The Townshend Acts, named for Charles Townshend, were a series of laws that imposed new taxes on the American colonies in 1767. Townshend’s first act was to deal with the unruly New York Assembly, which had voted not to pay for supplies for the garrison of British soldiers that the Quartering Act required. In the interim Townshend had passed away unexpectedly the previous September and there is some debate about whether to include this act with the previous four under the Townshend Acts. The Townshend Acts were a series of laws passed by the British government on the American colonies in 1767. Answer: Initially passed on June 29, 1767, the Townshend Act constituted an attempt by the British government to consolidate fiscal and political power over the American colonies by placing import taxes on many of the British products bought by Americans, including lead, paper, paint, glass, and tea. The Revenue Act imposed duties on paint, paper, lead, glass and tea imported into the American colonies. The Townshend Acts were a series of five acts passed under the leadership of Charles Townshend, the chancellor of the Exchequer, meant to raise revenue and consolidate Parliament's power over Britain's colonies in America.. It also allowed customs officials to enter private … The table below shows revenue collected from the 1764 Sugar Act, 1765 Stamp Act and the 1767 Townshend Acts. Like the Stamp Act and the Intolerable Acts , the Townshend Acts helped lead to the American Revolution . The Townshend Acts were four laws, passed by the British Parliament in 1767, that angered colonists in North America . The Townshend Acts were passed between June 1767 and July 1768. Because the colonists were not represented in Parliament, they thought the passage of the acts was unfair. The fifth of the passed acts was the Vice Admiralty Court Act, although this passage did not come until July of 1768. The Townshend Acts were a string of laws that passed at the onset of 1767 by the Parliament of Great Britain that relates to the British colonies of North America.The act was named after the Chancellor of Exchequer Charles Townshend who drafted the proposal. Initially passed on June 29, 1767, the Townshend Act constituted an attempt by the British government to consolidate fiscal and political power over the … Charles Townshend, the chancellor of the Eschequer, proposed the series of measures in 1767. They placed new taxes and took away some freedoms from the colonists including the following: New taxes on imports of paper, paint, lead, glass, and tea.
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