Persian shield (Strobilanthes dyerianus) is a stunning ornamental plant that originates in the warm and humid nation of Myanmar, where it grows as an evergreen perennial.It is a member of the Acanthaceae family, … This article will help with that. Soil: A Persian Shield plant grows well in a rich soil that drains quickly. This helps keep the soil cool and moist longer. Persian shield plant grows best under average temperatures of approximately 75 degrees Fahrenheit during the day and 65 degrees Fahrenheit during the night. The beautiful leaves of the Persian shield plant (botanical name strobilanthes dyerianus) offers vibrant color far longer than a flowering plant. Do you like the notion of a plant which is low-maintenance, rarely has any pest or disease issues, and which will brighten up Tropical plants like persian shield can occasionally be a little picky, so it’s essential to know the best conditions to grow them in. Suspend feeding in fall and winter. Always mix the solution according to the directions on the label. Persian Shield requires warm temperatures above 60ºF/15.5ºC and high humidity levels. After the Persian shield cutting shows new leaves, give it at least 5 weeks, then begin to apply a balanced houseplant fertilizer. However, the plant tolerates nearly any well-drained soil, including sandy, clay, acidic or alkaline soil. Chances are pretty good you have seen this attractive foliage plant at nursery centers. It gets the name Persian shield because the leaves resemble little, feudal battle shields. It is hardy in USDA zones 8 to 11, but is more commonly grown indoors or as a summer annual in cooler climates. It also shields the soil, keeping it moist and preventing it from washing away. Persian shield plant can be overwintered if kept indoors. The marbled rich purple leaves have iridescent blue markings with a deep wine red underside. Thank you for the detailed instructions on propagating Persian Shield. Dip the bottom of the stem cutting into a rooting hormone, preferably indole-3-butyric acid. Because it is only suitable for USDA zone 10, growing Persian shield indoors is the best way for most gardeners to enjoy this brilliant plant. Care for a Persian Shield. It is hardy in USDA zones 8 to 11, but is more commonly grown indoors. 20 Best Fertilizer For Hydrangeas & How To Use-(2021 Guide & Reviews), 8 Difference Between Aldose And Ketose With Examples, 8 Difference Between Reducing And Non-reducing Sugars (With Common Examples), 24 Popular Types Of Oak Trees (With Pictures & Profile), 20 Types Of Echeveria (With Picture & Profile), 14 Types Of Elm Trees Identification Guide (Bark, Shape & Leaves). The plant has a bushy habit and may get up to 4 feet (1 m.) tall in habitat. Characteristics. In cool zones, however, treat the plant as an annual or bring it inside at the end of summer. Persian Shield does best in part shade on rich well-drained soils. The bright leaves of the Persian shield plant (Strobilanthes dyerianus) are almost better than a flowering specimen since they provide stunning color year around. Jul 4, 2013 - Explore Janice Ball's board "Persian shield", followed by 103 people on Pinterest. It can also be killed by few nights of temperature below 35oF. Pot Size: Repot annually when the plant is young. Persian shield is a phenomenal foliar specimen. Fertilize Persian shield in spring with a general-purpose fertilizer. Place a transparent bag over the cutting and secure it with a rubber band around the container. I will be so excited if I get some good plants for my friends and family. Persian shield quick care illustration by Seb Westcott.. Strobilanthes dyerianus, Persian shield, is sometimes known as the royal purple plant. A Persian Shield plant, sometimes called a Royal Purple plant, is a tropical, fast growing plant that loves high humidity and warm temperatures. Persian Shield is the common name by which the plant Strobilanthes dyerianus is known. To grow and care for a Persian Shield water it once a week or every ten days to keep the soil moist. A greenhouse is preferable, but a garage is fine if the temperatures stay at around 40oF. When it is grown as an annual, Persian shields often lack the time to worry with setting buds and flowering. Alternatively, you can mist the leaves using rain water or distilled during low humidity periods to boost humidity. Its soil should be well-drained and have a pH between 5.5 and 7.5. Prepare a cutting. Water the plant when the top couple of inches (5 cm.) Persian shield is an easy-to-care for plant. Before the first frost of the fall I took a few cuttings of my Persian Shield (Strobinlanthus dyerianus) to hopefully overwinter it as a houseplant. Place the cutting in a room with some indirect light during the day and temperatures of between 60-65 degrees Fahrenheit (. It is hardy in USDA zones 8 to 11, but is more commonly grown indoors. The best way to maintain an average humidity to a Persian shield plant is to place a thin layer of rocks in a saucer and balance the pot on top and ensure fill the saucer full with water. Required fields are marked *. This is approximately the length of your index finger to the first knuckle, so sticking your finger into the soil is a convenient way to check the moisture. To prevent such diseases, water at the base of the plant and avoid overhead watering. It is hardy in USDA zones 8 to 11, but is more commonly grown indoors. Select a pot for indoor Persian shield plant that will accommodates its root ball, with about two inch to spare all around. In fall or winter, the Persian shield plant may attempt to bloom. In autumn, it bears delicate funnel-shaped violet flowers in an eye-catching spike formation. Fertilization is one of the most important Persian shield care instructions, especially for potted plants. The perennial plant requirements are moist soil and do … You can combat these with horticultural soap and by changing the soil. Mulch keeps weeds at bay and protects your Persian shield plant’s roots. They are known for their long 4 - 7 inch leaves that range in color from purple to silver combined with green veins. Scientific Name: Strobilanthes dyerianus Common Name: Persian Shield Plant Origin: Myanmar Light Requirements: Bright indirect light.Can tolerate some direct sunlight, particularly indoors. Persian shield plant benefits from a monthly feeding during spring and summer, using a balanced liquid plant fertilizer. Does not suffer any major pest issues but will occasionally get scale, mealybug or aphids. It gets the name Persian shield because the leaves resemble little, feudal battle shields. Sign up to get all the latest gardening tips! Persian shield plant produces 4-7 inch long, slender leaves tipped with a point. A Persian Shield is a fast growing plant. It is hardy in USDA hardiness zones 9 to 11 but is more commonly grown indoors or as a summer annual in cooler climates. Persian Shield Care Needs. I have that beautiful purple plant that I've seen so many times and wondered what it was. Your email address will not be published. When is the best season to start growing Persian shield? Allow the soil to dry out between watering. Care. It is a flowering plant but the small blue flowers are insignificant ornamentally. In a couple of weeks, the cutting will produce roots and you can replant it in potting mixture. 2. 5. Provide even moisture and high humidity. Strobilanthes dyeriana commonly referred to as Persian shield or royal purple plant, is a species of flowering plant in the acanthus family Acanthaceae, native to Myanmar (Burma), where it grows as an evergreen perennial shrub. When humidity levels drop too low, the Persian shield plant transpires at a rate much quicker and this most often cause wilting and weakening of the plant. 6. To prevent burning the roots, always apply fertilizer to moist soil and don’t allow fertilizer to come in contact with the foliage. In winter, the plant enters a resting phase and doesn’t require much water.