When they arrived in the woods, Terry Hobbs told the boys to wrestle. He actually worked in a slaughterhouse. He allegedly admitted to Bennie that he had participated in the murders with three other men, LG Hollingsworth, Terry Hobbs and David Jacoby. David Jacoby was never interviewed either. Additionally, the act of biting the scrotum and stabbing the groin area speaks volumes about the identity of the killer. And even if he did work the day of the 5th, its the late afternoon/night that is important. The three little boys referenced in the declarations were found brutally murdered in West Memphis, Arkansas in 1993. Was it because he was running around frantically trying to cover up for the crime? [2] Judge Brian S. Miller dismissed the case and subsequently ordered Hobbs to pay legal fees incurred by the singer in the amount of $17,590. Terry did not tell me who he was calling until hed completed the phone call and came out to the car. On the night of the 5th LGs aunt Dixie told police and her sister, Narlene, that LG was dropped off at the Laundromat where she worked in a small, light colored car. Then, in 2013, Jacoby was summoned to court over the alleged confessions of Buddy Lucas and LG Hollingsworth. http://www.myfoxmemphis.com/story/21810828/new-allegations-surface-in-the-west-memphis-3-murders. When I rewatched PL1, Pam and Terry had broken up when she did the interview outside when she put Stevie's scarf on her head (she was in a red dress). When they returned the four men continued to submerge the boys clothes with sticks and, finally, hastily threw the last items of clothing in the water as it grew dark. Or alone at night with people swarming the area. This theory supportsbothsides of the debate. I have questions. We do not know whose pants were the ones inside out for sure and whose pair of pants was not, but we do know that Michaels shirt was the only one not inside out and none of the buttons on his shirt were ripped off. Would they have admitted there were car tracks found and helped the defense win their case? YOUVE SEEN THE CLUB HOUSE, VICKIE: UH-HUH (YES) I HAVE SEEN IT SEVERAL TIMES. RIDGE: OKAY, WHAT DO YOU THINK HAPPENED TO THEM? The Hobbses are the mother and stepfather of Steve Branch, who. The only reason one could think that someone would make the concerted, and possibly dangerous, effort to take the bikes up to the bayou to be submerged, was to give themselves time to create an alibi. (source). But what absolutely cannot happen is that 1 cop having his reputation, career, family, and future be staked on the guilt/innocence/fortitude/silence of that dick-lover Terry. Terrys own daughter allegedly told family members, including her mother, grandmother, cousin and aunt that she had been abused by her dad and two family members even claimed to have walked in on Terry abusing his daughter. Why was he lying? This means that the boys had most likely arrived to the Blue Beacon Woods before the four men did, crossing over from the west side of the drainage ditch to the east side of the drainage ditch, on a log that lay across the ditch at the south end. I met Terry Hobbs through a mutual friend, Roy Taylor. This is so hugely significant and yet lost on so many. I know that all the experts agree that Michael was unconscious while he was tied up but I dont know about Stevie.. After he allegedly hit back, he thenreally had a motive to kill. : the alleged confessions of both Buddy and LG, Terry saw the boys spying and ordered the other three men to catch them. Allegedly, Terry Hobbs told the boys he was going to teach them a lesson. Due to the possibility that they wiped these items on their skin, I believe Terry would have taken those items with them when they left. I allege that LG was confronted by his parents because of some evidence that pointed to his guilt, and when caught, LG told them that Damien had committed the murder and he that had only helped them in some small way. West Memphis 3 murders Wiki is a FANDOM Lifestyle Community. RIDGE YOU DIDNT GO OVER THERE THAT DAY? And if Aaron's story is true, Terry Hobbs may have been involved in homosexual activities and smoking something in the woods with other men and the boys were possibly caught watching them as they'd done multiple times. This is where you ask yourself why Jacoby would lie to protect Hobbs and also why he would openly admit he lied in 2013. And, according to Buddys cousins, Rex Heath and Charlotte Bly, not only does Buddy not have an alibi for the night of the 5th, its a possibility he lied to police about what he did that night. Clemente emphasized that someone who wants to know why the children were killed would likely encourage any and all evidence testing, as its one step closer to understanding the heinous murder. AARON: MICHAEL AND CHRIS SAID NOT TO TELL NOBODY, RIDGE: UM, DO YOU THINK THOSE MEN WERE CRAZY? Allegedly, the four men made it to a spot in the Blue Beacon Woods and Terry Hobbs asked the teens to wrestle each other. I just can't get it out of my head. Some details of this timeline are facts, corroborated by multiple sources, other details are merely theories of what may have taken place on the evening of May 5th, 1993. VICKIE: UM, JUST SOME BOARDS, LOOKED LIKE SOME ONE HAD LIKE MADE A DEER STAND, A LONG TIME AGO OR SOMETHING AND JUST SOME BOARDS AND THEY KINDA HAD YOU KNOW LIKE A FORT. The prosecution would mention a stick and Perreti kept saying, Or a 24. Was there anyone else who knew how to clean up blood better than Terry did? What other reason could there be? It's sickening because I think everyone forgets the innocent boys that will never have justice. TH & DJ supposedly killed the boys so they wouldnt snitch on them. I thought, surely, if this is a lie, it will be discredited quickly by known facts and information. The reason for the prosecutions stance, I believe, is because the bitemark never matched Echols, Baldwin or Misskelley. Expelled From Law School, Dad Convicted of Mom & Brothers Murder. What purpose would there be to strip the boys naked? When police told him they were going to polygraph him about Jessies alleged confession, Buddy immediately admitted that he had lied; Jessie never said anything to him about the murders. If the men left the woods by 8pm and searchers did not arrive till around 10, that would give stray dogs approx. This not only puts Buddy in Lakeshore at the possible time that Terry Hobbs and David Jacoby could have shown up, but it shows that his whereabouts were unknown at the time the murder occurred. Furthermore, Terry himself claimed to be in those woods all night, up until the early morning. ~Even Peretti agrees that Chris had post mortem wounds in his groin area as well as pre mortem. The four men see the young boys spying, one man in particular, the stepfather of one child, orders the others to grab them; he flies into a rage and hits the boys, and the attack leads to murder. This is supported by evidence as well. WE ALWAYS GOT A PLACE TO HIDE BEFORE THEY CAN GET THERE, AARON: WE HIDE ONE TIME WE HIDE BEHIND UM A TREE. When his friend Richard failed a polygraph, he admitted that LG had asked him to lie. WAS IT LIKE EVERY DAY OR ONCE WEEK OR JUST FIVE DIFFERENT TIMES YOU SAW IT HAPPEN? I also went back and caught Pam in 93 saying that TH didn't get mad, he got even. French reported that prior to the incident she had gone to the Hobbs' home after hearing what she believed to be a domestic dispute. That 1 cop will have bumped into everyone in that southern, 90s, dick-liking community. What this means, is that the injuries to Stevies penis may have been the result of an abuser repeatedly preforming oral sex on him. Again, Ill let you decide. As Michael was carried back to Terry, he allegedly kicked him. The use of hobbling helps to quickly control the animal as well as making transportation of the animal more easy. RIDGE: OKAY, ALRIGHT. Its when you combine all the known evidence, much of the debate and the different positions, it all leads here, to this. And, Ill tell you something, I would take up for my kids when Ive known that they have done something, cause aint no telling what they would do. RIDGE: ONE TIME, WERE THEY, WERE YOU ALL WATCHING THE FIVE MEN DOWN THERE THAT TIME WHEN HE WENT WITH YOU? Hobbs was the stepfather of Steven Branch, one of the boys found murdered in 1993, in West Memphis, Arkansas. This lends credibilty to the theory that Stevie did in fact go home, and even ate some dinner. We know from multiple sightings, including Michaels mother, that the three boys were on two bikes riding on 14th, headed to Goodwin St. at 6pm. It has baffled people for years because there was no evidence that the boys were sexually assaulted. It breaks my heart and I thought about it for 3 weeks straight after I got into the case. In the south in the 90s, the community of dick-havers who are into dick will come from all walks of life and have all sorts of jobs. VICKIE: IT WAS COPSRIDGE: WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT DEAD ON? Why was shesosure, in her mind, that Damiens mother was lying about being with him all night? RIDGE: OKAY. Those partially digested vegetables not only prove the long held belief that the boys died around 7pm, shortly after being seen, but that Stevie most likely ate those vegetables right near 5:00 pm. BLY BUDDY UM, LEFT A FEW MINUTES BEFORE THE KIDS GOT KILLED AND SHE SAID, HE DIDNT COME BACK UNTIL THE NEXT DAY. I am not scared of that boy. Wouldn't a normal person say "embarrassed", maybe? It is my opinion that the answers to many of the questions of what happened that night, will be answered here. Terry Hobbs was born in 1958 and grew up in Northern Arkansas. Cookie Notice Richard took another polygraph saying that LG was not with him the night of the 5th and he passed. He was one of four children and came from a strict and religious family. This could mean that Terry could have arrived sometime between 8:45 and 9:00pm. Michael, being the first one attacked, was hit so violently and with such anger, that he was almost immediately rendered unconscious. Even if the dogs had not licked up blood, their presence in the woods could mean that their fur would have already been on the ground where the boys bodies were placed when discovered. Douglas believes the act was meant to dominate, control, humiliate and punish. RIDGE: IT WAS EARLY IN THE MORNING OR LATE AT NIGHT OR LATE IN THE EVENING? Pam Hobbs, with husband, Terry, hopes people will remember the life . The West Memphis Three case has been an unfinished puzzle for over twenty years, but if you go back through the years and find all the little pieces and begin to put them together, I believe that you will have your answers about what happened that night; the puzzle is complete and it is undeniable. You may be the judge of the that. However, is it simply a coincidence that the statements that Aaron told police in 1993 coincide so perfectly with the alleged confessions that Buddy and LG made in 1994 and were later retold in 2012? She hasnt seen him or Michael by this point. That makes sense to me. (1) Strangely, Buddy first says that he has a man who will testify that he worked with Buddy all that day and then later on in the conversation, Buddy claims that his boss will testify that he was at work on the 5th. Left: Buddy Lucas Right: LG Hollingsworth. If anyone might know where the boys were going or what their plans had been for that day, it would most likely have been Aaron. There is more evidence, also, that LG never went home that afternoon. RIDGE: ABOUT TIME WAS IT YOU WENT TO TRY AND GO TO THE CLUB HOUSE? I believe at this time, Terry directed his attention to Stevie and bit him repeatedly on this face. Even the autopsy report shows that. Years later it was discovered by experts for the defense that a knife had not caused the injuries to Chris penis at all. Timeline: 2;30 Pam Hicks, Stevie and Amanda walk home from school. She claimed to have seen the three eight year old boys when she dropped LG off, but it was a very shaky sighting. Most of the sightings of the boys were when the three were riding on two bicycles. RIDGE: ALRIGHT. Either the perps knew the possibility of the bodies floating with time, or, the area where the bodies could be dropped in was not deep enough to completely hide them. Before I further explain and explore all the evidence that points to Terry Hobbs, David Jacoby, LG Hollingsworth, and Buddy Lucas being the perpetrators of this murder, I would like to reiterate something: there is almost no possibility that one person could have committed this murder alone in the timeframe it occurred. Furthermore, in the alleged confessions, Terry states: The bodies cant be found, at least not yet.. Additionally, they would have focused on someone who lived in West Memphis and knew the Blue Beacon Woods well. By the time Buddy would have been dropped off at Lakeshore and the other three arrived in West Memphis, it could have been somewhere around 8:15-8:30. They had been stripped naked, hogtied and beaten. As the men submerged the boys, I believe the two teens took the bicycles to the bayou where they dumped them on the north side of the pipe bridge. My theory is that Stevie finished dinner and took off with Michael again to find Chris, and Terry and Amanda then headed over to the Jacobys home. During a special presentation at CrimeCon 2022 Las Vegas, former New York State prosecutor Jim Clemente joined Truth & Justice podcast host, Bob Ruff, and investigative journalist, George Jared, to take a deep dive into a conversation Jared previously had with Terry Hobbs. In addition to that, when the boys autopsies were performed, animal hair was discovered on them. He is an evil man and true psychopath and the type of man to tie those boys the up the way they were found. The interesting thing is that Terry had to pick up Pam from work at 9pm, so theres no way he would have had time to go check the woods at that time. He was still wearing the same shirt and tie when he was spotted at approx. "Yes I do have doubts. On Nov. 6 police in Memphis responded to a call that someone had been shot at 4460 Kerwin St., the home of Pamela and Terry Hobbs. After the boys were attacked and stripped of their clothes, they were tied up. And he said he was out riding his bike that his grand paw had bought him. The question about Terry having a drug dealer name Ray could also possibly be significant. According to both Billy and Bennies statements, the four men pulled up to the trailer, bought a small amount of marijuana and left. Although I have gone into great detail describing how this murder took place, in reality, the experts believed it would have only taken around 20 minutes to carry the murder out. In 2011, Jamie Ballard, her sister and her mother came forward when they discovered that Terry Hobbs claimed to have never seen the boys on the 5th. ADVERTISEMENT If it wasnt for your choices, this never would have happened!And, the act of tying up the boys, especially the manner in which they were tied up, looked somewhat sexual in nature. The question about Terry propositioning David Jacoby has lead some people to defend Jacoby, claiming that he would not have told people he was propositioned if he really had a secret gay relationship with Terry Hobbs. Terry Hobbs was born in 1958 in Northern Arkansas, one of four children, son of Edith Raylean McLeod Hobbs and Joe Dean Hobbs, Sr. Hobbs, Sr. learned his trade as a butcher while in the military and went on to open thirty restaurants. . AARON: KIND OF. Instead, defense attorneys say, the tests found DNA from Terry Hobbs, the stepfather of one of the murdered boys. The crime scene, as well as the clubhouse were both located somewhat close to each other on the east side of the drainage ditch. Not only was he punishing and dominating him, but he was expressing his repressed anger and shame associated with being bisexual or homosexual. I believe that after Terrys attack on Stevies face, and with Stevie still quite conscious, this is when the tying of the children began. DO YOU KNOW WHERE THE CLUB HOUSE WAS? And keeping the knife as a trophy? The first most essential piece of evidence came from Stevie, Michael and Chris other best friend, Aaron Hutchinson. He actually was able to get his friend and aunt to lie for him in order to protect him. The murders still haunt me and I will ALWAYS want justice for Stevie, Michael & Christopher. In other words, a bite on Stevies face would likely mean that his perpetrator was a parent or step-parent. Its my personal opinion that the evidence presented here should put all debates to rest because both sides have at least some truth in their corner. Its intriguing, however, that Buddys statements were, He just held them while the others killed them, And, He hit a couple in the back of the head. Was Buddy really speaking of his own participation in the murders? No. According to the ME, Chris did not drown like the others, he died before entering the water. Terry claims to anyone and everyone who has asked about that night, that he was almost frantically searching for Stevie from 5:00pm-9:00pm at night. I believe he intended to terrify and threaten them so they would never, ever speak of what they had seen. I allege that the two perpetrators, Jacoby and Hobbs, entered the water and began to submerge the boys deep in the mud in order to keep them from floating. RIDGE: THESE MEN. RIDGE: DID YOU EVER SMELL THE SMOKE? The question, however, is why wasChrisdegloved and not the other children? While searching through the evidence, their lawyer and private investigator found a letter written to prosecutor, Scott Ellington in February 2012. And interestingly enough, the alleged confessions mention that the four cleaned up as darkness approached. It also would have allowed Terry to take things to the next level; if he began with seemingly innocent orders he could have continued things that way, escalating events with each command. I believe it is because the truth had finally and for the very first time, been exposed. 9pm the night of the 5th so we need to theorize what may have happened because he has no alibi. I wonder if Michael and Chris knew that one of the men was Stevies stepdad and that is the reason they never told Stevie what they saw in those woods. Sex always wins and a casual look through history will show that people are gonna get off to what they need to get off to. AARON: AND THEN SOMETIMES WE WATCHED THESE MEN. Additionally, there is an ample amount of evidence, in my opinion, that Terry might have sexually abused all of his children. If you read Jacobys interview and declaration, they both give Hobbs an alibi and they both make it impossible for Hobbs to have committed the crime without Jacoby having noticed something peculiar about Hobbs. The 3 were let out of jail on an Alford Plea, which means that they admit that there is enough evidence to find them guilty (and thus the case is considered closed) but still maintain that they are innocent. VICKIE: HE STAYED. According to Terrys ex wife, Terry Hobbs first wife had claimed in their divorce papers that he molested their son. A month later three teens, Damien Echols, Jason Baldwin and Jessie Misskelley were arrested for the murders of the three eight year old boys. At this time, I was afraid that Terry would rape, harm or even kill me. Neither Chris nor Michael had any facial injuries even remotely close to what Stevie had on his face. Terry was born in Northern Arkansas and grew up in the Ozark Mountain region of the state. In truth, this theory would finally explain and clarify, really,why the boys had animal hair on them if they were pulled from the water. This was an attempt, clearly, to make the discovery of the boys more difficult. Ive thought about this in length and I think I understand what may have occurred. The kind of men who do these things are, uh. Three boys were seen riding their bikes around the neighborhood of West Memphis, last seen heading to the Robin Hood Hill woods at 6:30. Terry admitted himself that he whipped Stevie and by Amandas own account, Terry was a violent man who left welts and bruises on her when he hit her. YEA IT WAS BUT, I WOULD THINK SO, IN ORDER TO HOLD ALL 3 LITTLE 8 YEAR OLDS THAT IT WAS PRETTY STURDY, AARON: IN ROBIN HOOD UH, THE PLACE WHERE THE BOARDS ARE. In late 2008, Hobbs entered into litigation with Natalie Maines Pasdar over alleged libelous comments. He later changed that story and claimed she told them they were at some apartments. Also, by looking at the photo of the ditch where the boys were found, you can begin to have an understanding of what might have occurred. Its likely that Terry was already heading to Billy Stewarts home since, according to Billy, he was Terrys drug dealer at this time. that was a red flag to me, alright. Just as the stripping of the clothes and the bites and stabs to groin; it all suggests a sexual element to this crime. They also could have used them to dry and clean their feet after entering the ditch. When Narlene was interviewed she claimed to have dropped LG off at his home. The nude, bound and mutilated bodies of three eight-year-old Cub Scouts were found in a water-filled ditch in a forest near their West Memphis, Ark., homes, one day after they disappeared in May, 1993. CAN YOU EXPLAIN TO ME WHERE THE CLUB IS?AARON: ITS, ITS IN UH, ITS IN THOSE WOODS WHERE UH, WHERE THAT STOP SIGN IS AND ITSRIDGE: IS THE WOODS HAVE THEY GOT A NAME THEY CALL THEM ROBIN HOOD IS THAT RIGHT?AARON: UH-HUH (YES)RIDGE: IT IS OKAY, YOUVE BEEN DOWN THERE BEFORE?AARON: YES SIRRIDGE: DO YOU GO DOWN THERE A LOT?AARON: (inaudible)RIDGE: OKAY, WHEN YOU WENT DOWN THERE WHO ALL WENT WITH YOU MOST THE TIME?AARON: MICHAEL AND CHRISRIDGE: OKAY, AND WHAT DID YOU DO WHEN YOU WENT DOWN THERE?AARON: WE PLAYEDRIDGE: OKAY, DID YOU EVERAARON: AND THEN SOMETIMES WE WATCHED THESE MENRIDGE: THESE MEN. One thing that was agreed upon if you read between the lines, is that Chris was dead before he was put in the water. The clubhouse was a spot where Aaron, Chris and Michael would go play in the Blue Beacon Woods. One mystery that has plagued people who have followed the case, is why it appeared that Stevie and Chris were tortured while Michael was not. Why would she lie about seeing the three boys that day? But what we found over the years of investigating and in the process of creating the series people, their memories fade. When Terry arrived at Pams work, he did something very peculiar. This is significant because no one else has ever theorized that Chris was actually bitten in his scrotum; its a completely new allegation. The way the three boys were tied, wrist to ankle, as opposed to wrist to wrist, ankle to ankle, is one of the most unique aspects to this case. "It's my. VICKIE: I REALLY COULDNT TELL THAT. This is when Jamie would have remembered seeing Terry out on the sidewalk calling the boys home just as they would have shot out onto the street from her house. That leaves one very glaring, unexplainable question. Pam concedes on one condition: Stevie must be home by4:30 or he will be grounded from his beloved bike for two weeks. Her relay of the conversation seems to reveal that Narlene is talking to LG as if they both know that Damien is guilty. When prosecutor John Fogelman interviewed Buddy later, Buddy repeatedly told him that he had an alibi for the 5th despite the fact that Fogelman never even brought it up himself. Perhaps Stevie tried to sneak away. WHAT I THINK HAPPENED TO THEM. AND THAT WHITE TANK TOP MAN. As he tied up Michael, he further demonstrated to them how to tie up the others in the same consistent manner. Steven Branch had lacerations on his penis which were probably self-inflicted indicating a sexualized child, usually associated with sexual abuse. RIDGE: ALRIGHT, WHEN YOU SAW THESE FIVE OUT THERE IN THE WOODS AND THEY WERE DOING THESE THINGS THAT WERE BAD OKAY WAS THIS AT DAYTIME OR WAS IT NIGHTTIME? The evidence that supports this theory is in the injury to Steve Branchs face and back of the head. Both Guy and Stewart have tried since 1994, thirteen years before Terry and David were even suspects, to tell the authorities what they had been told. in fact the first one to be attacked. NARLENE: She meant the mommy, the daddy and the son,(LG) she said I dont know whats going on over there and she said, they are making me nervous, shes a christian girl, she said and I got out of there, I said yeah, I get bad feelings around them too. It really wasnt too difficult to do, at least for some of it. Another interesting bit of information that Aaron tells police is that not only did Stevie not ever join the others when they watched these man having sex in the woods, but that Chris and Michael told Aaron not to tell anyone what they had seen, including Stevie, who was one of their best friends. I've no doubt he killed Stevie to "get even" with Pam.
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