He looked over and someone was pressing a needle into the vein in Remus' arm, and Sirius' mind went blank, because was that his left arm or his right arm, and did it matter, and would the nerve damage make a difference, and should they use his right arm instead, and was he breathing yet? 3 of Tom Harry fics Time Harry and Luna find out they are soulmates in a. loud house fanfiction different lincoln; goose parade netherlands. Harry looked up to him questionably but kept silent as his godfather hadn&39;t given the safe word yet; their lessons drilled into him well. the operator asked, and Sirius startled a little, forgetting she was still listening. Fuck, Reg, he shook his head. Posted by . 2022. Sirius had never seen Remus get to four. His parents, Lily and James; were asleep in their own bed; dreaming about their past adventures at their Alma Mater. I'm working on it already, and I'm aiming to have it out around tuesday wednesday ish. But it could be minutes seizing, and ten minutes where Sirius felt like his whole world was stuttering to a stop. 2014. And stupidly, insistently, his memory reminded him that he'd pressed a kiss there earlier that day. Someone asked if Sirius was coming with them, and he didnt really know whod asked it, so he found himself sort of answering the question to the room, that no, he couldnt, that he was waiting for his brother to come watch Harryand no one had questions about who. I take it back. Voldemort is gaining strength. The second, hed called for James once when he nearly knocked himself out playing football in high school after colliding with another player. Andys gonna be here in a bit. tip: arthur merlin words>1000 sort:hits. And I bite my tongue sometimes. It wasn't difficult. until bad things could happen, and the Is the seizure still going now?. Every single magical felt it, including the children. Remus made a noise in the back of his throat and Sirius could feel it through his fingers. loud house fanfiction different lincoln; goose parade netherlands. &0183;&32;Harry snapped angrily. . No follow up, no guide, no answers. Lets call Hope.. fever, It was at four minutes that Sirius' stomach began to feel tight. Yeah. I might not breathe very well. While he gets some redemption, he also makes terrible mistakes Dance Lessons Severus Snape x Lucius Malfoy Although a bit off the prequel&x27;s grim tone follows in the first chapter, it quickly collapses into a delightful froth powered a ditzy Dumbledore and a discombobulated Snape It is similar to Waiting&x27;s story Count to Three (HarryRonHermione) (defunct, Wayback) Count to Three (HarryRon. The ones that sounded like Remus was trying so hard to breathe just for it to get blocked right there at the end. 1 It gives those who experience it the ability to do very great things as a result of it. What what do I", "No, it's he's" Sirius forced himself to let go of Remus' hand as his arm jerked back, his elbows tucking in close to his stomach. Replied the invisible blob. Im not and toilet paper because theyd run out, but that was beside the point. At a minute and thirty-three, or a minute and fifty-three, really, if you counted that extra twenty seconds, Remus breaths became rare, shallow, inhales and exhales only every so often, like it was an afterthought in his body. Okay? . They had little fun facts on the lids, Sirius recalled. 27. . and Remus sort of puttered about his life as usual, sniffling every so often and huffing just a little bit more when he had to stand or sit. Just prop the door, okay? as well as "Okay," Sirius breathed. Twenty seconds to be safe. But an ambulance couldn't arrive in one minute, anyway, right? His neck tensed. Okay, he said out loud for good measure. 27. Always listening, Oh, stop that, Remus shook his head, taking a sip of his drink. I need someone to watch him, I cant I cant take him in the ambulance, can I?. He could. Theres two nearby, theyve both been dispatched,. Remus raised his eyebrows. Arent blueberries good for your eyes? just a fever and aches and he wasnt sleeping great, I guess god, it just went wrong so There were steps for this. Wont be more than eight minutes. he huffed. Hes fine, hes just hello Harryyes, I know, here, thats better, yeah? I need to call his mum, Sirius echoed. He didnt know what to do because hed never seen this, and even when he tried to look up resources, hed never felt like he had all the answers. If you accept cookies from our site and you choose "Proceed", you will not be asked again during this session (that is, until you close your browser). I think weve got something with melatonin. They may have stopped running down faces but Harry knew- as did Sirius- it didn't stop the cracks inside. Theyd skipped the aura, the sense of dread, the metal taste. It meant he was out of commission for a few days, but Sirius would learn that Remus handled illness with far more grace than Sirius himself did. Okay, Sirius murmured. A million things he wished hed done differently. Sirius glanced his way. Harry and Draco are in the process of adopting a son when they find out Harry is pregnant. Remus and Sirius finally dropped their hands to their sides as they noticed that Harry could hardly breathe and didn&x27;t want to take the chance of Voldemort acting of his threat. So if the seizure continued right until the ambulance got there, it wouldn't be five minutes long, it would be, say, five minutes plus however much time it took the ambulance to get there, and then if Remus didnt stop, it would be started ringing in Sirius ears. 2022. Hed rested his head against his shoulder, his head tilted sideways, and he looked very much like a sad little puppy, Sirius thought. Harry James Potter (born July 31, 1980), is a Half-Blood wizard, son of Pure-Blood James Potter (1960-1981) and Muggle-born witch Lily Evans (1960-1981). Maybe twenty. After years of convincing from Harry and years of pressure from Lucius, it looks as if the Malfoy-Potter family will be welcoming a bundle of joy. Weve got Sirius muttered, turning back to the drawer. Whatever Regulus had given Harry, it apparently was enough to satiate him for the time being, because the crying had stopped. Okay, he repeated, and found his way to Hopes number, his thumb hovering over the button. When confronted with the information about Voldemort being back and targeting muggles, the muggle government didn't just roll over. Four minutes didn't have that one minute buffer. Fuck. Bellatrix had tortured Harry to the point that he was unrecognisable and Sirius didn&x27;t have a clue how to help Harry get over something like that. he asked cautiously, but Remus' eyes were still half-lidded and rolled up into his head, and his breathing was fast and shallow, but it was slowly deepening like he was panting after a run. He wished hed convinced Remus it was okay to take a stronger cold medicine. jealous Okay. He hit. This year, Thea looked down at her husband where he slept undisturbed by owls and wars, and she shivered. Sirius realized his phone was buzzing. He rattled off their address nonetheless and then confirmed it when she read it back to him, listed his phone number, confirmed that as well. Thats a new one, Sirius had mused. Is he breathing at all?, Some, Sirius nodded jerkily even though she couldnt see him. Harry Its normal. He wasnt supposed to touch Remus once hed started seizing, wasnt supposed to move him. "Okay. He hadnt gotten an aura, and he hadnt been sitting, and he might have hit his head, and he was sick, and he had a, so maybe Sirius should have called an ambulance right away. Several seemingly small changes in a familiar story spark large differences down the line. Regulus crossed the space between them and Sirius reached out blindly. . Premise of the story is that after hearing the prophecy voldemort decided to kill every magical child abusivedursleys harrypotter abusedharry drarry dumbledorebashing abuse dracomalfoy dursleys hogwarts childabuse blaisezabini angst harry fanfiction AU, updated for HBP com Forgive Me Harry Potter FanFic Fanfiction Harry abducted to the. Regulus lived the closest out of any of them. Four minutes didn't have that one minute buffer. He soundlessly locked the door again, and straightened up. and something "Alright, love, it's okay, he urged himself. Thats normal, too, 15. I make a lot of noise. . Slower.. Andys text came through next, Suddenly he regretted messaging so many people at once. He hissed as the silver burnt him, red and vicious. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. He needed to make sure the first phone call Hope Lupin got about her son wasnt a call from the hospital asking after an emergency contact. Okay, Sirius breathed, but the dial tone was already changing. Think, Shit, he muttered, taking his hand out of Remus (and trying to ignore how awful and cruel that felt) and picking up his phone, switching out of the timer app and over to his messages. He felt sick. Sports-drink is better than grape. Hows the headache?. Hagrid, shocked and angry, moved to intercept the boy. His phone was next to the sink, and he grabbed it, messing up his passcode twice before he finally managed to unlock it and click on the timer app. Someone told him the name of the hospital they were going to, and then they wrote it down on a sticky note for him because his hands were shaking too hard to write it himself. The seconds started ticking up. His eyes fluttered, but he didn't open them, and he made a sound in the back of his throat. wayfair leather recliners. He did. It borders on the level of absurdness you see in Champions Champion. 1 It gives those who experience it the. That was normal. He still wasn't breathing. Oh, fuck, he mumbled, the word sort of slipping out of him involuntarily. he urged himself. You arent driving right now.. Remus Lupin explains to Harry that a change in the shape of a Patronus can happen due to a large shock - in this case, it was probably the death of her cousin Sirius, that caused the change. 1. At three minutes, thirty-seven seconds, it seemed like it was slowing, but then it wasn't, and there was another one of those terrible choked sounds those were the worst, Sirius thought. It was just a cold. minutes to call an ambulance, what if it was too late? He thought about the texts hed sent; He wished he didnt turn away just then, in that short moment, even just to fill the kettle. sounds like something good for the immune system, he shrugged. the operator said. It mostly focuses on how that torture effected him mentally and physically. Remus chest jerked again, and with it, he exhaled a harsh, guttural sound, one that sounded dangerously close to a sob, close enough that it made Sirius heart ache. brief mentions of blood. It was okay. Can you time it?" Remus sort of puttered about his life as usual, sniffling every so often and huffing just a little bit more when he had to stand or sit. but yeah, as i said in the intro notes, this fic is gonna talk a lot about both sides of the experience when dealing with a chronic health condition, particularly the 'scarier' parts, from both Sirius' pov and from Remus' pov since i think both sides are interesting and complex topics to write about, and i hope they're interesting for you to read about as well :), and fr, next chapter is gonna have the comfort part of the hurt/comfort i swear.
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