The nurse explains that morphine:ADilates coronary blood vesselsBHelps prevent fibrillation of the heartCDecrease anxiety and restlessnessDPrevents shock and relieves painQuestion 30 Explanation:  Morphine is a central nervous system depressant used to relieve the pain associated with myocardial infarction, it also decreases apprehension and prevents cardiogenic shock.Question 31Nurse Jenny is instilling an otic solution into an adult male client left ear. The one that should be reported immediately to the physician is:AClay- colored stoolsBYellow urineCRestlessnessDNauseaQuestion 10 Explanation:  Clay colored stools are indicative of hepatic obstructionQuestion 11A female client is taking Cascara Sagrada. Which initial manifestations did the nurse most likely observe in this patient? George who has undergone thoracic surgery has chest tube connected to a water-seal drainage system attached to suction. Improve respiratory status Administration of insulin corrects this problem.Question 37A 68 year old client is diagnosed with a right-sided brain attack and is admitted to the hospital. Decrease the amount of suction pressure What myths about pain should the nurse manager review with the nurse? The nurse should place the client before surgery in. "It doesn't matter if I smoke now. A surgery has been scheduled and a nasogastric tube is inserted. Start Attempted Questions Wrong Watching circus Dorsal recumbent position Stridor A patient is experiencing moderate-to-severe pain. Yellow urine Lifting objects Vitamin E is found in the following foods: wheat germ, corn, nuts, seeds, olives, spinach, asparagus and other green leafy vegetables. question 26. The causative virus has three modes of transmission. 50. A client who has undergone a cholecystectomy asks the nurse whether there are any dietary restrictions that must be followed. Which cancer does the nurse realize is associated with the highest mortality rate? The one that should be reported immediately to the physician is: 41. The nurse should be aware that the ascites is most likely the result of increased…. The nurse is reviewing pain control approaches in preparation for a patient care conference. Which of the following antituberculosis drugs can damage the 8th cranial nerve? Distension of the bladder Questions Not Attempted For which reason should the student realize that this checklist is being used? A. Obtaining serum potassium levels daily Nurse Hilary would recognize that the dietary teaching was well understood when the client tells a family member that: Like from a D on the first two test to an A on the next two. What does the nurse assess first after the procedure?AAirwayBVital signsCLevel of consciousnessDIncision siteQuestion 12 Explanation:  Assessing for an open airway is the priority. Absence of drainage from the ileostomy for 6 or more hours Presence of excessive bubbling is identified in water-seal chamber, the nurse should…, 30. After 2 days of diuretic therapy, Jessie weighs 205.5 pounds. Clay- colored stools Secure urinary catheter per agency policy. Interstitial osmotic pressure Which action should the nurse take first? Nurse Jamie should explain to male client withdiabetes that self-monitoring of blood glucose is preferred to urine glucose testing because…. Level of consciousness Contusion Please visit using a browser with javascript enabled. Kris with a history of chronic infection of the urinary system complains of urinary frequency and burning sensation. Med Surg Exam #1 - Professor Martinez, Assessment of Cardiovascular Function Study Guide Exam 2 Summer 2016 Exam 3 - Summary Primary Concepts Of Adult Nursing Exam 2 - Exam 2, Professor Povea Med-Surg Exam 1 - Summary Brunner and Suddarth's Textbook of Medical-Surgical Nursing Med Surg Exam 2 PDF - Summary Brunner and Suddarth's Textbook of Medical-Surgical Nursing Also, this page requires javascript. Please wait while the activity loads. Excessive dilation of venules and arterioles. The client diagnosed with lung cancer has been told the cancer has metastasized to the brain. The nurse suspects a patient is experiencing anaphylaxis after a bee sting to the arm. B. Neutropenic client is at risk for infection especially bacterial infection of the gastrointestinal and respiratory tract. Can access both website for free MORE test bank at Open any Nursing Test Bank to Start Free. A patient has an epidural catheter placed for pain control. Which class of analgesics is this patient most likely receiving? Dental floss The CMSRN exam is the only medical-surgical certification exam endorsed by AMSN. Which of the following is best recommended for the client? George who has undergone thoracic surgery has chest tube connected to a water-seal drainage system attached to suction. Nurse Joan plans to teach the client activities that are permitted during the post operative period. The nurse should place the client before surgery inADorsal recumbent positionBSims positionCSupine positionDSemi-fowlers positionQuestion 14 Explanation:  Semi-fowlers position will localize the spilled stomach contents in the lower part of the abdominal cavity.Question 15Jessie weighed 210 pounds on admission to the hospital. ← Nurse Joy assesses for which sign and symptom that indicates complication associated with crutch walking? Nurse Bea should instruct the male client with an ileostomy to report immediately which of the following symptom? Choose the letter of the correct answer. Nurse Trisha teaches a client with heart failure to take oral Furosemide in the morning.