Coralglow Company Nig LTD. Jun 2013 - Aug 20141 year 3 months. Ygen () Ygen is an important concept in traditional Japanese aesthetics. It expresses surprise, astonishment, exhaustion, relief, and can be used to express empathy. Get instant definitions for any word that hits you anywhere on the web! And while were at it, barnbarn (literally, childchild) is the Swedish word for grandchild. If you want to learn even more terms of endearment from around the globe, head to this article! Sobremesa Shared mealtimes are a very important part of Spanish culture, and the time spent after the meal just chatting and relaxing is very important. Vobba is a mash-up of the two verbs att vabba (to take care of a child) and att jobba (to work). Toll Free - USA & Canada only: 1-800-464-1640 . Tartle The moment where you hesitate when introducing someone because youve just forgotten their name. You can unsubscribe at any time. Fare la scarpetta To finish up the contents of your plate, especially the sauce, with a piece of bread. Learn Greek for travel! Blunda Blunda is a Swedish word that means to close or cover your eyes to avoid seeing something or facing a hard truth. Shouganai () A Japanese philosophy that states that if something is meant to be and cannot be controlled, then why worry about it? Being in a state of bliss and perfect peace in your mind. Vancouver, Canada Area. The word Pretty translated in 104 different languages. Gkotta describes waking up at dawn, and going outside, just to hear birds chirping and singing. 1. Ailyak Ailyak is a beautiful Bulgarian term for the subtle art of doing everything calmly and without rushing, whilst enjoying the experience and life in general. MY PRECIOUS MARZENA HELENA ANTONIK. Koi no yokan comes from (koi) is romantic love, and (yokan) roughly translates to premonition or hunch, and roughly translates to premonition of love. This word is used often in the Greek translation of the Bible. How to use precious in a sentence. Learn Afrikaans for travel! English speaking customer support only. Momo is similar to Chinese baozi, jiaozi, and . Utepils Pronounced [OOH-ta-pilz], Utepils is a beautiful Norwegian compound word where ute means out, outside, outdoors and pils means lager, so it literally translates to outdoors lager. Can also refer to the act of pursuing these simple pleasures so that they add up to a general feeling of fulfillment and happiness with your life. Dapjeongneo () A situation where youre the right thing by telling the other person what they want to hear, even though you might not actually believe it. A subordinate official, especially a servile one. Offering your Holy Quran Translation and Quran Transliteration in English and several other languages, Quran recitation has never been easier. Speak name Precious to me in Danish with audio sound. Yoko meshi () Used to convey the stress-induced while speaking a foreign language, the literal meaning is a meal eaten sideways. This could be as a result of having limited access to resources or knowledge. Litost Litost is nearly untranslatable, but Czech writer Milan Kundera describes it as a state of torment created by the sudden sight of ones own misery. This is a beautiful and inspiring word in Japanese that is meant to describe sunlight that is filtering through the leaves. Cierpare This beautiful word literally has Persian origins and literally means liver part. It can also mean to struggle explaining something. Even some of the languages listed have additional words or phrases that also mean beautiful. favorite, valued adj. This is the way that you can pronounce names like Precious. It suggests a sense of closeness that many consider encompasses the heart of Dutch culture. La douleur exquise If French is the language of love, then it seems only fitting that it has a term to describe all the feelings associated with unrequited love. Abused by her mother, raped by her father, she grows up poor, angry, illiterate, fat, unloved, and generally unnoticed. Tsundoku () How many times have you bought a book but never read it? etta reddast Pronounced [THETTA red-ahst], etta reddast is Icelands unofficial motto that loosely translates as everything will work out in the end. It is a reference to the idea that the ostrich will bury its head in the sand and believe that that hides it from approaching danger. Fernweh Fernweh is one of my favourite travel words that describe wanderlust perfectly. 239000010970 precious metal Substances 0.000 title 2 . Of course, this isnt an exhaustive list of every possible way to say beautiful in a different language. Ruhe. Waldeinsamkeit The feeling of being alone in the woods. It also can refer to a private but non-verbal exchange shared by two people, one where each knows that the other understands and agrees what is being expressed. If you write love letters or poems to your significant other, consider using multiple translations of beautiful in the text. It literally translates to education mother. Razljubit () Razljubit is the opposite feeling of the Norwegian forelsket when you first fall in love. Anteayer is made up of the Spanish word ante, meaning before or in front of, and ayer, meaning yesterday. The second, Sino-Tibetan, includes the Chinese and Tibeto-Burman languages. In English is would be Meshico. Literally meaning a soft egg, the closest English equivalent would be wimp. The closest term is excitement, but this doesnt quite capture the essence of ilusion, which has a more innocent, child-like excited anticipation . In 1992 a prominent US linguist stunned the academic world by predicting that by the year 2100, 90% of the world's languages would have ceased to exist. This refers to the very modern practice of ringing someones mobile phone. Jijivisha () This Hindi word conveys an intense desire to live life to the fullest. English (UK) is one of the common native languages in world. It can be translated to no worries or no dramas and means to avoid worrying about things outside of your control. Kaamos Kaamos is more than just Polar Night when there are 24 consecutive hours of darkness, kaamos describes the longing for sunshine, and a feeling of depression and lack of motivation and enthusiasm. What makes this Japanese word so interesting is that its not Japanese at all, its a composite of (bakku, back, from English back) and (shan, beautiful, from German schn). A fachidiot is a person with expert knowledge in their own field and are well-accomplished but are clueless when it comes to anything outside that area. This is a more realistic version of love at first sight. Surah Yaseen. Have you ever watched TED talks? Czech. Thats more than 300 000 translations, which covers 90% of all text in terms of word by word translation. Learn how to say name Precious in Catalan with proper pronunciation. Prozvonit Prozvonitis when you call but only let it ring once so that the other person calls back without so you save money or minutes. Having great value, as a commodity or on a sentimental level, She had anticipated happiness and regarded the pregnancies as, Commanding a high price due to perceived value, Bulgari crystallizes its commitment to sublime hand craftsmanship to create, Affectedly concerned with elegant or refined behavior, language, or manners, Used as an intensifier to express annoyance or contempt, Pleasant and satisfactory, especially to the mind or senses, Not able to be calculated, computed or comprehended, as because of great scale, degree or magnitude, Pretentiously affecting upper-class or superior airs, Having a flippant demeanor that is not appreciated under the circumstances, Having a period of great prosperity or rapid economic growth, Very particular about details or requirements, Exhibiting behavior or mannerisms considered unmasculine, A much-loved person, especially a significant other, Marked by idiosyncratic or exaggerated mannerisms, have an excessively high opinion of oneself. Subscribe to my newsletter to receive detailed travel guides, exclusive travel and language learning tips, priority access to giveaways and more! Hyo Pronounced [hee-yo], this is both a name meaning dutiful and a term to describe the sense of duty children have towards their parents and the expectation that they may need to make sacrifices for them out of respect. It is popular across a wider region of the Indian subcontinent.Recently, it has also hit in many international markets. Pana Poo The act of scratching your head in an attempt to remember something youve forgotten. Someone or someplace that is fun and lively. The cultural aspect of language is always fascinating, which is why I like that in Japanese, men call the woman they love tamago gata no kao or an egg with eyes. Company Data; About company; Register info; Your browser does not support frames. Arigata-meiwaku () This is used to refer to an act that someone does for you, even though you didnt want to have them do it and tried to avoid having them do. Shlimazl () A chronically unlucky, usually inept, clumsy person. Ikigai () Ikigai is a Japanese concept often translated to your life purpose, a reason for being or getting up in the morning. What does Precious mean? Mythpe Experiencing a shared embarrassment or shame when seeing someone else do something embarrassing. Speak the name Precious in German language. Saudade can be a longing for something which does not and probably cannot exist or refer to the love that remains long after someone or something is gone and may not return a nostalgic longing for a person or thing that was loved once, but is now lost. Using a foreign language dictionary is a great way to identify even more options. We've done our best to get these right, but if we've made any mistakes please use our contact page to send us any corrections. Uitwaaien Uitwaaien is an idiomatic Dutch expression which means to go out in windy weather, particularly into nature or a park, in order to refresh and clear ones mind. Akihi When you ask someone for directions, walk off, then immediately forget what they said. Take a look and marvel at how rich and inspirational words in other languages can be. Mormor / farmor / morfar / farfar We could definitely use these genius Swedish compound words in English to describe each of our grandparents. This untranslatable word also exists in the other Nordic languages, including Swedish, Norwegian, Finnish and Icelandic. Mineral Exploration Corporation Limited. They are more concerned with airy intellectual pursuits than practical matters like earning an income. Similar to the German, treppenwitz, mentioned earlier. You could create this using your computer or artistic skills such as painting or sketching. It can also refer to a bribe given to someone, often a bureaucratic worker, to get a job done quickly. The Dutch use this to describe someone who ignores the situation around them and continues on with their life. Learn Hindi for travel! Think about what's important to you (culture, a well connected location, food, language, university) 3. Precious is bay unisex name, main origion is English. Pronounced [POH-chay-MOO-chka[, it comes from the Russian word pocemu [POH-chay-MUH], which means Why?. Pochemuchka was first used in a popular Soviet-era childrens book whose boy hero was given the nickname Alyosha Pochemuchka because he was never satisfied with the answers he got. Thus, this term commonly refers to a man pretending to be a woman on the internet, regardless of his sexuality. In this article, Professor Roy Casagranda argues that a Nationalist Socialism based on national liberation rather than national supremacy is possible. While it includes many widely spoken languages and others that are more specific to a particular geographic area, these arent the only ways to say beautiful in other languages. A story that stirred your emotions and had you fighting back tears. You'll recognize it as the root of the English word erotic A (Agape): In Ancient Greek, this word described a spiritual or charitable love, such as the love that God has for man. It refers to the special sense of peace that comes to being alone in the wood and connected to nature. Do you know that people from Spanish-speaking countries are very passionate? Vancouver Film School. Its also a famous Japanese business philosophy where employees make small adjustments to processes that compound over time resulting in increased productivity. In Japan, having an oval, egg-shaped face is seen as very attractive. Samar () Staying up late after the sun has gone down and having an enjoyable time with friends. Gem varieties vary in density, so carat weight is not a good indication of size. Translated literally, shouganai means it cant be helped. Having no special designation, status, or rank: Delicately beautiful or charming and usually small: Held in special regard; best liked; preferred. It describes feeling around in water with your feet to find something. The Chinese can be much less romantic on the surface, with women calling their men a (bndn) or dumb egg. The French like mon chou or mon petit chou. When you think of other people as your own and take care of them because you love them and expect nothing in return. In spite of this, the English language cant explain everything so succinctly, and yet there are many other languages that have, in just one word. This is . Pisan Zapra The time it takes to eat a banana. So important that they even have a word to describe it. It means that a story is so good that you suspend your disbelief and the fantastic becomes real. Its usually translated as faith or oath. Basically, they will call you and only allow it to ring once, so you will have a missed call from them. Please click on the gemstone names below to see the gems. This comprehensive list looks at some of the most beautiful words in different languages that are simply untranslatable into English. Nagpur, India. This is a word that was popularized by the literary crowd of 19th century Paris. Vedriti To shelter from the rain, either literally or metaphorically, such as when youre in a bad mood and youre waiting for the negative emotions to pass. Share your favourites in the comments. Request Answer. Whether using a different language to express yourself, be prepared to explain the meaning of the term or phrase you are using to the message recipient. Duktig If a Swede says youre duktig, thats a huge compliment, because they are saying youre skilled, capable, or hard-working. You are simply strolling for the pleasure of enjoying the beauty of your surroundings. This describes a relationship that is destined or predetermined. Learn Irish for travel! Tor means gate, schluss means closing or ending, and panik means, panic. So, torschlusspanik literally translates to gate closing panic.. If there is a language which draws a unanimous worldwide consent regarding its beauty, it is French. *You're signing up to receive GemSelect promotional email. Drachenfutter Literally, dragon fodder, this is a gift someone gives to placate and apologise to someone, especially a spouse, after theyve done something wrong or stupid. She managed to hurt everyone around her, even her precious Gabriel. It seems like one of the most horrible things that could happen to an Arabic language speaker is for them to outlive their loved ones. If you are planning to visit some of the 21 Spanish-speaking countries, we have a proposal for you. Get my free Arabic travel phrase guide here. You can speak and write this name with correct translation. Get my free French travel phrase guide here. Forelsket The indescribable euphoria you feel when you start to fall in love with someone. It literally means, 'to have a door handle'. A guide for English speakers to Swedish and Norwegian pronunciation for the name Precious. I hit your web-page by accident and found the Bengali word to be really really interesting. Surat Mulk. Mokita From the Kivila language native to Papua New Guinea, mokita is a commonly known truth that no one wants to admit or talk about. Jayus A joke so terrible and unfunny that you cant help but laugh. Michele creates language learning guides and courses for travel. All of her grandchildren are very precious to her.Todos sus nietos son muy adorados por ella. Desenrascano Desenrascano literally means disentanglement, a term used in Portugal to describe the act of disentangling oneself from a difficult situation by using all available means to solve the problem. Madrugada The term madrugada is both Spanish and Portuguese and means to get up early in the morning at twilight the time between midnight and the crack of dawn. +66-39609697, Gems are always measured in Millimeter (mm), Dimensions are given as; The norwegian word utepils could be translated into the finnish compound word pussikalja, literally bag/pouch beer. It literally means half of an orange! Formacja Formacja is used in colloquial speech to describe a state of mind that is widespread across a particular generation or period of time. Please keep up with the excellent job. Whats Your Favourite Way to Express Your Love From Around the World? Not to be confused with the Danish, hygge which relates to any activity or part of your day, mysa refers specifically to being at home. But is this really true? Precious proper pronunciation guide. You can also take up foreign words with relevant translations. Once a favour is made, an unspoken obligation exists. Sort of like unconditional acceptance. Weltschmerz refers to a deep sadness about the imperfection and pain of the world. (Microbiology) Having complex nutritional requirements. In some parts of Spain, duende is used to describe someone who is charming or alluring. Learn German for travel! Kabelsalat Kabelsalat literally means, a cable salad, a beautiful word to describe the mess of tangled cables. Meanwhile, treasure is skat *in Danish and *tesoro in Spanish and Italian. Gezelligheid is the idea of being in a comfortable, cozy atmosphere with loved ones, catching up with an old friend, or just the general togetherness that gives people a warm feeling. It usually occurs between people related to each other. Soare cu Dinti When you look out the window and it looks lovely and sunny until you actually step outside. A similar term also exists in Italian, freddoloso. This word means rediscovery but the French use it to refer to a reunion between loved ones who have been apart for a long time. Priceless; Precious; 554 Anmol Priceless; Valuable; Precious; 202 Bhusa Embellishment; Precious; 53 Bulti God's Child; Precious Fish in Nile 735 Heera Diamond; As Precious as Diamond; 3677 Janvi Precious; Unstoppable as River; As 48 Manku Precious Gift of God to World; 990 Meena Fish; Precious Stone; Starling; 1579 Meera When you think of other people as "your own" and take care of them because you love them and expect nothing in return. Think of the well-known term Bric--brac miscellaneous objects and ornaments of little value. Its voorpret! Get my free Norwegian travel phrase guide here. Faamiti Pronounced [fah-mih-tee], faamiti is a high-pitched noise made by sucking air through tightly-sealed lips in order to attract the attention of a pet or children. Abbiocco This is one of my favourite Roman dialect words. This German word literally translates to evening celebration.