Enough-time for real action. Have a story to share with Cracked? Diaz, who lived in Union Gap, a three-hour drive fromSeattle,tried to cross the border northwest of LaredoonInternational Bridge 2 on May 5, 2020. MLB legend makes surprise appearance at Astros' Spring Training, Hiker takes 'once-in-a-lifetime' photo at Brazos Bend State Park, Eric Gordon trade looking better and better for Houston Rockets, This Texas Hill Country town is the new, cooler Fredericksburg, This is what Houston looks like from space, Oops! Its compactness makes it easy to conceal and some versions can hold a 30-round magazine, made of lightweight polymer. Dear Mexico: clean up your own house before telling us how to take care of ours. Every once in a while, a dolt drops a gem. The state, about a five-hour drive west of Mexico City,is known for its production of avocados. The Mexican government estimates that more than half a million guns are smuggled from the U.S. each year, arming Mexico's deadly cartel wars. Mayor: HISD has two optionsclose school or be taken over, Rare photos show 2 ocelots crossing South Texas road, Willie Nelson pays lovely tribute to another country legend. Mexican and U.S. authorities arrested Guzman in February; he had eluded authorities for decades. Sinaloa Cartel A Mexico-based cartel famous largely because their long-term leader, El Chapo, was recently captured and imprisoned, the dangerous Sinaloa Cartel is also notorious for its extensive ties to the Mexican federal police and military. Blood Gun Money: How America Arms Gangs and Cartels. Its just to easy to buy up second hand guns and ship them to Mexico. Use Next and Previous buttons to navigate. But the weapons that Hernandez and his associates purchased ended up in the hands of Mexican drug cartel pistoleros, including the Bushmaster .223 that was later used to kill four police officers and three secretaries in Acapulco. At one point, it was probably four to five of these rifles a week. Comparing it to Belgium and Czech and German Model 98s made the M70 look like a piece of trash. Explain again how the two assists are not in prison for supplying weapons to know criminals that used the weapons to kill US citizens. Diaz's attorney, Gregory Torres, declinedcomment. ", After a couple weeks of escalating sketchiness, they reported the straw purchasers to the ATF, who immediately showed up to shut this shit d-, Sean Rayford/Getty Images News/Getty Images, Nope! Accessories?". All the illegal purchases followed the same basic pattern, "They would always call, because they always wanted to know the exact amount ahead of time -- usually same day -- and make sure we had one in stock. While this is isn't based on one true story, it follows a teenager at the forefront of the crack cocaine epidemic in Los Angeles. By Ioan Grillo Bloomsbury: 400 pages, $28 If you buy books linked on our site, The Times may earn a commission from Bookshop.org . Most of Mexicos gun violence (and violence in general) has primarily come from the cartel wars through the illicit gun trade and insatiable drug thurst facilitated by the United States. It depicts one cartel member dressed in a garish shirt, cowboy hat and belt buckle. "It doesn't say anything about conduct of retailer, manufacturer or purchaser.". In the absence of sane border security policies, Guerra said, drug cartels decide who crosses, and people in their organizations use the children to enter the U.S. California gun-control activists credited that state's low total to strict state firearms laws that severely limit sales of military-style weaponry. Somehow, gum made out of tree bark is still softer than Bazooka. While we're busy patting ourselves on the back, you can pat too by voting here and here. The U.S. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives contends the most popular are the FN-57 pistol, once nicknamed the cop-killer for the ammo it could fire; the AR type 223 rifle and the. Really, who? After paying the piso and traveling throughCoahuila, Diaz still wouldhave faced a 14-hour drive south toMichoacn. Many interesting behind-the-scenes bits have happened during the 20 years of telling tales about our favorite trailer-park residents, Bobs never bought Christmas seals he told me he wouldnt know what to feed them, Below you, an entire other world operates. I'm a projects reporter, examining key education topics and other local issues. A gold plated pistol and jewelry, allegedly seized from Manuel Alquisires Garcia, aka "El Meme," sit on display during his presentation to the press of in Mexico City, Monday Sept. 12, 2011. In November 2009, the ATF's Phoenix field office launched an operation in which guns bought by drug-cartel straw purchasers in the U.S. were allowed to "walk" across the border into Mexico. You took their 4473 and transcribed all that, then it asked what type of transaction it was, how many 100s, how many 50s, how many 10s, ones. But as the government attempts to stem the flow of drugs across the US border - it is these military-grade guns which are being smuggled in the other direction. How does the cartel feel about branded accessories? Damn Democrat Pipeline! You have lost 4,020 Federal, State, and Municipal Police killed by the cartels. Agents launched 534 investigations, seized $29 million and intercepted more than 1,200 guns, 4,700 magazines for semi-automatic and automatic weapons and 700,000 rounds of ammunition headed to. That leaves the military as the only ones able to battle thecartels.. Court documents show such purchasers buying as many as 20 AK-47s at a time, paying as much as $11,000 in cash. I could have sworn that at one time there was a federal law that banned face masks, a law intended to force the KKK out into the open. What Newell said quite clearly is that . Operation Without a Trace works in sync with efforts by ATF, which targetsstraw purchasers, and the DEA, whose agents piece together conspiracy cases by identifying drug networks and their links to specific cartels. For our source, who did nothing but exactly what the law told him, watching the bloody aftermath of the scandal was traumatic: "Our initial thought was how many of these can be pointed across the border at our guys? Shut your pie hole Holder. They want the firearms only in the hands they want so that they can execute their plan. In the world of assault-type weaponry, power is measured by bullet caliber, velocity and range, as well rapidity of fire and ammunition magazine capacity. The No. Mexican officials want to disarm America so the can finally claim Texas again and spread there filth into the lungs and veins of every Godless heathen that exists :). One exhibit features weapons seized from cartel members. And that region continues struggling with. Another solid reason for the U.S. to pass universal back ground checks. Why was President Biden talking about Utahs 2002 Winter Games at the White House? Take a look at some of the flashiest weapons you'll ever see in the slideshow above. American and Mexican law enforcement officials say nearly all of the gun violence in Mexico is fueled by the illicit import and sale of U.S. firearms. Of course, thats not primary the message Newsweek and the mainstream media (not to mention Mexican officials) want readers to take away from their report. Latin American criminal gangs have embraced social media and messaging platforms to spread narco culture and sell drugs. weapons to Mexico. Being monitored by the ATF, so ", Once the purchase was completed and the "customer" left the store, " the money was counted with the cameras watching it. ), We want USA to be majority white! After his arrest, Diaz told agents with Homeland Security Investigations he was paid $5,000 upfront to smuggle "fierros," Spanish for "iron," which he understood to be guns,across the border. Same questions. Serial numbers really do tell a story. Build the wall. ", It was a good gig for a while. On the Shelf. Hundreds of firearms on display before being destroyed at . A row of glass cases are filled with seized weapons. Id gut all weapons law and send any politician that suggest a new gun law to GitMo with a mandatory minimum sentence of life. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. I would be one of the richest people on the planet. I mean the cartels. We know theyre being illegally trafficked through California into Tijuana. It weighs around 30 pounds and costs as much as a damn car. So, you would come in, say hello, shoot the shit, ask him about his kid. Only if your definition of a thing is existing in quiet obsolescence. Pass universal background checks, end loopholes: gunshow and Charleston. None of the manufacturers, including Barrett, responded to Reuters requests for comment. Soldiers stand guard around a presentation of arms captured in an operation against the Gulf cartel in Mexico City, Friday, Nov. 7, 2008. Im having a memory lapsewhich guns are made in Mexico, exactly? Some of the reasons so many guns come from Texas: people can cross the border on land or by theRio Grande River, and"in places like Houston and San Antonio, theres a gun store on every corner, said Will Glaspy, formerly in charge of DEA's Houston Division. COPYRIGHT 2021, THETRUTHABOUTGUNS.COM. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. All wars are fought with weapons, and the guns used to murder tens of thousands of people in the Mexican War on Drugs mostly come from America.From handguns,. An estimated 20 attorneys, many based in Texas, are expected to unite to represent Mexico,including six companies they blame for the bulk of recovered crime guns there:Smith & Wesson, Beretta, Century Arms, Colt, Glockand Ruger. The Bushmaster .223 comes with a 30-round magazine, enabling the shooter to fire all 30 rounds, one for each pull of the trigger, in a minute or less. None of this is rocket science and all the slick lies and smoke and mirrors Barn Brain attempts to use only discredit anything else he panders to an unsuspecting right wing crowd eager to hear preaching from a Messiah to the choir of the uneducated. Formed by ex-military men who became armed enforcers for the Gulf Cartel, the Zetas split with their former patrons nearly three years ago and have since become one of Mexico's largest and most . A gold-plated AK-47 rifle seized to alleged leader of "The Resistance" drugs cartel, Ramiro Pozos Gonzalez, aka "El Molca", is presented to the press in Mexico City, on September 12, 2012. If someone is breaking the law, go after them. There, members oftheGulf Cartel and CJNGhave formed a partnership, Jones said. More than 40 people have been charged in the Upstate of South Carolina as part of a drug-trafficking case known as "Las Seoritas," according to Attorney General Alan Wilson . Besides, the Belgian five-seven was supposed to be the ultimate status symbol], Tijuanas Director of Public Safety, Marco Antonio Sotomayor, says most of the guns flowing into his city come from north of the border. Those Ma Dueces & full auto Norinco Type 56 carbines arent coming from America, duh], In addition to weapons from the States working better, Mexico cartels view firearms as status symbols, retired DEA agent Jack Riley told The San Diego Union-Tribune: It is really important to these criminal organizations, who stay in business by the threat of violence and through the use of violence; and the tools that they prefer to do that with are American-made guns. [whats the status symbol aspect have to do with anything? I bet they have favorite beers and hand grenades, too. Because they could be doing a hell of a lot more to fight smuggling into the country and to protect their own good guy guns from being stolen. A spokeswoman for Bushmaster did not respond to repeated calls for comment. They only wanted a couple of us dealing with it fill out this form, have the money counted, so we can bring drug dogs in to check the bills for drugs. He expected to be paid anadditional $5,000 once the guns were delivered toMichoacn, Mexico, according to court records. So, the ATF was like, "We'll show you! Majority all arms used in Mexico, where gun control laws are very strict, are bought in the U.S . An arrogant armed American Gringo. Some suspects won't talk after their arrests and othersadmit smuggling guns but claim they don't know the names of the buyers or the cartel involved. A Hearst Newspapers survey of 1,600 guns purchased mostly in Texas and Arizona which were either shipped to Mexico or intercepted en route shows the Bushmaster .223 AR-15 ranks second among firearms apparently used in drug warfare. By Jared Olson. South Korean-made grenades have been. Holder and Obama spoiled the Mexican Cartels by sending them all those quality US made weapons while they ran the show in Washington. It was weird that, one, he came in with $10,000 cash. Further investigation revealed that from Jan. 21, 2020 to July 11, 2022, Hernandez had purchased 231 handguns 9mm's, .380's and .22's which officials suspect he smuggled into Mexico. Together the men funneled nearly 340 firearms valued at almost $370,000 to Mexican drug cartels. Of course, these same quoted Mexican officials made no mention of changing their own to laws to allow the little people to own some cold steel with which they could protect themselves and their families from corrupt federales and cartel predators. Officers found all of those brands, except Century Arms,in the shipments smuggled by Diaz, court records show. If Diaz had sneaked his arsenal past U.S. Customs officials, he would have had to pay a "piso," or fee, to members of the Crtel del Noreste,or CDN, which dominates this area of northern Mexico, Jonessaid. Now its used by more than 70 security agencies across the world, according to Barrett. Drug cartels have the flashiest of weapons in their arsenal. See I figured they were big fans of German guns, going back to that huge illegal arms contract HK won for the cartels awhile back. While they had been gun-running since 2006, a 2011 report by the inspector general criticized the agency for dedicating too many resources to busting straw purchasers and not enough at busting the cartel guys doing the buying. Mexican Drug Cartels Agree: American-Made Guns Are the Best, Mexican drug and crime cartels prefer American-made guns. I do like tacos though. No, they published this piece in an effort to get the US Congress to tighten Americas gun control laws, ostensibly to stop the alleged flow of guns to Mexico. The M82 can easily penetrate bulletproof vests, concrete walls and even tanks, says its manufacturer Barrett Firearms. By the way, where were these officials when the Obama administration was running guns into Mexico as part of Operation Fast and Furious? Military-style weaponry has enabled the drug trafficking organizations to match and sometimes overwhelm the firepower of Mexican law enforcement. As Mexican drug groups cut in on avocado sales by extorting growers, armed locals fight back, Daughter of Mexican cartel boss sentenced to US prison for violation of Kingpin Act. Not all of them went to prison, and none of them were cartel bigwigs. "He never saw those guns," his attorney told The Courier Journal. Between 2009 and 2020, authorities seized 358 M82rifles, according to official figures cited by the Milenio newspaper. Sept. 7, 2010 -- A shocking new report obtained by ABC News says that as many as three out of four guns used in crimes in Mexico and recovered and capable of being traced can be traced to gun . Fast and Furious was a Department of Justice Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) "gunrunning" operation in which the Obama administration allowed guns to be sold to Mexican drug cartels in the hope the weapons would be recovered at crime scenes. Pass red flag laws. Instead, the ATF lost 1,400 (or more!) Sandy Huffaker/Getty Images News/Getty Images. Never heard of Obama? That sounds great, but the agent working with our source and his store told everyone that the charges wouldn't stick: "Our agent was pretty candid with us: He let us know the guys doing it had been arrested. Obama supplied guns to mexican gangs, and were also used in Paris France terrorist attack. Its all too easy to legally ship a batch of guns to a South American Corrupt Government that just happens to have some come up missing and they get sold to drug cartels for big bucks. That included riflesmanufactured in Tennessee and Arkansas capable of downing aircraft or ripping through armored police cars andtanks. Not the party of civil rights,, wait the Democratic Party is not nor has it ever been the Party of Civil Rights as it has always opposed and still opposes the Constitution; it has been and continues to be the Party of Civil Right Suppression, the Party of Slavery, the Party of the KKK, the Party who opposed voting rights,, (just Google it, Google any historic Democratic Politician in history). FN Herstal PS90 rifle: It also fires the 5.7X28mm round. No way the Democrats would support increasing the numbers of guns in the world. I would take that way further. How in the hell can any society withstand such incredible violence and not crumble? American guns are ok, and many of the gun companies from the above countries have some US manufacturing. Photo gallery: The top ten favorite guns of the Mexican drug cartels By Will Tucker on July 15, 2011 at 10:07 AM Texas on the Potomac reporter-researcher Will Tucker has compiled a photo. The reason the cartels had use for the Barrett is chilling: When you're as large as, say, Los Zetas, your "turf wars" involve the Mexican army. View of cartridges and weapons from the gangsters and drug-traffickers at the Military Headquarter in Mexico City, on November 7, 2008. We know theyre being illegally trafficked through California into Tijuana.. Cartels often use drug profits to pay Americans to buy weaponsfor them at retail stores andgun shows, called straw purchases. "I was working in a very large gun store in Phoenix at the time, and we sold everything. I got a phone call one day on the shop line, and a guy was looking for a Barrett .50 cal, which is not a crazy weapon in terms of how available they are.". So CA is itself one of those neighboring States that is (cough) responsible for illegal firearms/use across a boundry? In Mexico City, the military has a museum used to train officials, diplomats, and cadets about the war on drugs. Typically, the purchaser turns the guns over to a broker who takes them across the border to Mexico, where such weapons cannot be bought legally. Till then, fuck you! 24 of 29 25 of 29 A handgun covered with gold and money sized to alleged financial agent of the drug "Cartel . (zero miles currently built 1 mo gov shut down trump heights built tho??? Mexican cartels exploiting border chaos to smuggle fentanyl into US By Isabel Vincent June 10, 2022 3:53pm Updated Mexican drug cartels are taking advantage of the chaotic influx of migrants. 1 Make rioting in public while wearing a mask a felony with mandatory prison time. Alfred Guzman and Ivan Guzman are the sons of Joaqun (El Chapo) Guzmn Loera better known as the infamous kingpin of the Sinaloa cartel, which is North America's post powerful, and feared, organization trafficking drugs and laundering money worldwide. Maybe if the border was more of an obstacle], Theres no way for people to buy guns like these in Mexico. And yes the California shooter did have a vetted gun but the point being made is that without uniform vetting laws funneling second hand guns into Mexico is a piece of cake. Same guys, different job. But, who gave the arms to the Mexican cartels? To intercept more Mexico-bound guns, the U.S. Southwest Border Counternarcotics Strategy of 2020, of the National Drug Control Policy, vowed that "the United States will improve criminal-intelligence and information-sharing for illegal weapons trafficking and enhance cooperation with international partners.". Called a "technical" by US military.) Of those murders, at least 20,005 were carried out with guns. [and I wonder what fraction of those murders were carried out at the behest of federal authorities by their cartel buddiesthe same Federales that prohibit citizens from arming up to defend themselves against the cartels.]. "It's a horrible epidemic, but it . He was badly wounded, while two bodyguards and an innocent bystander were killed. In fact, according to Newsweek, cartel criminals view American guns as status symbols because, well, they work. The "El Presidente" model is popular in Mexico because it is one of the few guns legally available there, according to the Violence Policy Center. An estimated 19% came from California, 15%from Arizona and 25% from other states. Colt Super .38 pistol: Colt, based in West Hartford, Conn., is the corporate legacy of Samuel Colt, who popularized the revolver in the years before the Civil War. Our source and his employer had just been drawn into the ATF's latest kooky adventure. So Ive just one question for you. 8. If you want to keep guns out of the country, you do not appear to be making any real effort at it. A handgun covered with gold and money sized to alleged financial agent of the drug "Cartel del Golfo", Manuel Alquisires Garcia, aka "El Meme" and also know as Agustin Sanchez Morua, are shown during his presentation to the press on September 12, 2011 in Mexico City. MEXICO: Stop the flow of Immigrants going north and maybe we will do something about guns going south across the border. As of 2018 you have lost 395 servicemen killed and 137 missing, presumed killed by over 100,000 cartel fighters. Thirty-four. This story has been shared 100,034 times. The Hearst survey parallel the findings of a Violence Policy Center report from 2009 documenting 21 gun-trafficking court cases involving 1,700 weapons funneled to Mexico, as well as a federal law enforcement report this year, based on 2,921 guns recovered in Mexico and traced to original U.S. purchases between December 2006 and November 2010. And he didn't want any ammo for it or any optics for it. A total of 852, 29 percent, were from Arizona. Guns are funneled into the closest or easiest crossing into Mexico and they come from other states with lax laws. [see the above; Israel, China, Brazil, and many other big arms makers also chip in plenty. quoteClown shoes.quote. Bullet holes are seen after a battle between the CJNG and Los Viagras cartels in Aguililla. It was run by brothers Jorge Luis, Juan David, and Fabio Ochoa Vasquez; Pablo Escobar; Carlos Lehder; George Jung; and Jose Gonzalo Rodriguez. Body armour and load-bearing equipment were used by many cartel members, including examples marked 'Marina' (Marines) or 'Polica Estatal' (State Police). https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mexican_Drug_War. One of the most dangerous pockets of Mexico City: Teptio, the primary-black market area, under the thumb of the Union Cartel. 2023 NYP Holdings, Inc. All Rights Reserved, Video shows gunman nonchalantly shoot homeless man execution-style in broad daylight, NJ man tried to board plane with handguns, AR-15, Taser, phony US Marshal badge, Parolee flaunted ghost gun on social media before weapons arrest: feds, Rust armorer Hannah Gutierrez-Reed can keep gun at home: judge. It is not clear if Century Arms imported the Draco in that case. This is another valid reason to vet second hand gun purchases because there often is no paper trail with second hand guns, especially guns that have been sold over and over again second hand. Why havent you closed your northern border with a massive military presence to stop south bound smuggling? Drug cartels are known for heinous acts of violence and blatant disregard for law, but one more thing the outlaws are known for is their taste for the most luxurious items. He didn't know much about it beside the fact that he wanted it.". Diaz is one of 360 suspects arrested so far duringOperation Without a Trace, an ongoingcrackdown launched nearly two years ago by Homeland Security Investigationsand U.S. Customs and Border Protection to intercept illegal guns, saidJoseph Lestrange, division chief of Homeland Security's Transnational Organized Crime. Two of those weapons were tracked to the murder of a U.S. Border Patrol agent: The whole mess immediately became an embarrassment for the Obama administration. Once in the hands of cartel capos, however, the modern sporting rifle becomes very much an assault weapon. He claimed he didn't know the names of the gun buyers or their cartel affiliations. Fake News. Even the much worshiped pre-64 Winchester Model 70s were laughed at by the Europeans when they were first marketed even though the pre-war guns were not all that bad but workmanship after WWII went down rapidly at Winchester. Investigators found several guns inside the packages, as well as in a secret compartment in the paneling. The Democrats gave them the guns. Today, the two primary uses of the Barrett are "anti-material" (aka destroying enemy vehicles) and "ridiculous toy for rich people." Then, they were let go, because what they had done hadn't been illegal -- they hadn't seen a hand off. COPYRIGHT 2005-2023 Cracked is published by Literally media Ltd., The Government Asked Us To Keep Selling Guns To Cartels, Drug Cartels Only Want The Most Dangerous Guns, The Government Dropped The Hammer (And Nothing Happened), Everything Wound Up More Dangerous Than If We Had Just Not Called, Jeff Bridges Dude-est Roles That Arent The Dude, How Hugh Grant Found New Life in Guy Ritchie Action-Comedies, 15 Riveting Items of Trivia That Fell Into Our Laps This Week, Best Retired South Park Characters And If They Should Return, 6 UGLY THINGS I LEARNED SELLING GUNS TO DRUG CARTELS, 5 Insane Things I Learned About Drugs As An Undercover Agent, 6 Ways Life In Cartel-Run Mexico Is Nothing Like You Imagine, 15 Trivia Tidbits About Trailer Park Boys, Every Purposefully Corny Joke from Norm Macdonalds Comedy Central Roast of Bob Saget, Ranked, 5 Elaborate Mysterious Projects Carried Out Literally Underground, 15 Bits Of Trivia So Powerful, They Would Have Instantly Vaporized Our Ancestors, I Was the Bowling Consultant on The Big Lebowski, 15 Incredible Inventions That Were, Technically, Gigantic Failures. How U.S. In Mexico City, the military has a museum used to train officials, diplomats, and cadets about the war on drugs. The tribes in America are not allowed to do things like that, instead they have to follow 3 sets of laws, otherwise a lot of white Americans would move to the reservations for some liberty. ", Your elite government task force in action, everybody: "Guess we just gave the bad guys a buncha weapons." It is cheaper at gun outlets in the U.S. Beretta 9mm. The cartels then use their members or contract with associates to serve as"consolidators.". It's a more powerful version of the Beretta popularized in James Bond novels and films. NEW YORK (AP) A former Mexican presidential cabinet member was convicted in the U.S. on Tuesday of taking massive bribes to protect the violent drug cartels he was tasked with combating. For those who never heard about this story. Our source and his manager didn't call the authorities immediately -- buying a fancy gun with cash isn't illegal; otherwise, how would we have rap videos?
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