Por lo general, se considera una ruta moderada, que se tarda una media de 20 h 5 min en recorrer. The bridge at Vallecito Creek, near Johnson Creek, is still good. We ended up finishing around 5pm on the 5th day, so instead of waiting around for the return train to Durango on day 6, we took the train to Silverton for lunch, then rode the whole return trip to Durango. Just as I hit that switchback, a few hikers came into view on the way down from the CDT. He discourses on his own mortality, about getting too old to have such adventures, and striking your own path in life while you still can." I was a little nervous after getting dropped off at the trail via train and watching it ride away! Route Elk Park train stop to camp along Elk Creek at ~10,300ft. Shortly after, we saw the skull with spine still connected of some type of antlered animal alongside the trail. He had camped in this area, not by Eldorado, and thus had left the trail to set up his camp. You can purchase a ticket to or from Elk Park onboard as long as space is availableno reservations are taken for this flag stop. It was nice to know that we had a day off of hiking coming up tomorrow, at least for Lisa anyways. Molas Lake to Animas River via Molas Trail, Vestal Basin via Colorado and Elk Creek Trail, Stony Pass, ATV Trail 821, and Cinnamon Pass OHV Route. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Eric Poulin, long distance hiker and outdoor adventurer, Greenland Hike/Packraft Expedition (2022) *Coming Soon 1. You write quite well. Seeing the fog rise from the mountains and engulf the peaks around us was incredible. Miles Hiked 10.4 The people were yelling at them and throwing rocks to try and scare them away, but the goats were pretty stubborn. Once we reached a flat area around 11,650, there were a good amount of campsites scattered about. Caltopo is pretty awesome if you havent used it already. When we stopped for lunch, two deer wandered into our resting area. Many jokes were cracked regarding the stench of ones self or others in their group. Lisa was quite scared here, and it took a lot of coaxing to get her to move. Lisa spent the morning chasing away mountain goats. The Durango-Silverton railroad heading north to Elk Park. The times we've done this, the train departed Silverton about 2:45 PM and dropped us of by 3:45 PM. Thats for water drainage, and maybe goats. I laughed and told him how I lost the trail before it headed up. There was a snowshoe hare, or multiple hares, that I kept seeing as I gathered wood. I took advantage of the weather and took a ton of pictures up here. You would think that they would just find another place to hang out with no people nearby, but they kept trying to make their way down to our area. It was about 1/3 the size of his sleeping pad, and as far as I know, is the lightest one on the market at 9.1 ounces. Back, finally! We loved this trail and would highly recommend! Colorado Adventure 2022 San Juan Mountains Weminuche Wilderness Elk Park - Needleton Loop - YouTube Backpacking trip in the San Juan Mountains in July 2022. Expect to pay for the train tickets, a baggage fee (for your backpack, which goes in the boxcar train), and an overnight parking fee. There were also a lot of flowers alongside the trail, and there were tons of butterflies on them. It rained a little very briefly when I got back, then was party sunny the rest of the day with only a few intermittent showers. Very well done! Literally just yards below the top of the pass, on the Chicago Basin side, the trail gets extremely steep and pretty sketchy. Amazing views and pretty easy navigation (cant miss the trail). One of the things that makes this loop so special is that the trailheads can both be reached via the Silverton-Durango Narrow Gauge Railroad, a tourist train pulled by a steam locomotive that has been used in dozens of . Obviously I skipped this route on our way up here, opting to go the traditional way up the switchbacks to the CDT, but I was curious if it was doable. After about 20 minutes of hiking, I ran into my first mountain goats of the day. They could not believe how small the pad was, but I got the impression it was too ultralight for them. Purgetory was the popular trailhead of choice for non-train riders. Youll be hiking in a wilderness area. This entry was posted on August 29, 2013. The San Juan mountains are notorious for being snowy and the best time is probably mid July to Mid September. Miles Hiked 5.4 We played leap frog with the other groups of hikers most of the day as we passed them on their breaks and vice versa. I didnt rain much though. Elk Park flag stop to Needleton flag stop between Durango and Silverton Elk Park flag stop to Needleton flag stop between Durango and Silverton. The Twin Lakes were still in the shadows, as the sun had not yet risen high enough to illuminate it. The skies were cloudy all around us though. Whitewater trips for more experienced adventurers. Its too bad that we had already eaten dinner before starting this fire, because we still had hot dogs that we could have cooked tonight. Nice! As with the other days, we passed many streams and waterfalls on the way up. Cant wait to try this trip myself! I like these Sunski polarized sunglasses and Shady Rays sunglasses. We didnt take the train so we started at Molas Lake and walked to Needlestop. Very isolated in the middle of the trail, we only saw 1 other person each day. Dark skies now approached from all sides, and there was even some lightning in the distance. Im assuming forest service will clear this soon. We definitely underestimated the length and altitude. I ended up spending an hour and a half up here just hanging out. The mountain goats I saw on the rocks earlier were in the same general spot on my way back. A few years ago, I was looking at hiking an alpine route (Pecos Wilderness in northern NM, and Rocky Mountain National Park) during the same time frame as you. I knew the vegetation was still wet from last evenings rain, and didnt feel like being soaked to the bone if the trail happens to go through dense foliage. I am going in Aug 2017 and want to make sure to get a good map. Back up on the CDT, it was evident that the weather was not going to cooperate today. There was an insane amount of biting flies and mosquitoes by the river here though, and I was regretting my decision to leave the bug spray and mosquito head net behind. This will be especially helpful during creek crossings and on downhill areas with loose pebbles. There are a lot of trees down throughout the Johnson Creek and Needle Creek drainages - another hiker counted 155 trees across the trail on the way down from Chicago Basin to Needleton, but it looks like the FS is working their way up, clearing from the bottom up. Learn more about this exciting opportunity for outdoor recreation youll find only in Durango. Id say there were about 20 people total here waiting for the train. But, thats another story for another trip report. My breakfast today was a very hearty helping of granola and almonds (about 800 calories worth), and some dried strawberries. Once on the other side, the path down to Eldorado lake was pretty clear. They didnt seem to concerned with our presence though. I hit the trail around 6:15 with full rain gear on. The weather was cloudy and more scattered rain throughout the rest of the day. This route includes 3 trails. I meandered around the lake a while and snapped some pictures before heading back to camp. We saw very little traffic through our area where we camped, despite being right next to the trail. Nine miles long, the route climbs 3,760 feet to the Continental Divide. Was the extra research and time spent preparing for the Elk Park to Needleton trip worth it? Breathtaking! Todays hike will take us the rest of the way up the Elk Creek drainage along the Colorado trail, where well hit the Continental Divide Trail, or CDT. I watched the bolts of lightning in the distance for a while before going to bed. We knew that the odds were pretty good that goats would wander near us too, eventually. Some pretty sections, but a bit disappointed overall. Our dehydrated meals said they were tested at 5,000-foot elevation, and to double the cook time for every additional 5,000 feet. But if you need an even warmer quilt, weve heard very good things about the quilts from Enlightened Equipment. El mejor momento para visitar esta . Highly recommend! The pictures dont even come close to being there first hand. A mine along the trail leading down into Chicago Basin. Check out my AWESOME DIY stealth camper van build project! Hikers exchanged stories about their experiences in the Weminuche Wilderness and beyond to kill the time. By the time we were leaving the treeline behind, foul weather had returned. My group did it in 5 days, but I would recommend giving yourself 6 or 7 so you aren't having to push yourself to get to the train on time. I put my poles away now as I found it necessary to use my hands a little here and there going up some of the boulders. Since there are no fires allowed in Chicago Basin or the rest of the Needle Creek drainage, and the fact that I was planning on climbing in morning, we called it an early night and went to bed shortly after sundown. Our morning routine is a little more polished now, and we were on the trail by 7am. Your monthly pledge helps me bring you more quality hiking and outdoor adventure videos, trail guides and content. While the wilderness area has many access points, one of the best approaches is from the Durango & Silverton railroad stop of Elk Park, just outside of Silverton. Lots of people in the Chicago Basin, no one in the Johnson creek or Vallecito creek area. Alternatively, if you feel you have any information youd like to share with others regarding this hike, please feel free to leave that below in a comment as well. False alarm. Route Elk CReek campsite to Eldorado Lake. Lisa just made it up over the last rocky ridge on the CDT, giving way to views of Eldorado Lake. Our stop is Elk Park, a 3 hour ride from Durango. There were no signs of private property here, so we hung out here while we waited for the train. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Coming down Columbine Pass into Chicago Basin? The train kept on going though, as this one wasnt scheduled to stop here. But we opted to take the train! Go to the print button at the top and choose print to pdf. Not once did we get wet crossing a stream. I feel like my extra efforts in training before this trip really made the difference in my knees. Carrying a backpack downhill has wreaked havoc on my knees on my last few hikes, but I was spared this time. At the bridge over New York Creek, there was a waterfall right there along the trail.. Animas River, from the bridge at the Needleton train stop. On day two, we encountered an even larger debris field between Beaver Pond and the ascent to the miner's shack. Awesome views all around, but it was still cold and precipitating out and thus my camera stayed under my rain jacket. The clouds seemed to be chasing us up Hunchback Pass. Oregon Desert Trail (2022) *Coming Soon Yes, either hiking boots or hiking shoes are a very good idea on these trails. Hail/freezing rain/snow was falling, and it was Hunchback Pass all over again, with a little better visibility. The Needleton stop also gives you access to the Needle Creek Trail, Johnson Creek Trail and the Chicago Basin. Bugs were pretty bad this year. The final approach of Columbine Pass was pretty steep, but manageable. I followed the lake to its drainage, which for reference was directly south of the Miners Cabin. Fortunately it was all downhill, so we could cover some serious ground, which I assumed would be at the expense of my knees. Elk Park-Needleton Loop. We met others that were completing this 36-40 mile trip as we were walking into the wilderness from Needleton. All in all, quite a bit of wildlife. Complete Weminuche Wilderness Photo Gallery | Weminuche HD Video. Finally, it was time to start this hike. The nature back there is unbelievable. We walked down to Needle Creek and took a side path over to a waterfall, but besides that, we spent the rest of the day relaxing in camp mostly. Miles Hiked 5.4 No hot dogs tonight, maybe night 3. We snacked on sour patch kids by the fire for a while before letting it burn out. Make sure everyone in your party books the train together. Did the 38.6 mile loop from Elk. Hiking through Vallecito Basin on our way up Columbine Pass. This was already painting a picture of what Chicago Basin might be like tomorrow, as it is supposed to be the most heavily used area in the Weminuche Wilderness. Small amounts of debris from avalanche on the Needles creek trail but easy to navigate. One night while we slept inside our River Country trekking pole tent, something chewed the cork handle off one of the poles (presumably because of salt residue from sweat). Continental Divide Trail (2018), "His breathing is measured as he narrates his journey, describing the personal allure of the great outdoors, the difference between mere hobby and real passion. Thank you for taking the time to write it! The weather was once again threatening to rain as I made it to the top, finally sitting up on the CDT. Ride the train to a day of ziplining on the longest course in the US. Our trek group of 6 - ages ranging from 17 to 64 years. However, from the trailhead sign it was another 1/2 mile or so before we actually reached the train stop. I felt a few drops of rain just as the trail leaves the Twin Lakes area and dips back into Chicago Basin. As of the 2013 season, a round-trip ticket is $90.10 + $10.00 for your pack. At that point, one of our trek members sustained a significant ankle injury. There was even a distinct trail that led much of the way up, until it could no longer be seen amongst the boulders. There was a lot of toilet paper and poop laying around near some of the campsites though, evidence of heavy usage. Patreon is a service that allows you to provide monthly financial support to your favorite content creators. Never miss a new post! Wilderness access gives riders an opportunity to book with the intention of getting off the train and getting outdoors. Either way, it was going to be another short day with only about 6 miles to cover. We brought along this Weminuche Wilderness National Geographic map. Cell service is highly unlikely. There was only one truck by Kite Lake, and we saw no people. NOTE: As of 2021, we have been informed that you cannot board the train in Silverton and get dropped off at Needleton. By tnmule20, February 10, 2022 in Camping & High Adventure. At least we had somewhere to sit now, that was nice. Elk Park to Needleton Loop, plus side trips including:-Vestal Basin . we get old because we stop hiking" on the back. This is a spectacular trip with abundant scenery and lots of solitude. I decided to take pictures of the lake later and just head up Windom now. After all, it was Saturday evening. My boots were the driest theyd been since day 1, and I really didnt want to get stuck in rain today. Unlike Snowmass though, the trail here was more open and very well worn, and not much here to get me wet. Really helpful report! Also, bring a way to filter water. Everything was wet, including my feet. This is a popular trail for backpacking, birding, and camping, but you can still enjoy some solitude during quieter times of day. After being in the rain all week, we were still getting rained on during the train ride back. Overall a pretty remote and isolated trail with beautiful scenery, clean water everywhere and pristine nature. My knees were holding up very well so far this trip and I figured, why not? Basin and Range Trail (2020) How bad was the narrow passage near Chicago Basin? Your email address will not be published. I only saw a steep trail consisting of loose rock. Soon enough, wed be overtaken by the unavoidable fog. We didn't want to risk going up and over Hunchback, down Vallecito, up Johnson Creek, over Columbine Pass and into Chicago Basin. This was my first hike of more than five miles. I packed a peanut butter sandwich, some jerky, and a Metrx bar to eat later, as well as 2 liters of water. For that reason, a small cart follows the train to check for any fires started by the train alongside the tracks. I proceeded downhill now alongside the edge of this. is to leave an itinerary with a responsible person back home, as well as a time and date when they should call for help if they dont hear from you. I dont trust the skies and just assume it will rain later today. A very convenient spot for an abandoned shack to be located. This hike is definitely a good one! On day one, between the Elk Park Train Drop Off Trail Head and Beaver Pond, we encountered 3 large debris fields. First, dont forget your sunglasses! I chucked some rocks and shouted at them, but theyd just walk 5 feet away and stare back at us. Some hikers we met said that it sleeted on them one evening (when it had only rained on us). Finally, the weather is cooperating! Great hike! However, after the first couple of miles and adjusting to altitude, I love it! Early morning at the Durango-Silverton Narrow Gauge Railroad station. To close the loop I have to get from Needleton fo Elk Park (6.5mi). Generally considered a moderately challenging route, it takes an average of 20 h 6 min to complete. We heard later that there was a porcupine in the area chewing on things, so it couldve been the culprit. The skies did not look good and I was not sure whether or not I would be climbing tomorrow. Where the lake began to drain out down the mountainside, there were remnants of an old dam here. We changed clothes in the car and tried to mask our stench with deodorant and cologne/perfume before setting off into the city in search of food.
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