10This is what theLordsays about this people: They greatly love to wander;they do not restrain their feet.So theLorddoes not acceptthem;he will now remembertheir wickednessand punish them for their sins., 11Then theLordsaid to me, Do not prayfor the well-being of this people. En otras palabras, mientras mas buenas obras hagas esto te acortara el tiempo en el purgatorio. Yo puedo ver al mundo en un caos por el ataque del virus y los anarquistas quienes estn tratando de derrumbar a Amrica. Jesus said: My people, in some news you are seeing a lot of people who are able to come back to their old jobs, but there are still millions of people who are unemployed. Tu continuaras viendo estas protestas planificadas hasta el otoo, cuando haiga otra ola de un virus peor. I will help My refuge builders to provide bedding, latrines, and organize groups to lead your refuges. El va al punto de como despiadado es quitarle los fondos a la polica y quemas sus estaciones. The video is down at the bottom of this Newsweek article posted yesterday. You will see a deadlier virus in the fall that will be so severe that it will be almost impossible for doctors to perform abortions. Within hours you could see many bodies dying from the virus. This has been done over the past 40 years. Get Ready for an Outpouring of the Holy Spirit and be a Servant for God! This is a perfect example of why God has to intervene with His wrath eventually, because of the amount of evil that is growing all over the world, not just in the United States of America. Prophet John Leary, Messages July 6 thru July 12, 2022. Jesus said:My son, you have been reading how Elijah was persecuted as all of My other prophets were killed because of the lack of faith in the people. You will be healed of any virus or health problems at My refuges. Mis creyentes se mantendrn en Mis refugios por toda la tribulacin del Anticristo. 15What is my beloved doing in my templeas she, with many others, works out her evil schemes? From the Los Angeles Blade, December 12, 2022: Meet the Bisexual Wife of Pennsylvania's New US Senator. Es muy importante que se casen en la iglesia bajo Mi Sacramento del Matrimonio. Jess dice: Mi gente, en algunas noticias tu estas viendo mucha gente que pueden regresar a sus trabajos, pero hay millones de personas que estn desempleada. You have limited numbers at some churches, but you are happy to be home in church for Sunday Mass. Here is the information about the Memorial of the Immaculate Heart. Published by at June 13, 2022. Esto era el comienzo de Mi iglesia cuando Mis apstoles salieron a todas las naciones para compartir Mi palabra. En la visin Yo te demuestro como los malvados trataran de reducir la populacin por medio de este virus mortal y contagioso. Tu invocas al Espritu Santo para que te ayude a escribir Mis palabras en lugar silencioso. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. When your lives are in danger, I will call you to the safety of My refuges. Cuando la violencia y disparos hacia la polica empiece tu podras ver el comienzo de una guerra civil entre los protestantes violentos liberales y los patriarcas. November 21, 2022 VERY IMPORTANT COMMENTARY Explaining The Second Coming Of JESUS, The End Times, The Immaculate Conception, And The Wedding Feast Of The Lamb By a soul MaryRefugeOfSouls, VIDEO Facing Imminent Nuclear War Instructions and Remedy for Radioactivity from GOD, MaryRefugeOfSouls PDF Download: English Collection (Lorenas Messages, 2015-2021) The Way To Follow Army of Saint Michael Archangel // Descargar PDF: Coleccin en espaol (Mensajes de Lorena, 2015-2021) El camino a seguir Ejrcito de San Miguel Arcngel, Video Message from Our Lord Jesus Christ to Latin-American Mystic Lorena Holy Communion in the Hand February 16, 2022 MaryRefugeOfSouls, Three Videos Latin American Catholic Priest has Vision during Holy Mass of Jesus Christ and in Tears Cries, No more Holy Communion in the hand!, Spiritual Warfare Prayers for Ancestral Curses and Evil Generational Spirits, Including Resources for Inner Healing, Zazzle Collection: Essential End Times Religious Images (Refuge Stickers) Compiled by a soul MaryRefugeOfSouls. Latest Teaching from Mother Gabrielle on the Divine Will from Luisa Piccarreta and Purgatory from Maria Simma. Eso ser una escena horrible con tantos cuerpos muertos. The Holy Spirit has guided us to see that this very same thing is happening today, with Gods Children turning to pagan worship because of the nations turning to idolatry and not keeping their Covenant with Him, and some of the Shepherds, who are supposed to be asking Our Lord for guidance, are not and instead falling to the ways of the world, thus scattering the flock. Oren por la conversin del las almas mientras puedan, y guarden alguna comida mientras puedan tambin., Junio 5, 2020 (El Grupo de George Soros, Vidas Negras Importan) These events will lead up to the start of the Antichrists tribulation. After My Warning and Conversion time, I will be calling My faithful to My refuges so you are protected from the Antichrist and the demons. You are seeing constant violent protests, and now even Satans followers want to bring in the New World Order. Is There Deliberate Deception and Hypocrisy in the Current Papacy (Pope Francis)? Mientras mas buenas obras hagas en la vida, eso ayudara a recompensar por reparacin y deudas de tus pecados. http://catholictradition.org/Two-Hearts/consecration.htm. Only My believers will be saved at My refuges. Latest Messages on After the Warning Website. (LogOut/ Latest News Reports from News Max, and Fox News. Los malvados tienen muy poco tiempo, ellos usaran cualquier medio que puedan usar para el tomo del tu gobierno. You have been opening in phases, so now you have freedom to worship Me again in person. My refuge builders have to trust in Me to protect them at all times. Look at the crowds of protesters in your cities. En el lugar de reunin despus de la Santa Comunin, yo puedo ver un misil negro en direccin a nuestro pas. Also, Prophetic message from Julie Whedbee, that Father Reehil mentions in his Podcast on one of her PropheticDreams. Introduction to the Divine Will by Frances Hogan. You are experiencing the lull in your virus cases in your area, but other parts of your country are still having virus outbreaks. https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Jeremiah%2014%3A10-12&version=NIV. Disfruten este breve descanso por ahora porque luego vendr otro virus mas fuerte en el otoo. Even before I will call people to the refuges, My angels are already protecting the refuges. Mis constructores de refugios necesitan rpidamente terminar las preparaciones porque el tiempo de ir a Mis refugios se acerca. My Heart is aching to love all of you, even the ones who reject My love. If you do not have Adobe Acrobat Reader, click here to download a free version. I mentioned before how this is just the beginning Friday, June 5, 2020: (St. Boniface) We have many prophets in this blog that have been warning us, like Jeremiah did, to STOP practicing idolatry, or God will crush the nations. Esto puso a los Asirios en confusin y fueron forzados a regresar a sus casas. In particular, in verse 17, Jeremiah points out that both Judah and Israel angered God by worshipping Baal, which is a pagan god in which children were sacrificed. You still may have a few virus cases, but your priests have finally opened their doors. Now you can receive Me in person at Holy Communion. Pray for Jocelyn and her new baby, and for the souls of your family. If you do not have Adobe Acrobat Reader, click here to download a free version. Tu pusiste 3 camas literas con 6 colchones nuevos. We ask this in Your Sons name, who is our Divine Savior, Jesus Christ. T necesitas confesar estos pecados en la Confesin antes de recibirme a Mi en la Santa Comunin., Junio 13, 2020 (Castigos por los abortos, Guerra Nuclear) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d1_kZNhJmLo. Jesus said: My people, as you look at this small black hole expand into a large sinkhole, this is how the evil of one killing has expanded into a country wide protest of rioting and looting. Now this weekend you will see a phased in opening that you had to even register to show you were coming. Beware of your chemtrails because this is one method the evil ones can use to spread the flu and this virus. So, first a warning from God through His Prophet Jeremiah in Chapter 10, and now we see in Chapter 11, that God has had enough, and there is no more warning, because the sins and errors have spread to His own Children, who He tried to warn through Jeremiah. So, we can see this happening now in different parts of the world with wars, famine, and now drought beginning to affect our crops in different parts of the United States. We offer up the Divine Mercy Chaplet taught to us by Our Lord, Jesus Christ, through Saint Faustina, in order for Your Divine Mercy to fall on all of those committing egregious acts of sin against You, before Your just wrath comes. 24 Jun . Hoy, en el Evangelio Yo hable sobre el sexto mandamiento No debes cometer adulterio. Only believers in My Word will be allowed by My angel to enter My refuges. In January, the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children notified local police of a social media account that was spreading explicit images. what was the premier league called before; No deben de obtener fianza por los liberales ricos quienes estn pagado a estos anarquistas a que causen problemas. It is simply a compilation website of heavenly messages believed in by the webmaster (a soul) and all opinions and views expressed in various commentaries and webpages are solely those of a soul. You are invited to visit the official website for HLM at http://www.holylove.org. The unemployment rate is about 14%. So fear not about the evil ones, because My angel of the refuge will protect you as the angel slew the enemies of Israel. He stepped down last night before being arrested. You will see attempts by these radicals to take over local governments, but the fighting could get out of hand. around the U.S. and around the 50 States and Puerto Rico; around the White House, around the Government buildings; around President Trump and Vice-President Pence. All of heaven is rejoicing with you as you will celebrate Sunday Mass together. Posts about Prophet John Leary written by a soul. You recently Pray for the souls in purgatory. Informacin detallada del sitio web y la empresa: elclandeloscolgados.com Welcome to El Clan - El Clan de los Colgados %El Clan de los Colgados Does this sound familiar? In particular, God will annihilate those nations or cities that have conducted the most egregious and evil sins against Him like Abortion, like He did with the town of Anathoth that plotted to kill Gods messenger and prophet Jeremiah. Jess dice: Mi gente, Yo comparto la alegra de la libertad de ustedes poder regresar a las iglesias para la Misa y la Santa Comunin en las iglesias locales. February 22, 2023 Ash Wednesday. Live and Love for JESUS Surrender, Relationship, Transformation, and Discipleship, Matthew 11:28-30, Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. As es hoy en da con Mis discpulos de los ltimos tiempos. Our Governments Are Still Not Reporting What They Have Shot down from Our Skies, Which, is Now Four Separate Incidents. Pray for your country to focus more on Me, or you will see more punishments., Friday, June 19, 2020 Messages are generally posted every two weeks depending on John's schedule. Commentaries From Life Site News and Dr. Taylor Marshall. You are seeing police and the National Guard setting up order after these riots and looting. Michel Message from St. Gabriel On the night of March 17 to 18, 2021, the Angel of the Lord (later I understood that it was Saint Gabriel the Archangel) came around 2:30 in the night to tell me about the Holy and Great discretion of Saint Joseph with the Holy Family and his role at. Tu ngel del refugio los proteger de cualquier tipo de virus, bombas, y otras amenazas sobre Mi gente. Ya pasen esta puerta hacia tu nueva vida, tu no tendrs dolores fsicos, y solo tendrn un cuerpo espiritual. En la iglesia en la Misa despus de la Santa Comunin, yo puedo ver algunos los abusos contra el sexto mandamiento al no casarse, contraceptivos, y pornografa. Those souls, who choose to come to Me, will see a need to come to My refuges and deny taking the mark of the beast. Your angel will put an invisible shield over you to protect you from harm. Abortion is an egregious sin against God because we are killing not only His Children, but innocent, and defenseless children that belong to God Our Father in Heaven. around every world leader or head of government in the world. T sers llamado a Mis refugios antes del segundo ataque de ola del virus., Junio 12, 2020 (Seis mandamientos, pecados mortales) As que no tengan miedo sobre los malvados, porque Mis ngeles del refugio los protegern, as como el ngel mato a los enemigos de Israel. Prophet John Leary I dont believe this was accidental, but more of another soft discloser of what they are planning, and this is also what the Prophets in this blog have been warning us about from God with deadly plagues being created and released. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qi0vjljG4BY. If you live in the Northern states you may need wood, kerosene, or propane with the appropriate burners. Fuegos, policas, atesmo) Jess dice: Mi gente, tu presidente puso todos los eventos recientes en perspectiva cuando llamo a los saqueadores e incendiarios que estn destruyendo las ciudades. Tu puedes darte cuenta de que esto fue creado en un laboratorio porque la poca del virus de gripe no continua hasta el verano cuando esta caliente. Other Tuesday, June 2, 2020: You will have Holy Communion every day from a priest or My angels. Here is one to Valerie Copponi. No pierdan tiempo precioso mientras tengas vida., Junio 20, 2020 (Reuniones de Trump, saqueos. Click on any month below for a copy of the messages posted for that month or click here to view the most recent messages posted to the site. Last year, as many of you know, I, "a soul", had many on-going health challenges for different critical illnesses.For almost ten months (January to October 2022), I was very sick. 11Therefore this is what theLordsays: I will bring on them a disasterthey cannot escape. Prophet John Leary http://www.johnleary.com/ Wednesday, August 3, 2022: Jesus said: "My people, I see all people as equals before Me, in that no one is better than the other. Strive to save as many souls as you can before this tribulation time.. Prophet John Leary - Messages from Our Lord, Jesus Christ, and Our Lady of Fatima - 100th Anniversary May 27, 2017 Prophet John Leary http://www.johnleary.com Monday, May 8, 2017 Jesus said: "My people, I have told you that you could see one of your small wars expand into a world war. Thursday, February 23, 2023. You can see why I allowed your President to win because he talks against abortion and infanticide. If you have not chosen to come back to God because you dont believe you have sinned against Him, think again! Latest Messages from After the Warning Website. He pointed out how ruthless it is to defund the police and burn police stations. You have been denied My sacraments by this evil laboratory created virus. Not every soul is perfect, so be prepared to do some time in purgatory to purify your soul. Explanation of the Pardon Crucifix and the Indulgences Received Praying the Holy Rosary with It. Este ataque por medio del virus le ha dado a todos otra practica de como quedarse en sus hogares. Tu puedes ver como los izquierdistas tienen influencia en los medios de comunicacin y educacin ellos quieren lavar el celebro del pueblo irse a lo contrario de amarme Mi, y remplazarme con ideas ateas comunistas. Tambin, eviten masturbacin o pecados de homosexualidad. So, sounds like the elites are preparing us now for what is coming. You have seen some violent protests, but now you are seeing a truly evil group that is promoting an overthrow of your government to establish a New World Order. Johnleary.com news digest 6 years Tuesday, May 17, 2016 Tuesday, May 17, 2016: Esto se abri al mundo de la muerte. Then in Chapters 13 and 14, because God has pulled back His Divine Hand of Providence, families begin to turn on each other, there is a drought and in particular in Jeremiah 14:10-12, God tells Jeremiah, do not try and pray for His wrath to stop because He has to intercede for the guilt of their sins. If you truly love Me, then you will show your love for Me in your daily prayers. Jesus said: My people, when St. Paul was in prison in Rome, he still was able to preach My Gospel to those people who visited him, and to those people he wrote letters. This is why the evil ones are doing everything they can to upset your government. Even during this first virus attack, your people still considered abortion as an essential service. You have been seeing a decline in Mass attendance over the years, so it will be interesting to see how many people actually come to Sunday Mass. Mi hijo, tu has usado este pasaje (4 Reyes: 19-35) muchas veces para darle a conocer a la gente sobre el poder de solo un ngel Mio. Mis ngeles proveern por sus necesidades, y tu adoraras a Mi Santsimo Sacramento en la custodia en perpetua Adoracin. Only God can show us the error of our ways, and until we ask Him with a contrite heart, we may be blinded to the Truth, just like our Country is right now! Luego compraste 22 catres con colchones pequeos. Click on any month below for a copy of the messages posted for that month or click here to view the most recent messages posted to the site. Jesus said: My people, you just read about St. Paul as he was leaving on a ship for Jerusalem. police interview transcripts. Dale gracias a Dios y adoracin a Mi por guiarte con todas tus preparaciones. Enjoy this brief freedom for now because there will be a worse virus in the fall. Even when you are restricted by this virus shutdown, you can still put Sunday, May 31, 2020: (Pentecost Sunday) Here is the latest from Life Site News on the internal battle our Country is having with the Sheep being separated from the goats that are as savage as wolves on abortion. Also, Spiritual Warfare by Father Chad Ripperger, and Lenten Preparation by Father Dan Reehil from Catholic RadioMaria. john leary latest messages june 2020. Then in verses 21 through 22, Jeremiah is warning the people that Gods wrath is coming and that the Shepherds are senseless because they do not inquire upon our Lord, and they have scattered the flock. An Explanation of the Enchiridion and The Indulgences We Can Receive. Es un problema cuando las falsas noticias no reportan los verdaderos nmeros de muertes relacionados con el coronavirus. Amen. The Holy Spirit said: I am the Spirit of God, and you see Me symbolized as a dove. Tu estas presenciando la maldad en las personas que han regado este virus para reducir la populacin, y evitarlos que vayan a Mis sacramentos. 10They have returned to the sins of their ancestors,who refused to listen to my words. I told you to stock up on canned goods, and that the deep state will spread this new virus Thursday, June 4, 2020: Here is Jeremiah, Chapter 11. https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Jeremiah%2011&version=NIV. Este virus ser regado por toda Amrica y ser lo peor. Jess dice: Mi hijo, tu estas escuchando a Mi voz interna en Mis locuciones para ti cuando estas en silencio despus que me recibes a Mi en la Santa Comunin. This is why after the Warning, you need to convert your family and friends to Me, or they could be lost in hell. Instead, I will destroy them with the sword,famineand plague.. Tu puedes confiar en Mis ngeles para que protejan tu refugio y provee por tus necesidades. T tambin tenas el proyecto de instalar un pozo para el agua de la cocina y los baos. He told him 3 things: -We've been going to the moon since 1962. Back around 1900, a popular vaudeville song was "Let Me Shake the Hand that Shook the Hand of John L. Sullivan," the last heavyweight bareknuckle boxing champion. You need to leave your home within twenty minutes, and you will not return to your home. Posts in This Blog on How to Prepare for the Times of Distress Spiritually Before the Warning and the Coming Tribulation. The latest messages can be read by clicking on the Latest Messages link under the Messages menu. Jesus said: My people, I have told you before that now is the time to take back your freedoms in worshiping Me. Caught on Video Three Spectacular Miracle of the Sun at Medjugorje and Holy Love Ministries (Maranatha Spring and Shrine), Information and Instructions - How To Do A Ghost Release - By a soul - MaryRefugeOfSouls, Are you looking for deeper intimacy with God, divine healing, and inner peace? Reflecting on The Teachings on One of the Fathers and Doctors of the Church on the End Times of St. Robert Bellarmine and Comparing Them to the Prophetic Messages of Lorena Portillo from Mexico and Other Prophets in the Blog. Tu tenas el dinero, as que pudiste poner los paneles solares con un sistema de 34 paneles y 12 bateras solares. Los del partido opuesto continuaran causando eventos para debilitar y derribar la economa americana y militar. Latest Videos from Mother and Refuge of the End Times, Quo Vadis, and the Two Preachers. Yo puedo ver una alfombre roja que dirige hasta una puerta que se abre por si misma. Do not fear, God will not abandon you." Reflection on Psalm 146 in Gods Holy Word! After the Warning, you will return to your body and you will have six weeks to convert your family without the devils influence. You have seen many deaths all over the world from this virus, and many nations have used a shut down to try and minimize the spread of the virus. Those people, who do not have a refuge, will be called to have your guardian angels lead you with a flame to the nearest refuge. Derribando estatuas histricas es otra forma de como los izquierdistas estn tratando de destruir su historia y cultura para remplazarlo con ideales socialistas comunistas. On June 15, ministers were planning on opening non-essential retail premises. Monday, June 1, 2020: Choose godparents to guide this child. Also, in the news in case you missed it yesterday, President Biden let the cat out of the bag and informed everyone in the news conference that there will be another Pandemic in the future. Tu tuviste algunos problemas, pero todos los proyectos estn terminados y estas listo para recibir a la gente. Is this also Planet X, Hercolubus, or TRAPPIST-1? Jesus said: "My people, the freezing rain makes ice all over everything. Esto ser cuando las vidas de Mis fieles estn en peligro, que Yo los llamare a la seguridad de Mis refugios. T tambin has sido enviado al mundo para compartir Mi Palabra y traer las almas convertidas hacia Mi. Las noticias y la en TV tu vez protestas en las calles organizadas y pagadas por miembros del grupo Vidas Negras Importan y Antifa. 16TheLordcalled you a thriving olive treewith fruit beautiful in form.But with the roar of a mighty stormhe will set it on fire,and its branches will be broken. Lent is a time of prayer and fasting so you can focus more on loving Me and loving your neighbor. En la Capilla del Padre Eterno estamos orando y viendo la Misa por el internet. Este virus llegar en el otoo y habr tanta muerte y confusin, que las elecciones sern canceladas. Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account. Junio 1, 2020 (Partidos de Oposicin planifican el tomo completo de EU) Let us destroy the tree and its fruit;let us cut him off from the land of the living,that his name be rememberedno more.20But you,LordAlmighty, who judge righteouslyand test the heartand mind,let me see your vengeanceon them,for to you I have committed my cause. 21Therefore this is what theLordsays about the people of Anathothwho are threatening to kill you,saying, Do not prophesyin the name of theLordor you will dieby our hands22therefore this is what theLordAlmighty says: I will punish them. I tol. Tearing down historical statues is another way that the left is trying to destroy your history and culture to replace it with socialist communist ideas. There is freedom of speech, but looting and burning peoples properties is a crime, and these anarchists need to be in jail. However, according to the Labor Depart- $900, from about $600 or many economists say, the U.S. ment, resulting in a slowdown 2020 '21 '22 2020 '21 '22 $700. Jan | Feb | Mar | Apr | May | Jun | Jul | Aug | Sep | Oct | Nov | Dec, Jan | Feb | Mar | Apr | May | Jun | Jul | Aug | Sep | Oct | Nov | Dec, More message archives to come as time permits, click here to view the most recent messages. Latest Catholic Radio Maria Podcast from Father Dan Reehil on the antichrist. john leary messages 2021. Yo me puedo ver dentro de un bote que representa el arca del refugio. I want people to love Me of their own free will. Their young menwill die by the sword, their sons and daughters by famine. Regocjense en Mi amor y Mis sacramentos. There was a darkness around this flame in your vision because you are losing your freedoms every day under Biden. Appendix 99: Descent Into Hell: CIA MKULTRA's Torture Doctors, Scientists, Spies, & Politicians: Hall of Shame Rogues Gallery. Prayer Group: Jesus said: My people, it is appalling that your bishops and governors are still keeping My faithful from even coming to daily Mass. Junio 1, 2020 (Partidos de Oposicin planifican el tomo completo de EU) En la capilla del Padre Eterno estamos orando antes el DVD de adoracin. How To Translate Downloadable Documents, Books And Booklets, On This Blog Into 90 Languages, Holy Love Ministry Heavenly Messages In 90 Languages Translation Instructions, Our Lady Of Medjugorje Messages In 90 Languages Translation Instructions, CONTACT ME: I can shelter and board a conservative priest in crisis in the USA, Website: Our Lady of Emmitsburg Gianna Talone-Sullivan Spiritual Counseling, Website: My Sacred Shelter Prayer Requests, Sister Website: Mary Queen Of Peace Fatima, Garabandal, And Medjugorje, Sister Website: Jesus And Mary Love Children (And Teens! Have no fear and trust that My angels will provide for your needs., Saturday, June 20, 2020 You are all happy to see Me in Holy Communion, and your friends. (LogOut/ Tus veras un virus peor en el otoo que matara muchas personas. These same angels will provide buildings and multiply your food, water, and fuels for your people. John Leary --> Latest News Site Updates Videos / Books Fr. A message Mr Johnson sent to Mr Hancock on June 6, 2020, said he was 'thinking hard about the 15th June'. Jess dice: Mi hijo, cuando te ped que empezaras un refugio, tu acordaste a seguirme a Mi, a pesar de que tu no sabias todos los proyectos que Yo te dara. My prophet foretold of My protection, and one of My angels went among the Assyrian soldiers and the angel slew 185,000 men in one quick attack. Tu tuviste 4 practicas del refugio con personas que se quedaron a dormir en tu casa, hasta usaste el combustible para calentar tu casa con queroseno y madera. After two hurricanes had struck, a message of Jesus to John Leary talked about the two hurricanes, showing no knowledge of the two additional hurricanes to strike in that same year. Yo me pude ver en nuestro refugio, y luego los aviones empezaron a regar el virus por el aire. My son, you have used this passage (4 Kings 19:35) many times to relate to the people about the power of even one of My angels. Here are the latest messages on After the Warning website, the first to Giselle Cardia. Estas protestas son pagadas y son el principio. https://www.biblehub.com/luke/21-25.htm. Este segundo virus puede destruir tu economa. Some of your Scripture scholars talk about the Nephilim giants that were the offspring from demon angels who had sex with human females.
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