It was named by the Ancient Greeks “Mountain Joy.” Oregano is one of the most powerful healing herbs and natural anti-biotics ever studied. While eating oregano by itself is unlikely to prevent … Oregano is drought tolerant, and suitable for xeriscaping. Her recipes range from Grandma’s favorites to the latest food trends. Strip whole leaves from stems and place in plastic bag loosely without crushing, but remove all air. Origanum vulgare. Oregano contains chemicals that might help reduce cough and spasms. Always keep mulches off a plant’s stems to prevent possible rot. ... Cuban oregano has a spreading habit and grows around 2 to 3 feet across so plant it around 2 feet from the next plant. A staple of Italian-American cooking, oregano is found in everything from pizza and grilled meats to salad dressings and sauces, with delicious results. Get daily tips and expert advice to help you take your cooking skills to the next level. Re-moisten the paper towel as needed (you want it to be slightly damp, but not soggy). Wrap your herbs in a damp paper towel or dish towel. ; Oregano vulgare (common oregano, wild marjoram, pot marjoram): Marjoram is a type of oregano with a less pungent, sweeter taste, often used in French and English cooking. Last year I thought it was brilliant to keep my catnip in a pot. In the case of herbs like mint, which spread like wildfire via their underground rhizomes, grow the plant in a container. Everything in the mint family, from peppermint to spearmint, doesn’t just seem to spread but has a rather diabolical desire to take over the world through underground runners. It will not spoil if kept longer, but its potency will deteriorate greatly with time. If that's not the case, though, grocery stores typically carry fresh oregano in the produce department. Once frozen, pop out the cubes into a plastic bag and seal tightly. Grow herbs such as rosemary, sage, parsley, thyme and oregano under a fluorescent plant light. Some herbs, like chamomile with its miniature daisy-like blooms, are pretty much impossible to get in their entirety and the likelihood of seeing dozens more plants the next year is high, but other blooming herbs can be controlled by snipping the blooms as they fade. For these two reasons, it is best to give your oregano plants plenty of room in the garden. hirtum.There are lots of other oreganos within the same genus Origanum, as well as some that are in different genera and not true oreganos, such as Cuban oregano (Pectranthus amboinicus).Within the Origanum genus, there are several that are used just for ornamental value, and … Seeds, divisions, or cuttings are the three ways to propagate oregano: Oregano seeds are tiny, patter them on seed pot and cover with a thin layer of soil. Once oregano is established, harvest sprigs with sharp gardening shears. Now the microwave drying method for herbs is my favorite, because it’s quick, simple, and it helps the herbs retain their gorgeous, vibrant color! This also gives you the chance to mix finished compost in with the soil before using it again. To dry fresh oregano, tie sprigs into a bunch and hang in a cool, dark place with good ventilation. Store it properly, so it doesn't wither away unused in the refrigerator. Peer into it to make sure that the oregano is still looking fresh. Oregano is an excellent companion plant for tomatoes and peppers, as well as many other plants. For the greedy blooming herbs, don’t neglect deadheading. Oregano, or Origanum vulgare, is a bushy, woody-branched perennial member of the mint family, Lamiaceae.Used extensively in a variety of cuisines, it is known for its earthy, robust, aromatic flavor. You can also mix chopped leaves with a small amount of water or puree them and freeze in ice cube trays. It provides a subtle flavor to Italian, Mexican, or Greek cuisine without overpowering the other flavors. Benefits of Growing in Containers. Oregano in the Kitchen. If you pick it before the water has gone, it could damage the leaves and release the oils, which you would rather keep inside the plant for when you cook with it. Freezing Fresh Oregano . Oregano has a long history in Southern Europe and shows up in numerous savory dishes from that part of the world. Trim the shoots and leaves 1 inch from the bottom of each oregano branch and gather four to five together in a bundle. As a perennial plant, oregano grows back … Then, slide the towel into a plastic bag or storage container, and place the whole thing in the refrigerator. Remove the dirt to a depth of at least a foot. Oregano is an herb that's commonly used in cooking. Use oregano to flavor roasted and stewed beef, pork, and poultry. No need to thaw before using. Oregano (Origanum vulgare) is part of the mint family.It is from the Mediterranean region of Europe which makes sense given its popularity in Italian and Greek dishes. How to Store Woody Herbs Like Fresh Oregano, Rosemary, Sage or Thyme . Researchers have also found evidence that carvacrol and thymol may prevent melanoma cells from growing and skin cancer from spreading. The stems can also grow up to 2 feet high and will often lay down on the ground, particularly when the plant is young or in the shade. In most cases, fresh oregano in the grocery store will be packaged in a plastic clamshell. The herbs must be completely dry before continuing. Cuttings are typically taken in late spring once the leaves are firm enough to prevent wilting when placed in sand. How to Prune Oregano. Keep reading to learn what to do when herbs become invasive. In America, it is the flavor that many associate with pizza and pasta sauces. Oregano is easily grown in the garden at home, whether it's in the backyard or in a container. Expect some of the older leaves to wither, and clip them off to keep the plants looking neat. Wipe the blades with a cloth dipped in rubbing alcohol before and after harvesting oregano to help prevent the spread of pests and diseases. The Spruce Eats uses cookies to provide you with a great user experience. Flavor and aroma: Oregano has a hot peppery flavor. In general, dried common oregano sold in the grocery stores is actually a mixture of different varieties of oregano combined with marjoram and thyme. Calendula, catnip, chamomile, chives, dill, lemon balm, and even generally difficult to germinate valerian are all examples of good herbs that may go bad, taking over precious garden space and crowding out other perennials. It can be taken regularly to prevent Candida from spreading in the first place. {SO much prettier than store bought herbs!} Compartment gardening can be done by placing borders around your invasive herbs that are planted directly into the garden. Hopefully, you have fresh oregano at your beck and call. Even in the smallest of areas! Oregano oil has been in use for centuries as a potent natural treatment for a variety of conditions. You could also pull all the oregano leaves off the stem before drying, spread them across a baking sheet, and let them dry. Answer: Barriers are required to keep spreading herbs in bounds. Oregano is an aggressive plant that likes to spread and a bush of oregano can grow quite large if you allow it. You can divide oregano in spring and plant it in a separate pot. Feel free to harvest often to promote new growth, but avoid pruning more than one-third of the plant at a time. Freeze and keep in a location where it will not get crushed. The most invasive garden herbs Catnip: Catnip seeds will fall off the plant and plant themselves absolutely anywhere! Strip whole leaves from stems and place in plastic bag loosely without crushing, but remove all air. Oregano, a perennial herb, seasons spaghetti sauce and other Italian dishes. It’s an easy method! The worst spreading perennial herbs are mints of all kinds and oregano, another member of the mint family. Herbs that spread through underground runners should be planted in a raised planting bed. That would keep it from spreading in the garden. Cut leaves on a sunny morning. By using The Spruce Eats, you accept our, 5 Food Storage Mistakes to Stop Right Now, How to Convert Fresh to Dried Herb Measurements, Easy Raspberry Jam With Frozen or Fresh Berries, Greek Salad With Lettuce and Lemon Garlic Dressing. The edging must be buried fairly deeply, to keep your herbs from spreading. Oregano heracleoticum (Greek oregano): The variety usually used in Mediterranean cooking, this is the type most people associate with oregano flavor.Oregano onites is also sometimes listed as Greek oregano. To prevent herbs from getting overly large and invading the garden in this manner, prune them back regularly. Probably the most notorious of the herbs that spread is mint. What Is Mullein: Learn About Growing Mullein Uses And Disadvantages, What Is Comfrey: Information For Growing Comfrey Plants, Growing Pennyroyal: How To Grow Pennyroyal Herb, Holiday Garden Baskets: How To Make Christmas Hanging Baskets, Planting A Giving Garden: Food Bank Garden Ideas, Giving To Food Deserts – How To Donate To Food Deserts, Should I Prune Herbs: Which Herbs Need Pruning And When, What Are Woody Herbs – Common And Interesting Woody Herb Plants, Peppermint Benefits – How Is Peppermint Good For You, Moving A Lavender Plant – How To Transplant Lavender In The Garden, Recipes From The Garden: Pressure Cooking Root Vegetables, Gratitude For The Garden – Being Grateful For Each Growing Season, 7 Reasons To Do Your Garden Shopping Locally, Thankful Beyond Words – What Represents Gratefulness In My Garden. 12 of The Best Ways to Use Oregano. Once dried, seal tightly and store away from sunlight. Encourage fabulous leaf production by regularly feeding with a water-soluble plant food. OR Growing your own herbs is a joy for any foodie, but what happens when good herbs go bad? The key, then, is to prevent the rhizomes from spreading to begin with. Other herbs that become invasive through underground runners include oregano, pennyroyal, and even the easy-going thyme can run amok. Read more articles about General Herb Care. Fresh oregano can also be frozen. Purchased fresh oregano branches should be rich green in color and not the least bit limp. Plants that bloom are determined to reproduce themselves, and blooming herbs are no exception. It is helped when grown with basil. Tie a string around the trimmed area securely with a knot. For tender herbs, the best way to store them is to clip off the bottom of their stems, remove any wilted or brown leaves, and put them in a quart container, Mason jar … Place cuttings in a well protected area, and ensure the roots do not dry out. As with all dried herbs, dried oregano should be kept in a cool, dark place in a tightly-sealed container and used within 6 months for the freshest flavor. Suitable for containers. Keep soil consistently moist and water when the top inch becomes dry. Add oregano to eggs, cheeses, mushrooms, black beans, zucchini, potatoes, and eggplant. Hardy in cold climates provided plant is well-rooted and mulched. Fresh oregano must be used quickly. Compartment Gardening Invasive Herbs. Peggy Trowbridge Filippone is a writer who develops approachable recipes for home cooks. Oregano is a wonderful, aromatic herb that is native to the Mediterranean. You may also extend the shelf life of fresh oregano by storing whole stems with leaves in a glass of water with a plastic bag loosely tented over the glass. Unlike with other herbs, dried oregano is often preferred over the fresh herb. Greek oregano flowers in midsummer and Mexican oregano flowers mid-spring through early summer. Keep an eye on stems that grow beyond the edge of the container. The leaf is used to make medicine. Summer Harvest For the best flavor, harvest oregano when the flower buds have formed. Oregano is a must-have in a culinary garden. Oregano is a plant. Tie stems together and hang in a dry place away from the sun. You can create separate compartments for your invasive herbs using metal or plastic edging around them. Find more gardening information on Gardening Know How: Keep up to date with all that's happening in and around the garden. Here’s what you’ll need to do to dry your Oregano… Related: 15+ DIY Seasoning Recipes! To contain the mint, start by digging up the area you want to have the mint growing in. For herbs, an organic mulch of aged bark or shredded leaves lends a natural look to the bed and will improve the soil as it breaks down in time. Some forms of this herb happen to be particularly potent, so consider the following dos and don’ts of using it to get the best results. Oregano is a familiar herb that is easy to find. Controlling invasive herbs depends on how the invasions are occurring. Keep hardy herbs dry in the clamshells they’re sold in, or wrap in a damp paper towel and store in an open baggie in the fridge. Herbs that spread through underground runners should be planted in a raised planting bed. Fresh oregano can also be frozen. Growing oregano from cuttings is also an option, take cuttings from 3-5 inches long young stems of a healthy oregano plant. Whether it's homegrown or purchased, oregano should be stored in a plastic bag in the refrigerator for up to three days. That said, the area under and directly around the herbs may be safe from reseeding, but everything else from cracks in the walkway to the lawn is fair game. They spread by underground runners and some are so aggressive that they will take over a garden space in no time to noxious proportions. These herbs hold their foliage through winter and will gradually adjust to reduced light indoors. While it sounds like a lame play on a TV show title, controlling invasive herbs is sometimes a reality. Herbs that spread from the roots tend to spread both above and below the soil. Greek oregano is one of the most common types used in cooking. Cuban oregano makes a good container plant. To minimize reseeding as much as possible, also mulch heavily or lay down a weed barrier each year. Leaves: Use leaves to flavor tomato sauces, marinated vegetables, roasted peppers, pasta, pizza, and spaghetti. To prevent herbs from getting overly large and invading the garden in this manner, prune them back regularly. Mist spray the area to keep it moist as a heavy spray from a hosepipe may wash out the seeds. Oregano has a spreading root system and can also be propagated by cuttings. How to Dry Oregano Freeze and keep in a location where it … If you're picking oregano from a garden, let the morning dew evaporate before harvesting the herb. Its botanical name is: Origanum vulgare var. To keep your body well-hydrated, drink at least eight 8-ounce glasses of water each day. The flavor is just fabulous, too! Special Notes. Sign up to get all the latest gardening tips! If you place a slightly damp paper towel in the bag with the oregano and leave some air in the bag, it may extend the life up to one week. Before doing so, though, wash and dry the fresh oregano sprigs. Oil extracted from its leaves has a long history of medicinal uses. Layer another sheet of paper towels on top of the herbs, and that’s it! Its pungent, spicy, slightly bitter flavor pairs well with almost any vegetable preparation. If you decide to get lazy and allow seeds to form, it’s all over. Before doing so, though, wash and dry the fresh oregano sprigs. When cooking with dried oregano, rub the herb between your fingers just slightly. Herbs that spread through runners, suckers, or rhizomes and even herbs that become so large they’ve taken over more than their share of space are the ones to look out for. If desired, small plants can be potted up in fall and grown through winter indoors. Then there are the herbs that produce prodigious amounts of seeds as well. It is closely related to wild marjoram (Origanum marjorana), and the two sometimes get confused.There are many subspecies and different varieties of oregano. Acts as a repellent of aphids and provides ground cover and humidity for peppers if allowed to spread among the plants. It is thought to have originated in the mountainous regions of Greece, Turkey and Italy. Blocking rhizome spread. What herbs become invasive? Sign up for our newsletter. Keep plants well-watered during the growing season, especially during dry spells. If stored in water, hardy herbs can become waterlogged. Use frozen oregano within one year. The warmth of the hands will release its flavor. I think the Greeks got it right when they described oregano as “joy of the mountain.” This aromatic, ancient culinary herb, also referred to as “wild marjoram,” originates from the hilly, Greek countryside, and is now grown all over the world. Then picked a couple handfuls of fresh oregano and basil and spread them out on the paper towels. In the case of herbs like mint, which spread like wildfire via their underground rhizomes, grow the plant in a container. First place before using it again that ’ s what you ’ ll need to do when herbs become.! Off a plant ’ s favorites to the next level answer: Barriers are to... Gardening can be potted up in numerous savory dishes from that part of the mint family title, controlling herbs! 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