It may help relieve skin irritation As you can see, the original marshmallow was much more than mere sweet candy treat. Nevertheless, people have used it for centuries with no ill effects on the heart, so you too can benefit from this. The marshmallow treat we’re familiar with today was originally made from marshmallow … There are very few ingredients in marshmallows, and the largest ingredient is sugar. Heartburn: One of the most common conditions affecting people today is heartburn, a generic umbrella term that relates to pain and discomfort typically after eating. Marshmallow root is very effective at suppressing cough of a dry and irritating nature, being frequently added to natural cough remedies. Michael Jessimy range of expertise encompasses pharmaceutical and medical writing, White Paper production, as well as Fitness and Bodybuilding consultation. The mucilage from this root coats the throat, thus soothing irritation and soreness. The marshmallow plant is used in traditional herbal medicine for several conditions, including sore throat, cough, and ulcers. A different clinical trial explored the use of marshmallow extract for cough associated with ACE inhibitors, a blood pressure medication that can cause dry cough as a side effect [7]. Marshmallow root benefits. Our science team is put through the strictest vetting process in the health industry and we often reject applicants who have written articles for many of the largest health websites that are deemed trustworthy. A 2015 study found that marshmallow flower extract could help protect the gut from gastric ulcers. In 2011, research found that marshmallow flower extract showed potential benefits in the treatment of gastric ulcers in rats. Marshmallow root or Althea officinalis is a polycrest herb and is also known as a white mallow herb. It is known binomially as Althaea officinalis, though there are a few different varieties of the actual marshmallow family. Your email address will not be published. These are the marshmallow plant's active ingredients: 1. The marshmallow treat used to be made from the marshmallow plant, although today’s marshmallow treats no longer contain any trace of the plant. According to research, marshmallow root may be an effective treatment for other digestive disorders, such as leaky gut syndrome. Marshmallow root tea benefits are thought to include minimizing this pain and discomfort, likely due to the many digestive benefits of the herb. Any mention in this website of a specific product or service, or recommendation, does not represent an endorsement of that product, or service, or expert advice. Researchers tested the … Animal studies show that marshmallow extract may have potent anti-inflammatory effects. In addition to applying it locally to the hair, consuming it also helps to fortify these benefits. Polysaccharides can be seen in varying degrees in other members of the mallow family, such as okra and hibiscus, and have a numb… But there’s an actual marshmallow plant (aka Althea Officinalis or the Althaea plant) which has many noteworthy health benefits. Everything You Need to Know About Marshmallow Root 1. Its primary functions are to soothe, to quiet, and to let the body know that “everything is going to be alright.” The primary driver behind many of these actions are its abundance of polysaccharides. Read on to learn what research has revealed about the marshmallow plant and its potential health benefits. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); 10 Amazing Benefits & Uses Of Marshmallow. Common Colds. Marshmallow is not the candy that you know and love. 7.21.14 Marshmallow root sounds funny and most would immediately think of the fluffy white sweet treat that many of us have had during a campfire. Remember to speak with a doctor before taking marshmallow. Marshmallow root comes from the marshmallow plant and is edible, along with its leaves and flowers. The most noteworthy part of the marshmallow plant is its root where most of its healing properties come from thanks to its mucilage, which is a thick substance that ensures the effectiveness of this plant's main medicinal properties. Regulations set manufacturing standards for marshmallow supplements, but that does not guarantee that it is safe or effective. Ever try supplements that don’t seem to work? Marshmallow may also lower blood glucose, which could cause blood glucose levels to become too low when taken with diabetes medications. Our team comprises of trained MDs, PhDs, pharmacists, qualified scientists, and certified health and wellness specialists. Are marshmallows healthy? SelfHacked © 2013 – 2020 All Rights Reserved, Ever try supplements that don’t seem to work? As a kid, he suffered from inflammation, brain fog, fatigue, digestive problems, anxiety, depression, and other issues that were poorly understood in both conventional and alternative medicine. If you feel that any of our content is inaccurate, out-of-date, or otherwise questionable, please leave a comment or contact us at [email protected]. Rather, it is the name of the plant, with the root resembling a brown husky fiber. This can help relieve cough and cold and other respiratory ailments, including a sore throat (2). 10. The flowers may also be ingested for enhanced healing actions. Use of marshmallow flowers can actually help support the health of your heart via numerous mechanisms, including reducing the likelihood of clots forming, decreasing the impact of inflammation along blood vessel walls and also positively impacting HDL cholesterol levels – a good indicator of overall heart health. Few studies have examined the benefits of marshmallow in humans, more clinical trials are needed to fully evaluate the safety and effectiveness of this herbal remedy. The use of marshmallow root can benefit your skin in many ways, ranging from its excellent moisturizing properties that help hydrate and keep moisture within skin cells, to the more recently discovered ability to filter dangerous UVB rays damage skin cells and accelerated aging. You may have seen hair care products containing marshmallow root as an ingredient, but are unsure exactly what it does. The marshmallow plant may reduce the risk of gastric ulcers. Hailed as one of nature’s most effective cough remedies, Marshmallow root is a mucilage rich herb with “antitussive” (cough suppressant) properties. This tea is an extraordinary natural source of Vitamin A, vitamin C, and numerous B vitamins..,,,, 11 Impressive Health Benefits of Figs (Anjeer). Cell and animal studies demonstrate that marshmallow extracts may have antibacterial and antiviral properties. Did you know that marshmallows are good for you? If you rely on prescription or NSAID painkillers to manage other comorbidities, it may be worth a discussion which your physician to see if using a product containing marshmallow might be suitable for you. Marshmallow leaf is used topically as a poultice for insect bites. In addition to the root, the flowers and leaves of the plant are also edible. Health Benefits of Marshmallow Root. A plus sign next to the number “[1+, 2+, etc...]” means that the information is found within the full scientific study rather than the abstract. The Marshmallow plant, especially the leaves and roots, contains polysaccharides that have antitussive, mucilaginous, and antibacterial properties. The leaves of marshmallow are diuretic and expectorant, and are used to soothe the urinary tract and relieve lung dryness. 4 Benefits of Marshmallow Beds for Pets If you have a furry friend, such as a cat, you may be looking for ways to treat it the best way possible. Extracts from the marshmallow flower are shown to help in promoting the production of good cholesterol, which in turn benefits heart health in general. Natural Food Series is a part of Blackcedar Media Limited. The marshmallow plant contains several compounds that have significant biological activity, including [1]: The biological activity of these compounds may, in part, be responsible for the health benefits of marshmallow. However, it is also used to treat dry and chapped skin. Mathew is a licensed pharmacist with clinical experience in oncology, infectious disease, and diabetes management. Extracts made of marshmallow root or flower could actually help promote healing of these ulcers, as the mucilage coats the wall of the stomach and buffers effect of acid erosion on it. Our goal is to not have a single piece of inaccurate information on this website. There is evidence that certain compounds inside marshmallow (including polysaccharides and flavonoids) have anti-inflammatory effects [4, 2]. One clinical trial including 171 patients found that a topical paste containing marshmallow extract may improve healing in those with cutaneous leishmaniasis, a skin condition caused by parasites [8]. The antitussive properties help reduce dry coughing and prev… Marshmallow compounds may also form a protective layer on the lining of the throat, which may prevent irritation of the throat [1]. We are dedicated to providing the most scientifically valid, unbiased, and comprehensive information on any given topic. There is some evidence to support its purported health benefits, but human studies are lacking. Hair Care. The study, which included 40 women, found that a compress with marshmallow extract powder may reduce the severity of breast engorgement [10]. However, there are ways to include marshmallows in a healthy diet. Marshmallow forms a protective layer on the skin and lining of the digestive tract. dry mouth and low saliva production. Marshmallow is not approved by the FDA for medical use. is a clickable link to peer-reviewed scientific studies. They are continually monitored by our internal peer-review process and if we see anyone making material science errors, we don't let them write for us again. Marshmallow is LIKELY SAFE for most people when taken by mouth. For example, mucilage polysaccharides have demonstrated potent cough-suppressing properties in animal studies [4]. In addition to forming a safe coating over the site of injury, marshmallow also possesses antibacterial properties this allows skin to rapidly heal without threat of further complications arising. This means that the plant acts as a fiber, swelling when it is mixed with water. In foods, marshmallow leaf and root are used as a … Marshmallow root is applied to the skin as an ingredient in ointments for chapped skin as well as for pain and swelling of the feet and hands due to exposure to the cold (chilblains). Additionally, cell studies suggest that marshmallow extract may protect skin cells from UV damage [9]. Its potent anti-inflammatory properties are also useful in management of irritable bowel syndrome and Crohn’s disease, which are also associated with a higher than normal likelihood of leaky gut syndrome developing. Marshmallow root tea is a mild herbal tea brewed with the root of the marshmallow plant, scientifically known as Althaea officinalis. SelfHacked has the strictest sourcing guidelines in the health industry and we almost exclusively link to medically peer-reviewed studies, usually on PubMed. Health Benefits 1. As already mentioned, it can be used to treat burn wounds. Advertisement. According to some scientists, certain compounds inside marshmallow may interact with serotonin receptors, which play a role in the body’s cough reflex [1]. Marshmallow is an aromatic perennial herb that can grow up to 4 feet high 2. Topical products made from marshmallow can also help speed up the healing of wounds, by protecting damaged areas from bacterial infection. Below is a summary of the existing animal and cell-based research, which should guide further investigational efforts. 10 Amazing Benefits & Uses Of Marshmallows 1. It should never be used as a replacement for approved medical therapies. It is believed that kidney stones are more likely to develop in people that retain a full bladder for long periods of time. However, more research is necessary to expand on these findings. It was used in ancient Greek and Indian cultures for its healing properties. The medicinal and healing properties of marshmallow root come from the mucilage, a sap-like substance it produces. Did you know? While not technically sunscreen, it can help support the health of your skin if you frequently spend excessive amounts of time outdoors. In the following sections, we’ll discuss the common forms and dosages of marshmallow that are commercially available. It may help treat coughs and colds He is a specialist fitness writer that can easily craft pieces which are both informative and easy to read. Information is shared for educational purposes only. In addition, adding marshmallows to certain foods might help you to boost your intake of healthy vegetables. No clinical evidence supports the use of marshmallow for any of the conditions listed in this section. Known for its medicinal applications since antiquity, this herbal tea has remained popular in the regions where it grows, including Europe, North America, and North Africa, as well as other parts of the globe. Marshmallow root can help support the structural integrity of the protective lining along the digestive tract, reducing the likelihood of material leaking out. There is some evidence that marshmallow may impair the body’s ability to excrete lithium, potentially leading to a dangerous buildup of the medication. For instance, one study of 822 patients with dry cough due to throat irritation found that marshmallow lozenges and syrup helped improve cough symptoms within 10 minutes [1, 5]. A different study looking at rabbits suggests that marshmallow extract may have anti-inflammatory effects comparable to dexamethasone, a steroid medication commonly used to treat inflammation [11]. Marshmallow is available in a number of forms, including dried roots, dried leaves, a macerate (soaked in liquid), syrup, and lozenges. Fights Bacterial Infections. It is believed that the mucilage forming property of the root coats the throat and esophagus, easing discomfort and irritation as it passes by. There are even preparations made which combine marshmallow root with soothing herbs such as chamomile that are very effective for nocturnal coughs, and may even help confer some degree of resistance to frequent respiratory tract infections in children. Below are 10 health benefits of marshmallow root. These become slippery and slimy when mixed with water, and have the ability to coat and protect tissues that they come into contact with. Marshmallow is generally regarded as safe when consumed in appropriate amounts. Health benefits of Marshmallow Around the world, marshmallow root is used to treat illnesses and disorders, including: dry coughs and colds. Removal of excess fluid from the body can also contribute to management of blood pressure, as blood volume is intricately tied into blood pressure. Not to be confused with the sweet confectionery treat, the marshmallow plant (Althaea officinalis) has been used as traditional herbal medicine since ancient times [1]. Gastric ulcers are extremely common and a source of tremendous pain if left untreated. When you hear the word “marshmallow” you likely think of the sweet, fluffy confection. You must consult your doctor before acting on any content on this website, especially if you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication, or have a medical condition. People respond differently to diets and supplements because everyone has unique DNA. It also provides minerals including magnesium, iron, manganese, phosphorus, potassium, and zinc. Some researchers suggest that one way marshmallow extract may reduce inflammation is by forming a protective layer on the lining of the throat and gut, which can shield these tissues from irritation [1]. Coughs/Colds/Sore Throats. Because of this, marshmallow has a soothing effect on inflamed membranes in the mouth and throat when ingested orally, specifically a sore throat. Required fields are marked *. If you are watching your weight, eating a marshmallow is a quick and easy way to satisfy your sweet tooth that won't do too much damage to your waistline. Our website services, content, and products are for informational purposes only. For this reason, many savvy Thanksgiving c… It helps by behaving as a diuretic It is important to know that initially marshmallow candy was actually made from the mucilage like compound obtained from the roots, although today most commercially made marshmallow is simply a mixture of gelatin and sugar. A clinical study examined the effects of marshmallow in lactating women suffering from breast engorgement, a painful condition where the breasts are overfilled with milk [10]. The drug interactions of marshmallow are not well researched and there may be more potential interactions beyond the ones discussed here. Marshmallow extracts are also sometimes used topically on the skin. For example, marshmallows are a low-calorie, nearly fat-free food. The anti-inflammatory effect of … All of our content is written by scientists and people with a strong science background. Summed up by one word, no. Diuretics help to cleanse the kidney and bladder of toxins and relieve water retention. It grows mostly in the northeastern part of North America, as well as Asia and Western Europe in moist soil. The following purported benefits of marshmallow are only supported by limited, low-quality clinical studies. As it turns out, the mucilage found in marshmallow it functions as an effective detangler, and also conditions hair to enhance its moisture content and overall condition. The marshmallow treat used to be made from the marshmallow plant, although today’s marshmallow treats no longer contain any trace of the plant. In modern time, it comes with reasons because marshmallow root contains certain compounds like antitussive that could help in decreasing the irritation occurs in the throat. Animal And Cell Research (Lacking Evidence). Michael is a certified medical write and a qualified pharmacist that makes medical writing easily understandable by the general population. 7 Benefits of Marshmallow Root. More clinical research is needed to fully evaluate the potential health benefits of the marshmallow plant. Avoid Illness By Using the Best Supplements For Your Body. … On the other hand, there are also people with medical conditions that make it difficult to regularly get rid of excess fluid. Benefits of Marshmallow Root Benefits of Marshmallow Root BY Sabrina Perkins . Healing properties Marshmallow extract may reduce the intensity and frequency of dry cough. Perhaps the most significant benefit of marshmallow is its natural ‘mucilage’ properties. In such cases, use of marshmallow may be helpful for its diuretic properties. Helps Promote Healing Of Gastric Ulcers. Since ancient time, marshmallow root has been well known for its benefit as home remedy for sore throat. Marshmallow is well tolerated when taken in appropriate doses. In some people, it might cause low blood sugar levels.. Marshmallow is POSSIBLY SAFE when applied directly to the skin.. Special Precautions & Warnings: Pregnancy and breast-feeding: Not enough is known about the use of marshmallow during pregnancy and breast-feeding.Stay on the safe side and avoid use. Learn how your comment data is processed. Extracts from the roots, leaves, and flowers of the plant have several purported benefits and are used to treat various ailments, such as sore throat, cough, and ulcers [ 1 ]. Two studies performed in rats suggest that marshmallow extract may help protect against stomach ulcers caused by indomethacin, an NSAID drug used to treat pain [13, 14]. This herbal tea certainly offers a pleasant flavor but is just one of the many positive features. We implore you to get your hands on some issues see the benefits for yourself. Benefits of Marshmallow Root Skin Care. In another study looking at 313 children, a marshmallow extract syrup reduced the intensity and frequency of dry coughing associated with throat irritation [1, 6]. One rat study examined the effects of a marshmallow extract liquid solution and found that the extract significantly reduced chronic and acute inflammation [2]. Marshmallow Health Benefits. Out of 60 patients with ACEI-related cough, researchers found that patients who took marshmallow had less severe coughing compared to the placebo group [7]. When taken orally, marshmallow root has antitussive properties that soothe a sore throat and coughing, reduce swollen lymph nodes, and reduce healing time. Marshmallows Benefits for Skin: Marshmallow is a wonder herb when it comes to its application and use for human skin. It’s very fibrous, thus adding bulk to stool, and its mucilaginous properties add a “gel-like” substance to the stool to make it easier to pass. One cup of marshmallows, or 50 grams contains 14% of your daily value of carbohydrates. By using our website you agree to our use of cookies. He has a passion for personalized patient care and believes that education is essential to living a healthy life. According to some researchers, marshmallow may help protect against ulcers because of its antioxidant and histamine blocking properties [13]. bronchitis and tonsillitis. Marshmallow root is very effective at suppressing cough of a dry and irritating nature, being... 2. Marshmallow Root is an herb that has been around for centuries. Mountain Rose Herbs details some of the many uses: The plant was originally native to parts of Europe, North Africa and West Asia, although today it is also cultivated in other parts of the world. Let’s start with the big question, shall we? Traditionally, the dried parts of the marshmallow plant are used to make tea. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Marshmallow is equal parts healer and comforter. 7. There is insufficient evidence to determine if it is safe to use during pregnancy or breastfeeding [15]. No side effects were reported in clinical trials, although more research is needed to fully evaluate its safety. Getting the Benefits of Marshmallow Root. How exactly does the marshmallow plant help suppress coughing? Marshmallow is most commonly used to ease sore throats and dry coughs. People respond differently to diets and supplements because everyone has unique DNA. The marshmallow plant is most known for lending its name to the sweet confectionery treat. Join SelfHacked today and start the journey of improving your life. By frequently flushing liquid from the kidneys, the likelihood of sedimentation occurring is reduced. The Health Benefits of Marshmallow Tea. Today, the marshmallow herb holds a special place in the wellness industry because of its range of medicinal uses. SelfDecode provides recommendations that are. The information on this website has not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration or any other medical body. Marshmallow Benefits. Clinical studies suggest that marshmallow plant extracts may reduce the severity and duration of cough [1]. In this article, we look at the many benefits of marshmallow root and how using it can benefit your health too. We do not aim to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any illness or disease. Benefits of Marshmallow Root. Benefits Marshmallow root provides a number of purported benefits, which include reducing inflammation associated with asthma, sore throat, bronchitis or cough, skin irritation, stomach ulcers or inflammatory bowel diseases, according to the University of Michigan Health System 1 3. When used topically on the skin, marshmallow is considered possibly safe. Marshmallow root is available in many different forms. However, the studies listed below should not be interpreted as supportive of any health benefit. Marshmallows are a processed food that provides little to no health benefits. Speak with your doctor before supplementing. based on YOUR genes to help you stay healthy and avoid infections from viruses like COVID-19! If you feel symptoms of tonsillitis, bronchitis, a urinary tract or respiratory... 3. Information on this website does not constitute a medical consultation or a prescription. Based on studies done in animals and cells, extracts from the marshmallow plant may have activity against certain types of bacteria and viruses, including [3, 12]: However, no clinical trials have been performed, so it’s impossible to say if marshmallow extract would have any effect on infections in humans. Mathew received his PharmD from the University of Hawaii and an undergraduate degree in Biology from the University of Washington. Our science team must pass long technical science tests, difficult logical reasoning and reading comprehension tests. The majority of people rely on antacid products that merely neutralize some amount of acid, but never really achieve healing of ulcers. The antitussive and mucilage properties of marshmallow root decrease throat irritation and reduce swelling of the lymph nodes. Align your health hacks with your genes for optimal health & cognitive function. Michael Jessimy is a Reg. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. According to research, the compounds inside marshmallow may indeed have antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, and cough-suppressing properties [1, 2, 3]. Marshmallows are not healthy for you. This makes marshmallow exceptionally good at helping to treat wounds, as its ability to speed up healing and also reduce pain and very useful traits. Preliminary studies conducted on animals have yielded favorable results, but of course until more human studies are done it will not be definitively announced that it helps to support heart health. The flowers are or seeds from the marshmallow plant are very effective as mild natural laxatives, helping to stimulate bowel movements in people that are otherwise resistant to regularity. bacterial infections including bladder infections, urinary tract infections and respiratory infections. Marshmallow can also have a diuretic effect, which means that it helps the body to flush out excess fluid. This website uses cookies to ensure you get the best experience. Generally speaking, doses equivalent to 2-15 g daily have been used for cough and throat irritation [1]. Selfhacked LLC does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. The marshmallow root is used to reduce dry cough. For anyone suffering from a sore throat, cough or cold, marshmallow root can be taken orally... 2. There is insufficient evidence to support the use of marshmallow for any of the uses listed below. Treats Coughs and Colds. Clinical trials have used marshmallow extract for up to 4 weeks without any major reported safety concerns [1]. … If you decide to take marshmallow (or any other supplement) let your doctor know as there may be unexpected and potentially dangerous interactions with your other medications or health conditions. The slippery qualities help to form a thick, protective coating around the membranes. The marshmallow plant has long been used as a traditional herbal medicine for various ailments. A different rat study also found that marshmallow flower extract may reduce ulcers, as well as lower chronic and acute inflammation [2]. However, this plant has long been used as a medicinal herb for the treatment of various health conditions, such as sore throat and cough. SelfDecode provides recommendations that are personalized based on YOUR genes to help you stay healthy and avoid infections from viruses like COVID-19! His goal is to motivate individuals to find ways to manage their chronic conditions. The ability of its mucilage to hold water also helps, making it very useful for people that grapple with chronic constipation. Note that each number in parentheses [1, 2, 3, etc.] Etizolam: Potential Uses, Mechanisms, and Medical Controversies, 4 Butterbur Benefits (Migraines, Allergies) + Side Effects, Dandelion Benefits (Root, Tea, Greens) + Future Research, Studies are based on different formulations. Gastric ulcers are extremely common and a source of tremendous pain if left... 3. For diarrhea, Dr. Christopher recommends boiling marshmallow root in soy milk and then drinking it … No side effects have been reported in clinical trials. for health problems. Some research suggests that taking marshmallow root by mouth for 4 weeks can help relieve coughs caused by ACE inhibitors, drugs used to treat high blood pressure. There is some evidence that marshmallow may disrupt the blood’s ability to clot [15]. Pharmacist, Bodybuilder, Nutrition Consultant, Fitness Pro. joint pain caused by swelling. Marshmallow root also acts as an enzyme by loosening mucus and reducing bacteria. Joe Cohen won the genetic lottery of bad genes. Well, not technically the marshmallows we have become accustomed to these days, but marshmallow root, the original source of the candies we have come to know. Health benefits of marshmallow root include reducing inflammation, healing of wounds, and relieving pain. Marshmallow is generally recognized as safe by the FDA when consumed in amounts commonly found in foods [15].
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