%PDF-1.5 As opposed to previous generation structured packing design there are no sharp directional flow changes within the Raschig Super-Pak element. /ColorSpace /DeviceRGB Raschig Super Rings ® is a registered trademark of Raschig USA, Inc. Raschig Super-Pak® is a registered trademark of Raschig USA, Inc. �F�(��)(h�s^)�ḏ�.ܑ������W����v�����vǀ�#���ƥh�䯍�GI=Ox�5�/OVk�ȓo_�q�=rW� <9lJ�p$#��_?���^Z��u�(���=�4����M�[���[h,��F%ɬ=�I|(��ЯQ��k7�
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! Raschig Super-Pak(RSP) was developed based on the film theory applied to RSR which does not have a channel structure of conventional structured packings. Pall ring has a unique multiple-blade design, which relatively enlarges the internal surface area and promotes the fluid- … /Subtype /Image �� � } !1AQa"q2���#B��R��$3br� Liquid Distributors, Support Plates, Hold Down Plates Liquid, Collectors, Gas Distributors… more > Tray Technology . Metal Random Packings; Plastic Random Packings; Ceramic and Carbon Random Packings; Metal, Plastic and Ceramic Structured Packings; Special Grid Packings Mass Transfer Technology > Products > Structured Packings > Raschig Super-Pak, Metal: Raschig Super-Pak, Metal . The open structure of Raschig Super-Pak achieves excellent hydraulic and mass transfer efficiency characteristics. stream It comprises of a systematic sequence of smooth sinusoidal waves above and below the plain of the metal sheet. Our paper presents hydraulic, hydrodynamic and mass-transfer characteristics of the Raschig Super-Pak 250Y high-capacity structured packing measured under absorption conditions. Version 1A 5/23/2014 © 2014 by Raschig USA, Inc. Raschig Super-Pak is designed to allow free flow of vapor – liquid streams. Raschig Super-Ring® No. Raschig Super-Pak The new Raschig Super-Pak is a novel development in mass transfer technology because of its optimized surface design. *$( %2%(,-/0/#484.7*./.�� C /Length 11610 Conventional trays, high-capacity trays, customized designs... more > Biotechnology . Shell ConSep® Tray. Due to a unique proprietary structure with surface area (250m 2 /m 3 and 350m 2 /m 3), RSP should be most effective structured packing in the market. $4�%�&'()*56789:CDEFGHIJSTUVWXYZcdefghijstuvwxyz�������������������������������������������������������������������������� ? Raschig Super-Pak® Modern structured metal packing used in refineries, chemical and other industrial facilities. Koch-Glitsch INTALOX® ULTRA™ L, Random Packing. in absorption, desorption, extraction and rectification columns.
! Since than more sizes have been developed and tested. /Height 159 Mass transfer and mass separation products such as Jaeger Tri-Packs®, Raschig Super Rings® and other random packings, structured packings such as Raschig Super-Pak distillation trays, tower internals, mechanical and process designs. Sulzer Chemtech MVGT® Tray. %PDF-1.5 Raschig Super-Pak® 250. /BitsPerComponent 8 Raschig Super-Pak structured packing is fundamentally %���� Random Packing, Structured Packing, Support systems... more > Environmental Raschig Super-Pak is designed to allow free flow of vapor - liquid streams. It enables, to an extent never known before, great separation efficiency and high loading capacity while keeping the pressure drop extremely small. Raschig Super-Pak® Modern structured metal packing used in refineries, chemical and other industrial facilities. Raschig Super-Pak, Raschig-Pak,... more > Column Internals . Learn More 4th Generation Design Structured Metal Packing, 304 and 316 SS Standard Dura-Pac® Modern structured metal packing used in refineries, chemical and other industrial facilities. Contact Info ; Products . Raschig Super-Pak is designed to allow free flow of vapor - liquid streams. Raschig Super-Ring® No. �F�(��(��(4 RS�u-6�c���p+�. Specific area . Random Packings ; Structured Packings %&'()*456789:CDEFGHIJSTUVWXYZcdefghijstuvwxyz��������������������������������������������������������������������������� �� � w !1AQaq"2�B���� #3R�br� Abstract: Raschig Super-Pak is a novel development in structured packing product technology that is fundamentally different to the well known corrugated perforated or non-perforated, textured sheet metal structured packings. Available in stainless steel, carbon steel or other alloys are available. << Metal Random Packings; Plastic Random Packings; Ceramic and Carbon Random Packings; Metal, Plastic and Ceramic Structured Packings; Special Grid Packings Rectangular windows are designed on the raschig ring and the pall ring forms. Raschig Super-Ring 8 Raschig Super-Pak 9 High Capacity Trays 14 Specialty Trays 15 Special Design Features 16. Raschig Super-Pak 300 (RSP-300) is a novel development from Raschig GmbH compris- ing of a systematic sequence of smooth sinusoidal waves above and below the plain of the metal sheet that are arranged in rows at a 45 8 angle as shown in Figure 1. The Raschig Super-Pak is a new geometric packing design which through an innovative structure, has three major advantages over other high-performance packing: lower pressure drop, higher capacities, and better separation efficiency. /Width 156 stream More recently Raschig Super-Pak was introduced into the market based on excellent performance tests at FRI. ...................................................�� �" �� /Type /XObject ���� Adobe d �� C %���� Koch-Glitsch ULTRAY-FRAC® Tray. /Subtype /Image The paper will show the latest status of developments and will show industrial applications for this unique geometry. A traditionally strong, innovative team. /Filter /DCTDecode The development and investigation of new packing materials is a feasible way to enhance CO 2 … /Width 227 Raschig Super-Pak(RSP) was developed based on the film theory applied to RSR which does not have a channel structure of conventional structured packings. Due to a unique proprietary structure with surface area (250m 2 /m 3 and 350m 2 /m 3 ), RSP should be most effective structured packing in the market. /Height 263 Its surface ratio is higher than ceramic cylinders and balls by 30% and its ring shape has high mechanical stability.AceChemPack is the best manufacturer and supplier of ceramic raschig ring packings, and metal raschig rings for you. The RSP200X, as one of the latest generation of Raschig’s structured packings (Raschig Super-Pak, RSP), has been investigated for use in scrubbing columns operating at high liquid loads where it could be particularly well adapted. Shell ConSep® Tray. /Length 6270 6 0 obj *$( %2%(,-/0/#484.7*./.�� C ...................................................�� � �" �� It enables, to an extent never known before, great separation efficiency and high loading capacity while keeping the pressure drop extremely small. Raschig Jaeger Technologies – September 2006 In order to establish a new alliance in mass transfer business RASCHIG GmbH and its parent company Raschig Super-Ring Aspects involved in the design of modern packing elements Packing elements are successfully used in the chemical industry and related sectors, as well as in environmental protection installations, i.e. /BitsPerComponent 8 ���� Adobe d �� C Column Packing, Column Internals, Random Packing, Jaeger Tri-Packs, Raschig Super-Rings,Metal Random Packing, Low Profile Rings, Rings and Saddles, Ceramic Saddles, Mass Transfer Engineering, Column Internals Liquid Distributors, Packing Supports, Metal Feed Pipes, Metal Structured Packing, Jaeger Metal Max-Pak, Ceramic Structured Packing, Trays, Mist Eliminators, Column Design and … 0.3. Size. The measurements were performed in the absorption column of inner diameter of 0.29 m using proven aqueous test systems.
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