They are best planted in March for flowering in July and August. Acidanthera capensis white flowers with purple red veins. Angiosperms. Iris bulbs grow best where they receive several hours of direct sunlight throughout the day. Acidanthera murielae syn. It will produce its stunning flowers about three months after planting, in late summer or early autumn, and its foliage will look good until the first frosts. Grow in a sheltered spot in full sun, ideally at the base of a south facing wall. The point is, all these names refer to the same plant, the beautiful peacock orchid. . Its six-petaled blooms appear almost like stars in a glorious shade of purest white fanning out from a deep burgundy center. This plants flowers are borne in clusters on slender stems that rise from the base of the plant. Et voila! You are almost guaranteed to get a blossom from these puppies. Native to the mountainous regions of eastern Africa, Acidanthera goes by a wealth of common names, with peacock orchid as the most recognizable. Place bulbs so the slightly pointy end faces upwards. Care of Buttercups Fertilize the soil with a general purpose fertilizer in the spring and repeat once per month for optimal bloomage and growth. While the latter provides the most sunlight, it may be too much if you live in a warm climate area. Because of its looks, peacock orchids are often seen in cut flower arrangements. However, to give them the best start its wise to wait to plant the corms outside in late spring when the soil has begun to warm up or, if youre growing them in a pot, start them off indoors and move the pot outside when all danger of frost has past, usually from late May onwards. You can then move them to a suitable location later in the season after the flowers bloom. You can plant them separately. When you first plant the bulbs, they only need light watering. The soil for this flower should be moist, for this after planting it can be mulched with the same peat. Why is Stargazer the Worlds Most Popular Lily? Acidanthera in brief Grown from corms Thrives in full sun Tender perennials, grow outside in summer Plant in spring, flowers in late summer Height 80cm-1m. The second name of acidantheria is sweet-scented gladiolus. Acidanthera is very susceptible to putrefactive diseases, so it can and should be treated with fungicides. Acidanthera grows from a bulb-like structure known as a corm, and many sellers refer to it as a bulb. . HABITAT: Native to Ethiopia. And, leave space of at least 4 to 8 inches between plants to give it enough room to grow. Acidanthera tubulosa it has about 4 flowers on a long tube. Ideally, youll be using fertile soil for your peacock orchid. Plant in pots or directly in the garden. Space the corms 4-6" apart . The soil in which Acidanthera plants grow should be well drained. These photos weren't great and they weren't of acidanthera specifically, but you can see how the flower and foliage mixes with the dahlias. To do so, regular inspection is needed. If growing from root, submerge tubers and plant with roots pointed downwards about 1 to 2 inches deep, depending on bulb size. This means they flower later in the summer to early fall. and sunk the entire pot in the garden and a couple in show pots with other plants. Then, prepare the soil by digging a hole. First, the upper leaves are cut off, and the lower ones remain. For healthy growth, grow peacock orchids in a site receiving six hours of full sun daily and protected from windy conditions, which can damage the foliage and flowers. This means that we receive consideration whenever one of our users decides to click on the Third Party Offers, or otherwise connect, sign up or purchase a service or product from such Third-Party Providers. When it comes to climate, one of the first things to know about peacock orchids is that theyre late bloomers. So, in addition to looking for damage and signs of infestation you want to check the backsides of foliage as well. Acidanthera can be quite slow to appear after planting, first developing its root system underground, but once foliage appears, it grows very fast. Each bloom sits on tall, arching stems surrounded by sword-like leaves. Acidanthera bicolor Hochst. Written by Holly Hughes on October 8, 2022 Whether its to celebrate Teacher Appreciation Day or you want to send a just because bouquet to a teacher who has gone Our site uses our own and third-party cookies in order to offer you a better browsing experience. As with other orchids, it will need more water during the warmer months when it is actively growing. Five or six flowers usually open at one time on each 2 to 3-ft. stem. Smaller corms will prefer shallower depths (4 inches). Acidanthera aequinoctialis is a lateral inflorescence with 5-6 flowers. Atcidanthera is a flower with a thin, delicate stem and the same elegant large flowers about 10 cm (3.9 inch) in the shape of a star. Get involved. Acidanthera is a wildflower that originates from Africa. It also complements a prairie-style planting of grasses and late-flowering perennials, and is a great addition to the cutting garden. Peacock orchids are resistant to most pests. Use a trowel or shovel to dig the shallow holes. The plant grows slowly throughout the first half of the season. Acidanthera brevicollis bright purple flowers with a short tube. However, they are not hardy. You can take a tincture of mullein. However, Clemson Cooperative Extension notes that gardeners in warmer locales can leave the corms in the ground protected with a layer of mulch. if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'soilseedandgarden_com-banner-1','ezslot_4',132,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-soilseedandgarden_com-banner-1-0');More importantly, it isnt frost tolerant. Here are a few tips for ensuring that the bulbs are stored correctly: When next spring arrives, youll have corms ready for planting. In spring, dump out the soil, cut off any old foliage, and replant the corms. Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. It is best to plant Acidanthera bulbs at a depth of 9 to 15 cm, and a spacing that is 15 to 30 cm apart in the late spring. Here, youll need to stay consistent as it will take weeks before the problem resolves. So, this plant will actually be a good size when you plant it out. They are somewhat late bloomers in that they flower later in the summer to early fall. It is unknown in the gardening culture, because of its bright color, it is of great interest. If your soil is very compacted, take the time to break up the dirt or consider adding fresh topsoil. In milder areas a thick dry winter mulch may suffice Propagation Propagate by separating cormlets when dormant To guarantee a flourishing plant, use a liquid fertilizer roughly once a month. Acidanthera makes a wonderful display when planted in drifts in a mixed border, or cottage garden. Instead of a nub the size of a chestnut! Introducing acidanthera your gardens must have summer plant, How to Send Flowers to Someone in Another State, The Best Memorial Day Flowers, Arrangements & Gifts. If ingested they are poisonous to cats and dogs as well as humans. LOL To each their own I suppose. Peacock orchigs grow to between 2 to 3 feet tall. They will grow in most types of free draining soil, except heavy clay. When to Plant: Spring Blooms: Summer to Early Fall Light Requirements: Full Sun Plant Height: 24-36" Hardiness Zones: Grow as Perennial in zones 7-11. Grows in South Africa. Required fields are marked *. How to plant Acidanthera It is recommended that you plant a handful of bulbs in a large container or pot, dug 10-15cm deep with the tips facing upwards. Refill the hole and firm it down, and then give the whole area a good watering to settle the soil around the corms. [8] If you plan on mulching over the area, dig 1 in (2.5 cm) holes instead of 2 in (5 cm) holes. When should acidanthera bulbs be planted? Noteworthy Characteristics. These plants can grow up to 20 inches tall with a maximum spread of 36 inches. Houzz nutzt Cookies und hnliche Technologien, um Ihre Benutzererfahrung zu personalisieren, Ihnen relevante Inhalte bereitzustellen und die Produkte und Dienstleistungen zu verbessern. The Royal Horticultural Society is the UK's leading gardening charity. For most reliable results, they should be protected from frost. Where to grow Acidanthera Plant in a sunny position with well-drain. Not a lily or an orchid, peacock orchid is a species of gladiolus in the Iridaceae family, although the blooms resemble orchids and not your typical gladiolus flower. The Plant List. Occasionally these may need to be divided. Your growing zone and particular growing situation will dictate when your ranunculus should be planted. This fools some beginner gardeners into thinking that the plant wont bloom at all. After planting, water well, gently soaking the soil and settling it around the bulbs. If you have a shady garden, consider starting the corms in pots that can be kept in full to part sun. They don't even have to be in a sunny window for the first month. Sword lilies prefers light, and should be grown in areas that receive full sunlight. The common names for the Hardy half-hardy Acidanthera plant, which grows from a bulb, include Abyssinian, Sword Lily, Abyssinian sword lily, Fragrant gladiolus, and Sword Lily. But if winter promises a decrease in temperature, then in the fall the tubers are dug out (at the end of September) for storage. All the stems are cut off after the acidanthera has disappeared, and only the lower leaves for the onion gain strength. Peacock orchid plants sport tall, upright and sword-like, green leaves that form into fan-like clumps ranging from about 2 to 3 feet tall and a foot or more wide, according to Missouri Botanical Garden. These showy additions to the garden make eye-catching displays, especially when planted in groups and large masses. Flowers appear in late spring to early summer. Place the anemone bulbs in the bowl and soak overnight the evening prior to planting outdoors. Grow acidanthera in a sheltered spot in full sun. When planting, put it at a depth of 4 to 6 inches. Timing for all planting is based on first and last frost dates. The flowers are white with a reddish tinge. Also known as a "peacock orchid . The fragrance is just wonderful - its like jasmine wafting by if they are in the right place. A good way to do this is to add compost to improve organic content. This impacts the offers positioning, rating & scoring. Zone: Acidanthera corms are winter hardy in zones 7-11. Sie knnen nicht notwendige Cookies ber Einstellungen verwalten ablehnen. Once the temperature goes above 85 degrees, it will struggle. Shes covered numerous DIY home topics and has hundreds of articles published on gardening topics. Acidanthera Gladiolus Callianthus is also known as the Sword Lily or Peacock Lily. Like gladiolus, Acidanthera reproduces by corms, babies, and seeds. You definitely don't want one at a time - it would be funny looking.Try to plant them upright or they will lean like a gladiolus does. You can plant about a dozen Acidanthera corms in a 12-inch garden pot. Many species flower sometime between spring and summer with possible repeat blooms in the fall. Your email address will not be published. The late summer garden gets a visual boost when peacock or. The flowers appear near the end of the season when many other plants have finished. Continue with Recommended Cookies. This review contains affiliate links and we may receive a commission for purchases made. a friend planted some last year in her yard in sterling and said they were fabulous all summer. This plant is known by many names, including peacock lily, Gladiolus murielae, Gladiolus callianthus and Abyssinian gladiolus. Leave a Reply. Allow the corms to dry for several weeks and then store indoors in a well-ventilated area. Experiment with different shaped flowers - the tongues of bees, hover flies, moths and other pollinators vary in size - see what grows well in your garden. pots or containers with good well-draining soil. However, be careful not to let soil get wet or soggy. Prepare the soil first by forking it over and incorporating a handful of . Reference the USDA hardiness zone mapHERE. The most common pests associated with peacock orchids include aphids, spider mites and thrips. For zones 8 (and sometimes 7) to 10, you can leave your corms in the ground over winter, covering them with a protective layer of mulch, watering only in times of drought or if soil is completely dry. Acidanthera (Gladiolus murielae) A group of tender bulbous perennials with elegant and graceful blooms. However, according to the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, peacock orchids are toxic to dogs, cats and horses, so keep plants out of reach to prevent accidental poisoning. You may notice smaller bulbs clinging to the corms. The smaller corms may only need to be about four inches deep. Acidanthera (or Abyssinian Gladiolus) are half hardy and can tolerate temperatures down to around -5C. Acidanthera are coming into bloom (Photo by Brendan Zwelling) Early last spring, when I was haunting garden centres looking for anything encouraging, I happened to find some corms for Abyssinian gladiolus (Acidanthera murielae).These small, frost-tender corms are planted in spring for their scented, late-summer bloom, and they're coming into flower now. Plant bulbs in early autumn at a depth of 2.5-3in (6-8cm), spacing 3in (8cm) apart. AMAZING GARDEN COLOR: Add these colorful flowers to you garden or containers and be rewarded with the beauty of its blooms all season. When it comes to soil, the most important thing to remember is that is must drain moisture well. Plant oxalis bulbs 3-4 inches apart. Looking for some showstopping and fragrant summer blooms to keep your garden lush and vibrant after your spring blooms have finished flowering? While the Acidanthera flowers is one of the most popular plants in this group, there are a few popular options. Look no further than acidanthera - a gardeners low-maintenance but high-quality dream! Although the plant can tolerate different kinds of soil, the best ones for optimum growth are sandy or loamy soil. But you need to transplant it into a fresh mixture once a year. An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. For the best display, acidanthera needs fertile soil that is moist and well-drained, but it can also be planted in well-drained soil as it tolerates some drought. Once the peacock orchid completes its blooming, decrease the amount of water the plant receives. We do not compare or review all service providers or products available in the market. You can grow them on in temporary pots and plant them out into borders after risk of frost has passed. Plant them in the spring and you'll have flowers blooming about 3 months later with almost zero effort along the way. The placement of certain Third Party Offer, as well as any rating or scoring we may assign, are affected by such consideration we receive from the Third-Party Providers, and might be further subject to our additional internal consideration and criteria, such as, statistics of users engagement with a certain Third -Party Provider, etc. Grow acidanthera in a sheltered spot in full sun. If you live in cooler climates, full sun is ideal, especially hot, mid-afternoon sun. Last spring I backslid again and ordered some. So get planting acidanthera and enjoy the fragrant joy of this flower during long, lazy summer days. Zone 7-10. He was lying down on the ground with his camera right up to the flower! To extend the bloom time, plant a handful of corms every 2 weeks, starting at the end of April and continuing into early June. Hi Everyone,Here it is 6 years after I have been working with acidanthera and I have finally hit on a nice way to plant them with minimal work and maximum show. As such, it likes warm conditions. However, this prolonged wait is most definitely worth it. To promote healthy and robust growth, fertilize the peacock orchid plants once they reach about 6 inches to 8 inches tall. Cover the corms with soil and water until the soil is moist. Plant 10 to 16cm deep on a bed of sharp sand in fertile, well-drained soil. Searching for the best place to order a truly sensational bouquet for yourself or a loved one? During the growing season, you need to apply fertilizers 2-3 times and the flower will be the most beautiful, the inflorescences that have faded should be removed. Acidanthera. Additionally, after planting and throughout the growing season, especially when outdoor conditions are hot and dry, make sure to keep the planting sites soil consistently moist. Acidanthers are suitable for planting in tubs, pots. Its also sometimes called Sword Lily.. The plant does not do well when waterlogged. Perianth with rounded lobes. Q. We'd like to grow a climbing rose on a split-rail fence we are installing. We make efforts to ensure the information on our website, including Third Party Offers terms, are up to date however, the Third-Party Offers terms can be changed at any time, subject to the Third-Party Providers sole discretion, and we have no control or any responsibility in this regard. They are frost tender so should only planted out after the risk of frosts have passed. It is at the edge of a wetland, with running surface water in spring and damp soil all . Hope I can post the photos. Family: Iridaceae Botanical Name: Gladiolus murielae (formerly Acidanthera (ass-ih-DAN-ther-ah)) The Acidanthera corms are slow-growers and may get taken over by faster growing plants. Plant spring-blooming anemone in fall, approximately six weeks before the first expected frost. Heres how to attract them, Find the right local pro for your project, Mein Benutzererlebnis mit Cookies anpassen, Landscape Architects & Landscape Designers, Outdoor Lighting & Audio/Visual Specialists, 7 Delightfully Different Bulbs for Your Spring Garden, Backyard Birds: Invite Entertaining Hummingbirds Into Your Garden, An unexpected consequence of deer and drought. As such, you want to be careful when watering your plant. Its lovely colorful flowers feature white showy petals with a dark violet, maroon center. Start with at least 3 to 5 plants of 3 to . ACIDANTHERA Iridaceae A. species. in what he was doing. Acidanthera roseoalba It was found in South Africa. That side, heres how to transplant peacock orchids to your garden. As such, indoors, the best spot is in either in an east, west or south facing window. If growing it in the garden, use a soil conditioner such as home-made compost or composted manure to add organic matter, provide nutrients and encourage organisms that will create a healthy soil. Acidanthera bicolor and similar plants require between 30 to 90 days for germination. They need soil, water and sunshine. Shade and Sun: Acidanthera should be grown in full sun. You might also hear the plant called by another name, sword lily, which is a nickname that comes from the fact that its leaves look like swords and its flowers resemble lilies. Once the plants have buds, they can be planted into your garden. Plant the corms 2-6" deep, with larger corms planted deeper. However, it is worth the wait. Blooming in a wide palette of peachy-pinks, these orchid-like flowers are imprinted with a stunning, stencil-like pattern. The Website Content, including any rating and scoring are provided by us as-is. If this is the case, do filter the light with light shades or curtains. The easiest way to propagate the plant is by taking these bulbs to plant them. Here's how to grow these beautiful fall blooms, including how to start them indoors, plant tubers outside, and cut the stems to encourage more flower heads. By potting them up now and then replanting into the garden by end May, or relocating the pot outdoors, you will have gained the entire month of April and May (8-9 weeks growth time). As such, makes the plant vulnerable to foliage disease. We aim to enrich everyone's life through plants, and make the UK a greener and more beautiful place. if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'soilseedandgarden_com-narrow-sky-2','ezslot_15',146,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-soilseedandgarden_com-narrow-sky-2-0');Similarly, getting the leaves wet in high humidity is a no-no because it takes longer for moisture to dry in this condition. Acidanthera also thrive in pots and containers, particularly as they are quite slow-growing and can be overtaken by more earnest growers. Both bulbs should flower, a little later then usual. Alternatively, you can store the corms indoors during the winter and replant them in spring. You should keep a minimum distance of 18 inches between these plants. We receive compensation from the providers of the services and products featured on this website. Indem Sie auf Annehmen klicken, stimmen Sie dem zu. The name even references the foliage, as it is taken from the Greek akis, which means sharp point., Peacock Orchid is the common name for Acidanthera, which is pronounced [ass-ih-DAN-ther-uh]. If you do notice pests, you can use your preferred pest spray (Neem oil) to keep them away from the foliage. If You Can Not Hide, You Need to Emphasize. For lower zones from 3-7, you can still grow acidanthera by treating it as an annual, replanting fresh corms come springtime. Lets see if I can remember how to post photos, Here is a link that might be useful: {{gwi:1061496}}. Do so at a temperature of 10 to 13 degrees Celsius (50 to 55F). Once the foliage is damaged by the first frosts, lift the corms, cut the foliage off and add it to your compost heap. Your peacock orchid is fairly low maintenance when it comes to pruning. The most popular and widespread species in our region is Acidanthera bicolor. But if you still decide to do this work, then you should understand that the plants are planted in seedlings in February-March in a rich soil with fertilizers, and it is also best to plant it in a greenhouse at a temperature of 20-25 C (68-77 F). The late summer flowers are a welcome surprise, opening when most other perennials have already come and gone. For a nice, full look, plant acidanthera bulbs approximately 5" apart (on center) in the garden and 3-4" apart in containers. A spot that gets morning sun, followed by lightly filtered shade in the hot afternoon. This will make the mix retain enough water to keep the plant happy while still be well draining. Her work appears in SpaceCoast Living magazine, Atlanta Constitution Journal, SFGate Home Guides, 1-800-Flowers and many more. Either way, the plant needs a lot of light on a daily basis. They are superb for . The only difference is the intensity of the sunlight it receives. It grows in South Africa. After that, be sure to give your corms a regular watering during the growing season and then allow the soil to dry out during dormancy. if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'soilseedandgarden_com-narrow-sky-1','ezslot_14',145,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-soilseedandgarden_com-narrow-sky-1-0');Treatment will involve neem oil and insecticidal soap depending on which pests occur. Depending on the weather, you may have to water plants in the garden daily. Written by Holly Hughes on December 14, 2022 Sending flowers is such a thoughtful way to let someone know that youre thinking of them, even if youre far away. What if your acidanthera isnt flowering? At the end of each season, youll see bulbs form at the corns of your peacock orchid. Tuberous begonias are hardy to zone 10. Its easy to see the difference in quality when you compare two acidanthera corms side by side. The acidanthera is recognizable due to its sword-like foliage and white flowers that start to bloom in the mid-summer. There are many cultivars in the Peacock Gladiolus genus which the Acidanthera belongs to. Keep them ins dark, cool area for the winter. If you are going to grow a flower at home and immediately plant it in the ground, then you need to hide it when it gets a little colder. Gladiolus acindanthera (Peacock Orchid) is beautiful South African wild flower. Get a small container and cover it with newspaper. Heavy clay can cause root rot, especially in winter, if the soil doesn't drain well. Your peacock orchid likewise enjoys humid conditions. Take the corms out when spring arrives. How to care for Acidanthera They are the mechanism that will get a novice gardener hooked! Irises are also impressive as cut flowers. That said, the plant is used to warm climates as it is native to East Africa. Although it is also referred to as Gladiolus callianthus. Providing movement and light to a border, it's best planted in groups where it can drift through the border, or in containers where their fragrant flowers can be best appreciated. Also, keep spacing at least 4 inches, ideally closer to 8 inches between plants. Where not hardy, harvest corms in fall. When feeding your plant, use a balanced liquid fertilizer every 2 to 4 weeks during the growing season. Due to the fact that this flower is widely distributed in nature in Africa, it likes full sun and without strong winds. Gladiolus callianthus. Ideally, keeping it in the smaller range of 70 to 75 degrees works best. Planting deeply (5-6") will help the plants stand tall without need for staking. Then, prepare the soil by digging a hole. NB the Acidanthera has recently been classified into the Gladiolus plant genus. Spade the soil deeply to decompact the soil Add river sand or gravel to the bottom of the hole Add a good shovelful of compost Fill in Water copiously Mulch with compost to keep the roots cool during the summer In a jar The substrate should be very draining to avoid standing moisture. The soil in which Acidanthera plants grow should be well drained. Few people know about this in gardening culture, but this species is of great interest to designers. Here is a link that might be useful: Fragrant gladiolus at NPR dfaustclancy 16 years ago Hi Jardinista - Spread a 7.5 to 10 cm (3 to 4 inch) layer of mulch over the bulbs. BEST BULBS: CZ Grain has the best sized bulbs that are ready to plant. PropagationSeparate corms, and small bulblets, in fall. Allowing it to be waterlogged is a recipe for disaster since it can cause the soil to rot. You can separate these when you lift the parent corms and store them for planting the following year. Some people confuse it with narcissus, perhaps because of the similarity in taste. That first year I could smell them from 15 feet away. Its leaves are likewise stunning with their blade like shape and green color. We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. These can then be planted into the ground during the summer months when the weather is warmer. Abyssinian gladiolus, ( Acidanthera murielae syn. Allow the foliage to yellow and completely die before digging up the corms for storage, if you live in a location where hard freezes are common. Just like when growing dahlia tubers, a good rule of thumb is to plant your corms around the same time as you would tomatoes. Peacock orchids bloom time runs from late summer or early fall. If your soil stays cool through early summer and/or is on the heavy side, consider growing acidanthera in containers rather than in the garden. By the way, there are about 40 types of Acidanthera. Anemone is a versatile plant in the garden. These plants are late bloomers, but the leaves can reach 10 to 36 inches in length. In regions where winter temperatures are major league, plant acidantheras in April, then lift in fall and overwinter in paper bags. If you live in a warm climate area where the sun can get intense during hot summers or mid-afternoons, it is best to place the plant in part shade or slightly shaded area. HABIT: Perennial, bulbous plants growing 1/2-4' from corms which send up tall bearing delightfully spicy scented, creamy-white flowers, blooming August-October. Move the clumps to a sheltered location and allow them to dry completely. Plant your corms 10-16cm (4-6") deep. If starting Acidanthera plants indoors for later transplanting, then they should be sown in the spring. Plant the bulbs about 2 inches (5 cm.) The second reason to grow acidanthera is that it makes a great addition to cut flower arrangements. The dark red-brown corms are relatively small - only about 3/4 inch in diameter (those of G. aequinoctialis are larger, over an inch in diameter). Many plants get lumped under the heading . Peacock orchids are prone to many of the usual pest and disease suspects: In some warmer climates, the plant may start to grow in large clumps. Enjoy acidanthera's haunting fragrance in the garden, and be sure to plant extras for cutting. Also, make sure to wear gloves when handling the plant, be it pruning or propagating. These variations offer more of a rainbow of colors, compared to the solid white flowers on the peacock orchid. You may need to occasionally thin the plant. So, it is a good idea to get a hygrometer. Dry, clean, and store them in a cool, dry place with ventilation. Thanks. Acidanthera does not require any pruning. If you have a heavy, water retentive soil, grow acidanthera in rich, peat-free compost in large pots. Gladiolus muriela white flowers with purple stripes and a green spot in the center, are not found in gardening culture. Keep in mind that if you want full, bright flowers from the late summer flowering bulb, make sure the plant gets enough water throughout the season. This is partly due to its unusual name (for more funny and extraordinary plant names, check out this guide for an educational giggle!) It grows from small bulbs (corms, actually) that resemble hazelnuts. Bulbs planted in spring in large pots typically melted when it got really hot, even with pots shaded from the sun.
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