The 14 GOP senators who voted against Trump's immigration framework", "Republicans defend Trump amid brewing legal storm", "Rand Paul unveils ObamaCare replacement", "In chaotic scene, Rand Paul demands to see the House GOP's Obamacare repeal bill", "Sen. Paul slams Rep. Ryan on health care", "Rand Paul says Paul Ryan selling 'bill of goods' to Trump", "Rand Paul takes victory lap on GOP health bill", "Trump plays golf with Rand Paul, budget chief at Trump Golf Club in Virginia", "Trump talks healthcare with Republican critic on golf course", "Rand Paul denounces 'new entitlements' in emerging health bill", "Paul: Cassidy-Graham health care bill not 'going anywhere', "Rand Paul says can't support last-ditch GOP ObamaCare repeal", "Paul calls new ObamaCare repeal bill a trillion-dollar boondoggle", "Rand Paul to Trump: 'I won't be bribed or bullied' into supporting Graham-Cassidy bill", "Rand Paul rips Romney for criticizing Trump", "Jon Stewart accuses Rand Paul of 'fiscal responsibility virtue signaling' in stalling 9/11 victims funding", "Rand Paul accuses Jon Stewart of being 'part of left-wing mob' after criticism over 9/11 victim fund", "Republicans break with Trump and Rand Paul on whistleblower unmasking", "Sen. Rand Paul Blasts YouTube for Censorship After Floor Speech Is Removed", https://www.congress.gov/116/crec/2020/02/04/CREC-2020-02-04-senate.pdf, "YouTube censors Rand Paul by removing Trump impeachment question, and he's not happy", "Rand Paul discloses 16 months late that his wife bought stock in company behind covid treatment", "Rand Paul's wife bought shares in Covid treatment maker Gilead in early days of virus, the couple's only individual stock purchase in years", "Senate GOP COVID-19 Relief Bill Fails; Chances Of Bipartisan Deal Before Election Dim", "The one Republican who voted against Mitch McConnell's COVID-19 relief bill? He ended his campaign in February 2016 after finishing in fifth place during the Iowa caucuses. In a press release and during the Electoral College session to count the vote, which followed the 2021 United States Capitol attack, Paul argued that the electoral college is an indispensable friend of democracy in checking the danger of centralized power in deciding elections. Trump is persona non grata. [119] The filibuster was attempted on April 11, 2013, but was dismissed by cloture, in a 6831 vote. Brennan. A police perimeter was formed that escorted the Pauls away from the crowd, with one of the escorting officers being pushed in the process. [27], Paul specializes in cataract and glaucoma surgeries, LASIK procedures, and corneal transplants. From $1.82. President Trump opposed the bill, pointing out that relations with Russia were already "at an all-time and dangerous low". Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) took to Twitter to react to a report published by The Wall Street Journal about the origin of COVID-19. [272] Paul had previously insisted that he would not confirm Pompeo, citing Pompeo's hawkish foreign policy beliefs. [378][379] Paul received bipartisan criticism from his Senate colleagues after it was discovered that he attended Senate lunches and used the Senate gym while awaiting his test results; he defended his actions because he had no symptoms of the illness and believed it was "highly unlikely" he was sick. [244][245] Since 2010, he has said he would allow for a doctor's discretion in life-threatening cases such as ectopic pregnancies. [271] In April 2018, Paul voted for the confirmation of Mike Pompeo as Secretary of State. [1] A member of the Republican Party, he is a son of former three-time presidential candidate and 12-term U.S. representative from Texas, Ron Paul. [18], While attending Duke University School of Medicine, Paul volunteered for his father's 1988 Libertarian presidential campaign. [192] This purchase was the only stock in an individual company that Paul or his wife bought in the previous 10 years. "[262] Paul then supported airstrikes against ISIS, but questioned the constitutionality of Obama's unilateral actions without a clear congressional mandate. The Republican Party Red Logo Sticker. I think they are a good thing, but I think the parent should have some input. [2], Paul was a candidate for the Republican nomination in the 2016 U.S. presidential election. [54][55] He is also a contributor to Time magazine.[56]. Our founding fathers went to the local courthouse to be married, not to Washington, D.C. He blamed the rioters as setting back election reform discussions and asked them to "just stop it. [185] In response, Paul said he has always insisted on "pay-go provisions" for any increase in spending, including for disaster relief funding, and called Stewart uninformed and a part of a "left-wing mob". Term Limits Praises Senator Rand Paul (KY) for Signing Pledge", "What you see of Kelley now is what she was then", "Here's what we know about Sen. Rand Paul's faith: 'Never been easy', "Our liberal media love rage politics and endanger my husband and others who won't back their woke agenda", "Radical Liberalism or Gardening Dispute? [269], Paul, like his father, has also been a critic of neoconservatism,[270] and urged Trump to not choose prominent neoconservative Elliott Abrams to serve as Deputy Secretary of State. [80][81], Paul's campaign got off to a rough start after his comments on the Civil Rights Act of 1964 stirred controversy. [346] Paul said New York's high fatality rate showed that mitigation efforts were insufficient. Paul held the floor for 12 hours and 52 minutes. [381], In August 2020, immediately following his attendance at the keynote speech delivered by President Donald Trump for the 2020 Republican National Convention held at the White House, Paul was confronted by protestors on his way to a hotel with his wife. [231] He is generally described as a libertarian, a term he both embraced[232] and rejected[233] during his first Senate campaign. Paul was rebuked by committee chairman Patty Murray, as well as multiple House and Senate Democrats, who were to vote on the Equality Act that same day. He was the first member of the United States Senate to test positive. Buy Rand Paul For President 47 2024 T-Shirt: Shop top fashion brands T-Shirts at Amazon.com FREE DELIVERY and Returns possible on eligible purchases [151], During a press briefing on May 6, 2016, President Obama called on Paul to stop "blocking the implementation of tax treaties that have been pending for years", arguing that they assisted law enforcement in off shore investigations into tax evasion. [265] In December 2018 he supported President Trump's decision to pull the US army out from the Syrian Civil war. I've often said I don't want my guns or my marriage registered in Washington. ", Alex Murdaugh trial: Murderer sentenced to consecutive life sentences after being found guilty, Paul Bedard, Washington Secrets Columnist. First of all you have to get the voting system changed which aint happening. ", "Reid vows to block vote on Paul's 'life at conception' amendment to flood bill", "Sen. Rand Paul: Didn't think Obama's view 'could get any gayer, "In Kentucky, a Senate candidate with a pedigree for agitation", "Ron Paul's son borrows tactics for Senate bid in Kentucky", "H.R.3 - No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion Act", "Paul calls for bipartisan DACA solution", "11 Senate Republicans voted to block Trump's border wall emergency declaration", "In Kentucky, a Senate Candidate With a Pedigree for Agitation", "Rand Paul: Government Should Get Out of the Marriage Business Altogether", "At a Senate hearing and on the House floor, emotional debates erupt over transgender rights", "Patty Murray rebukes Rand Paul for 'harmful misrepresentations' at historic confirmation hearing for Rachel Levine", "Rand Paul Supports Some Military Bases On Foreign Soil, A Big Difference From His Dad", "Rand Paul: Blame Dick Cheney for Iraq violence, not Obama", "Isolationist policies make the threat of terrorism even greater", "GOP's Paul Doubles Down on Isolationism", "Rand Paul Proposes Boosting Defense Spending", "Republican Senator Rand Paul Accuses US of Arming Isis Terrorists", "Rand Paul's hawkish turn breeds unease at libertarian conference", "Rand Paul Calls Obama's ISIS Plan 'Unconstitutional', but he does support the intervention", "I am happy to see a President who can declare victory and bring our troops out of a war. In 1998, he joined a private medical group practice, the Graves Gilbert Clinic, in Bowling Green, for 10 years. [282], On May 12, 2022, Paul stopped a vote on a $40 billion spending bill for aid to Ukraine during the 2022 Russian invasion, objecting that it would be the second spending bill for this purpose, and is 3 times larger than the first.