The volume of water used by irrigated agriculture has been estimated to be between 51% and 63% of total water available. This report develops the hotspot approach, provides an application at the global scale, and presents a mitigation policy action plan. Water risk hotspots for agriculture: The case of the southwest United States OECD Food, Agriculture and Fisheries Papers, No. » Read the policy note summarising the findings of the report, » See also OECD country profiles on policies to manage agricultural groundwater use, Climate Change, Water and Agriculture: Towards Resilient Systems. Climate change is expected to increase the frequency and magnitude of extreme weather events, notably of droughts and floods to which the agriculture sector is particularly exposed. This book examines linking policies, farm management and water quality. no. Unfortunately, we do not hold information on water use. Furthermore the industrial sector is a major water polluter, as only up to 60 % (value based on data from eight countries… Policy solutions have been identified, but not always applied where needed nor implemented effectively. Sustainable management of water in agriculture is critical to increase agricultural production, ensure water can be shared with other users and maintain the environmental and social benefits of water systems. Here we see large variations geographically and by income level. But the competition for water is increasing and the costs of water pollution can be high. The analysis shows that exogenous factors and reform design features that may facilitate the adoption of reforms. Statistics Canada will also use the survey results to report on total water use by sector in Canada. And, not all of that land is ideally suited for farming, or is used to farm crops that need large quantities of water. There are however trade-offs between the effects of these factors on the reform’s ambition, effectiveness, efficiency, and flexibility. The Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) provides a wide range of datasets, information and reports. This report analyses the impacts of agriculture in OECD member countries on water, air, soil, biodiversity and other environmental themes. Nearly half of OECD member countries record that nutrient and pesticide concentrations in surface water and groundwater monitoring sites in agricultural areas exceed national drinking water recommended limits - which brings significant treatment costs for some countries. This report reviews the main linkages between climate change, water and agriculture as a means to identifying and discussing adaptation strategies for better use and conservation of water resources. Aquaculture water use is water associated with raising organisms that live in water—such as finfish and shellfish—for food, restoration, conservation, or sport. To understand the need for and effectiveness of water-saving mechanisms, it is necessary to understand how much water is in use. Indeed, drought and flood risks are likely to become a major policy concern as increasing population will increase the demand for food, feed, fibre, and energy, not to mention the competition for water resources, and urbanisation will increase the demand for flood protection and mitigation, raising the issue of the allocation of flood risks across sectors and areas. It aims to provide guidance to decision makers on choosing an appropriate mix of policies and market approaches to address the interaction between agriculture and water systems under climate change. More related OECD data, analysis and publications: For questions on OECD work on water use in agriculture, contact the Trade & Agriculture Directorate. Annual statistics about agriculture in the United Kingdom to 2018. This data will instead be incorporated into Water Account, Australia (cat. Worldwide, agriculture accounts for 70% of all water consumption, compared to 20% for industry and 10% for domestic use. 106 footprinting, water footprints of livestock supply chains, animal science, soil science, agriculture science, 107 hydrology, capacity development, and Life Cycle Assessment (LCA). Policy options can help mitigate these projected water risks, such as agricultural and urban water efficiency improvements, refined groundwater management, investment in water banks and recycled wastewater systems, and well-defined water transfers. This report analyses eight past water and agriculture policy changes in OECD countries with the aim to identify steps towards adopting and implementing such solutions effectively. for cooling purposes, for cleaning/washing as well as for employees’ use) and is either provided by a public supplier or self-supplied. This release previously used catalogue number 4618.0, Measuring natural disasters in the Australian economy, Gross Value of Irrigated Agricultural Production, Water Use on Australian Farms methodology, 2018-19 financial year, 8 million megalitres of water was used in agricultural production (down 24% from 2017-18), 7.2 million megalitres of water was applied to crops and pastures (down 26%), 2 million hectares of agricultural land was irrigated (down 15%), 21,900 farms applied water to their land (down 2%), 1.3 million megalitres for cotton (down 53%), 1 million megalitres for fruit and nuts (up 7%), 882,000 megalitres for sugar cane (down 13%), 1.5 million megalitres for pastures and cereals fed off (down 18%), 454,400 megalitres for pastures and cereals cut for hay (down 5%), 214,900 megalitres for pastures cut for silage (up 11%), 1.1 million hectares of agricultural land irrigated (down 26%), 4.4 million megalitres of water applied (down 35%), 1.2 million megalitres for cotton (down 51%), 803,000 megalitres for pastures and cereals crops used for grazing (down 36%), 769,000 megalitres for fruit and nuts (up 13%), $334 million of extra water was purchased on a temporary basis (up 66% from 2017-18), $104 million was purchased on a permanent basis (up 84%), $266 million was the total cost of annual irrigation charges (up 9%), 1.2 million megalitres of extra water was purchased on a temporary basis (down 30%), 114,000 megalitres of extra water was purchased on a permanent basis (down 7%), 2.7 million megalitres from irrigation channels or pipelines (down 31%), 2 million megalitres from rivers, creeks or lakes (down 33%), 2.3 million megalitres of groundwater (up 6%), 759,600 megalitres from on-farm dams or tanks (down 35%), 115,000 megalitres from recycled or reused water from off-farm sources (down 27%), 49,100 megalitres from town or reticulated mains supply (down 9%). UN-Water, through its web site (2011c), summarized how water is used worldwide: 70% of the world’s freshwater is used in agriculture, 22% by industry, and 8% for domestic use. Farming accounts for around 70% of water used in the world today and also contributes to water pollution from excess nutrients, pesticides and other pollutants. Irrigators need an authorised allocation to extract specified amounts of water from rivers or bores (groundwater) or from irrigation supply systems. During this time, annual water use by households and industry was between 16,000 and 19,700 GL, and households’ expenditure on distributed water grew from $4.3 billion to $5.3 billion. The discrepancies between the two sources of data namely, Livestock Census and State reports with regard to data on fishermen, fishing craft and gear should be reconciled by adoption of uniform concepts and definitions and review of these statistics at the … Supporting the report Environmental Performance of Agriculture in OECD Countries Since 1990, this database features statistics on the impact of agriculture on the quality and use of water in OECD member countries. To assist policy makers in addressing this challenge, OECD indicators and analysis contribute to formulating policy responses that will move agriculture towards the sustainable management of water. Of the additional irrigation water purchased during 2018-19: Australian farms used a total of 8 million megalitres of water taken from various sources including: Impacts of drought are evident in agricultural activity estimates for the 2018-19 reference year across a number of the ABS' agricultural collections, including Water Use on Australian Farms. Click the chart to magnify Many farming areas across Australia experienced drought throughout 2019, with New South Wales and Queensland particularly impacted. China's water use 2018, by type Drinking water: daily per capita consumption in Germany 1990-2018 Water in China: water use per GDP 2003-2013 … In the 2015 Environmental Accounts we included some data on water use and abstraction, relating to 2011. Agriculture is expected to face increasing water risks that will impact production, markets, trade and food security - risks that can be mitigated with targeted policy actions on water hotspots. A nation is considered water deficient if the per capita availability falls below 1700 cubic meters per person. Withdrawals for livestock use were an estimated 2,000 Mgal/d for 2015, less than 1 percent of total freshwater withdrawals. This chapter looks at the challenges and options facing policy makers. This report analyses trends in agriculture for the US Southwest region, one of the most water stressed and productive agricultural regions in the world expected to face further water shortages in the future due to climate change and continued growth. » Access the OECD.stat database on water-use and quality in OECD countries. It looks at recent trends and prospects for water pollution from agriculture and the implications of climate change. Southeast Asia’s exposure to increasingly frequent and intense weather-related disasters is a growing concern for agricultural producers of the region. » See also OECD Compendium of Agri-environmental Indicators (2013), Water Resources in Agriculture: Outlook and Policy Issues. There are 330 million acres of land used for agricultural purposes in the United States that produce an abundance of food and other products (2). Trends in Water Use and Quality Since 1990 (chapter from Environmental Performance of Agriculture in OECD Countries Since 1990) OECD agricultural water use rose by … Your information may also be used by Statistics Canada for other statistical and research purposes. Increased pressure from urbanisation, industrialisation and climate change will provide agriculture with more competition for water resources and climate change could affect water supply and agriculture through changes in the seasonal timing of rainfall and snow pack melt, as well as higher incidence and severity of floods and droughts.
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